
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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Returning to the base via helicopter, Alice stepped out, her senses heightened after the thorough disinfection protocol. She sought out Varion, her curiosity piqued by the developments.

"Varion, it's been a while," she greeted him as she approached.

Varion, youthful and smiling, met her gaze. Alice found herself momentarily speechless at the sight of him.

"Hello, Dr. Varion. I must admit, I'm intrigued. Leading a base at your age? And the R-1 agent development—it sounds almost too good to be true."

"Age? I did mention I'm only 14, right?" Varion's playful tone belied the gravity of his words.

The incredulous expressions on the faces around them mirrored Alice's own disbelief. How could someone so young command a base? Wasn't he supposed to be in school?

"You don't believe it? Well, that's your opinion," Varion shrugged. "But really, it's just a little sleight of hand. I leverage their resources and offer something in return. Sure, I might lose a few R-1 potions, but what I gain is a base and endless resources. It's a win-win, wouldn't you say?"

Alice couldn't help but question further. "But why involve us? Surely you don't need us for the future of mankind."

Varion leaned in, his demeanor serious. "Actually, I hadn't anticipated Wesker's attention so soon. It just so happens I still have unfinished business. Your arrival presents an opportunity—a better path forward, I believe, for all of us."

"So, you want us to handle Wesker?" Alice's voice betrayed a mix of incredulity and apprehension.

Varion shook his head. "Not exactly."

Jill, on the verge of disbelief, interjected, "What on earth do you mean? Are you finding this amusing?"

Varion's expression turned somber. "Wesker is merely a pawn. Killing him might seem simple, but it would set off a chain reaction, potentially making matters worse. It's not just Wesker you'd be dealing with; it's Umbrella itself."

"Wesker's a clone. Once he kicks the bucket, his original body pops up, and trust me, that's a Pandora's box we don't want to open," Alice explained, a hint of concern in her voice.

She gestured emphatically. "You're telling me I'm supposed to take on some behemoth of an organization? With what? My charm? Or brute force?" Alice stopped just short of pointing directly at her chest, avoiding a potentially painful encounter with Varion's face. The last thing she needed was a broken hand; there was no padding there.

"You've seen Isaac's setup. He's churning out Alice clones left and right, and you know the raw power we're talking about here. Once that kind of firepower hits the stage, even Umbrella's bound to get a migraine."

"It's not enough," Alice shook her head decisively.

"We're flying blind here, and the moment we step outside, Umbrella's onto us. They'll scoop us up, toss us in a cell, and throw away the key. We're sitting ducks."

Snap! Varion's fingers cracked, and like magic, Mousse materialized.

"Don't sweat it, Mousse is your guy for intel. Trust me, he's got the lowdown on pretty much every Umbrella base. But right now, your main mission? Find that antidote for the T-virus. Without it, you're just spinning your wheels."

Alice fixed Varion with a piercing stare. "And what's in it for you? How do I know you're not just another Umbrella lackey?"

"I only joined Umbrella for the research, I swear. You can think of me as a crusader for global harmony!"

"Bull," Alice scoffed. World peace? Seriously?

"I'm dead serious," Varion insisted, his expression earnest.

He nodded towards the box in Andre's grasp. "That's the R-1 potion. And guess what? We've got the R-2 ready and waiting for you. I have a feeling you'll like what it can do."

R-2? Carlos furrowed his brow. When did they develop that? Heck, even Andre was in the dark about it. Whatever reservations he had before were long gone now; he didn't dare defy them.

The unknown isn't just about enigma; it carries an air of danger as well.

Varion exuded an aura of mystery, a quality often intertwined with peril.

"By the way, gentlemen, would you mind giving Alice and me a moment alone?" Varion's voice was deliberate as the group exited.

"I'll share a secret with you: when you're backed into a corner, you can wield the full authority of Umbrella under the name of Alicia... once," Varion divulged.

Alice's eyes widened in astonishment...

In the control room of the Isaac clone base, Alice sat in silence, her thoughts a mystery even to herself.

"Mousse, it's time to wake everyone up."


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