

I bring her arms out to the side and secure her legs under mine, I grab another piece of ice from the cup and put it into my mouth. Bringing my mouth down I place it over her right wrist holding the ice between my tongue and top lip I glide down her arm to the next and back to her collar bone I'm going down until I'm in between her breasts I bring my mouth over to her left side the ice between my lips melting as it touches her warm skin leaving  drops of water that roll down. I place another piece of ice in the middle of her chest and suck the droplets of water from the previous ice, I dip my tongue into the puddle of ice that melted slowly bringing it over each nipple down her stomach and to her clit. I bring her arms under her back and my head stays in between her legs, with my tongue I roughly lick her pussy clean I feel a rush of blood to my dick and I flip her over I get up to grab rope and I come back I tie both her hands together to the metal bed rail. With her hands attached to the bed and her face facing the bed I spread her legs open and grab onto the front of her thighs. And grabbing my dick I quickly put on a condom and I slowly but surely fill her. Starting out slow I push in and out of her just to tease her and I feel her itch for more as she backs up on me flexing her hips.

I decide for both our sakes to pick up the pace, I forcefully thrust into her and she grabs the pole in front of her attached to the bed, and then grabbing ahold of the hair by her scalp and grazing from her earlobe down her neck with my teeth biting on the skin right before her shoulder. Deep throated moans come from her lungs as I begin to slap her ass harder and harder, as it gets redder its sending both of us into a burst of release and pleasure. 

                     Untying her I turn off all the lights I head to the large window in my apartment staring out into the city, I sigh. I lay in bed just staring at ceiling and look at her uneasily, thinking to myself this is the first time I have slept with anyone since...

                  I open my eyes and Im back there, in that room, on that bed, I look up then down to my hands then my feet, they're smaller and they are tied against the bed but still I try wriggling them free. I start to scream for help when a women walks through the door and immediately I recognize her. My little feet and hands thrash in horror remember those nights after he left her. She walks up to me and I see the razors in her hand and the big black box. She sits on the edge of the bed and places down the box, turning on the razor she pins my head down and shaves off my hair, brushing off the little fuzzes of hair she opens the box and reaches her hand into the box. Pulling out a short straight blond wig and slipping it onto my head the wipes away my tears caressing my cheek with her cold hand, and I almost lean in until she smacks me hard across the cheek screaming she says,

  "Why were you never good enough for him, he left because you weren't good enough and I'll make you good enough and he will come back and we'll all be happy again." As a smile crosses her face. She reaches back into the box and she takes out a white little tin and inside the tin there is a white powder she lays across my bare chest, she brings her face down sniffing in the powder and she reaches back in laying the powder thickly on my face. And I cough she closes my eyes with her hand and I hear her keep reaching in and out of the box as puts more and more powders on.

   "Open," she says. And I open my eyes in front of me there is a mirror and a person I don't recognize but often saw. She starts to unlock the chains and as soon as she does I dash for the  door I'm running down the hall and I hear her footsteps behind me, I turn around to take one last good look at her before I head out the door.

                But then I look in front of me and there is black but still I feel someone on me pinning my hands down with only one feeling its a women by her soft smooth skin. As soon as she starts to undress me I know who it is, the women who took me in as a result of my crack head mom. Every night I tried, I tried to leave, I tried get out, I tried to stop her, and I tried to fight her but every night she beat me she won. Still knowing I couldn't stop her I tried to fight off what was going to happen. What I feared every day as night came since the first time it happened, she reaches her hand down into my pants I don't even have to see to feel the smile on her face, and I tune everything out including myself. This kept happening for years until I was strong enough to stop her at 15 and I ran away. I'm there on the bed but something is different as soon as I realize its Kate she is frantically shaking me and calling my name. I harshly sit up I'm dripping in sweat  I look at the clock to the side and it says 3:00 am Kate has her hand on my chest and my breathing and my heart beat starts to slow down. Relief comes in.

"Are you..." she starts to say before I cut her off roughly saying,

"I'm fine."

And I lay back down just staring out the window till morning comes.