
What comes after the beginning ?

I head back to my apartment my hoe neighbor is outside her door crying naked. I stop and bend down to get at her level, she looks up at me and I see her bite her lip, like most girls do, but like usual the hot guys get the hoes, the cheaters, and the liars and most hot guys take whatever they can get just to get any sort of sex, now I cant say I don't do the same but I do it for different reasons I do it to cover up the pain. I comeback into reality where I see her rubbing my cock over my jeans I can feel myself getting horny my one of two emotions horny and depressed.

I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist, im opening my door while she begins to take off my shirt and unzip my pants. I get in and drop my stuff on the floor finishing what she started in the hall... undressing. She walks backwards knowing exactly where my bed is and falls backwards spreading her legs wide open, I begin walking towards her I see her start to rub herself intensely back and forth in and out she is wet moaning bitting her lip and rolling her eyes to the back if her head, everything a normal girl does. I'm used to it bored of it you could say.

            I quickly start walking towards one of my many drawers of Sex, I look at the condoms but my eyes keep moving throughout all the kinky shit and the sex toys my eyes stop at the whip and the handcuffs, as I go to pick them up my brain tells me to leave the whip, I pick up the handcuffs and put them behind my back. As she notices im walking towards her again she opens her eyes "close your eyes" I tell her, and she does as I command. I pulled her up off the bed and began heading towards the shower.

I turn on the shower. Her hands down by her sides I begin to bring them up while slowly gliding my hand over every inch of her body I feel her nipples getting harder under my touch, when her wrist find each other over her body I take the hand cuffs and lock them to the pole of the shower door. She looks up and then back down to me, she grabs onto the pole and pulls herself up wrapping her legs around my waist bringing me closer to her body. I start kissing her mouth and slowly go down her legs sliding up my back, my mouth going down her neck and body. I stop when I get to her pussy, I'm holding her legs on my shoulder and her clit against my tongue, my tongue glides in and around her.

Her moans echoing around the shower off the tiles just to be stopped by the water running dripping down her body and mine. I remove my head from between her legs licking my lips when u do. I lift my arm from the glass door down to her, bringing my thumb to her opening slowly teasing her by sliding up and down. I decide to mend to her needs by inserting my thumb and an extra two fingers, for her wet loose pussy pushing in and out.

I stop, and put her down. She is cuming hard when I do, and she pouts, and I tell her "stop being a little bitch and suck me hard ", im not hard I've had a lot of girls just for fun but never really for desire or love, its always the same feeling never anything new or special or enjoying. I look down and realize she is still there handcuffed, but still sucking on me I thrust a little to help manage with the pain I see its causing her to be in that position.

A sudden dark feeling gets over me a need for more blood and pain. I push her head hard against the glass and turn off the water, she looks up at me "I'll be right back" I tell her and she nods. I get up and head to my art room... yes I am an artist for fun. I open the doors and my eyes immediately turn to look at my clay section and see something that satisfies my eye, the clay cutter I pick it up and head to the bathroom where I pick up a pair of electric razors. I turn around and stop to think before heading back to the bathroom.