
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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"End this? How? Even you guys have already cooperated with Umbrella." Alice didn't know what to say, or she didn't even know how long she could hold on.

"You may not know that the chief of our base is different from other company personnel. He gave us a job."


"Get the T-Virus Serum Airborne Potion with you".

Alice hadn't heard of this thing: "T virus serum? Isn't this thing useless?"

"No, no, it's not the kind you know, but the medicine that can really end all this. The umbrella has already developed it, but we don't know which base it is in."

Jill looked at Alice's eyes and nodded: "Also, Dr. Varion can help us. There are clones of you in this base. As long as all the medicines are injected, we may have enough strength to fight Umbrella." .

"Why didn't he do it himself?"

Carlos shook his head: "I don't know, we don't know what he wants to do, but this is an opportunity, Alice."

Alice fell silent, watching the scene inside the base, where clones of her were everywhere.

For several minutes, the three of them were so silent and no one spoke. It felt like they were put into a coffin, and there was no sunlight in the darkness.

Anyone who knows that they are not the only one who exists in the world will not feel good in their hearts, and they may not be that good either.

"Then...we might really need some friends."

Carlos laughed, this was the Alice he knew.

"Just leave it to Mousse, he will take care of it all."

Zizizi, a projection appeared, it was Mousse.

"Hello Alice, I will help you now. According to the doctor's calculations, after all your clones are activated in the entire base, there is a 60% chance that the goal you want to achieve will be met."

"So low?" Jill glared, what's the difference between this and death?

"It's not too low, you have to know that you are fighting against the most powerful forces in the world at present. This probability is still because Alice's genes can perfectly integrate the T virus, and you have to wait for Alice's clone to develop a special Ability. s reason".

"Then another injection of the R-1 agent, definitely, there are several options for you."

Alice nodded: "Tell me about it."

"The first one, you wake up all the clones, and after injecting the medicine, set off to look for the T virus serum wind-borne medicine."

"Second, take over the base, continue to clone your clones, and have logistical help, so that your success rate will be higher, and as long as Dr. Varion is unwilling here, you can basically guarantee the safety of the base."

"Carlos, do you believe him?" Alice didn't answer Mousse's words, but looked at Carlos.

Carlos knew what Alice was referring to, and to be honest, if he had experienced what Alice had experienced, he might not have believed it.

"At least, this is a chance Alice, and, probably the only one."

Alice helped Jill to stand up: "I need to talk to that Dr. Varion".

Mousse light and shadow screen flashed, and then replied:

"The Doctor has agreed."

The dense number of Alice clones were displayed in front of them, and it was like being shot in their hearts for a moment. Only when they faced these things directly could they feel Umbrella's evil.

"They will surely regret it."

Alice's eyes were burning, and her anger was unstoppable. She was like a commodity, mass-produced like an animal, studied and killed.

Blood, only blood can calm the anger in her heart.

"Are you okay?" Jill asked.

"I'm fine, trust me, there's nothing better than now, tell me you know that person!"

"Varion? I don't know much, let's talk about Carlos!"

Carlos actually doesn't know when to start, even though he has lived in this base for so long, but thinking about it carefully, it seems that he doesn't know much about Varion.

"How should I put it, I don't know much, but this person is not only very smart, but also extremely powerful."

Jill was stunned: "Didn't you say you injected that R-1 type of drug? Why do you say that? Ordinary people are not on the same level as people like you, right?"

Carlos shook his head sharply: "No no no, you are wrong to think so, I originally thought so, but since I saw Varion, I feel that the whole person is not so simple."

"Varion presides over that base, which is said to be top-secret in Umbrella, for the purpose of producing R-1 type potions, you should be here this time for this."

Jill nodded, indeed for the R-1 potion.

"How could it be? He's just the chief officer of the base. It's impossible that Wesker doesn't know about it now, right?" Alice was a little disbelieving. When did Umbrella's style become like this?

"I don't know the specifics, but I do know one thing. Wesker, who is active outside now, is just a clone. It's unclear where the real person is. This is what Varion said."

Alice thought for a while: "You mean he's a clone? Are all of them in Umbrella crazy?"

If you make yourself a clone, where is the body?

"Can this Varion be trusted?" Jill asked.

Carlos shook his head: "It's not good, it's better to have our own plans. I don't believe they will help us for no reason."

"Not for no reason."

Gil Carlos looked at Alice: "What do you mean?"

"You think, why was Jill sent here? It's because of the R-1 potion, which means that this place has been targeted by Wesker. When we go out, can't we contain Wesker?"

The two only understood when they heard this, and sure enough, the hearts of those who played tactics were heartbroken.

Alice's voice changed: "But the benefits are still very good, then let's go and see the so-called Varion! I'm very curious about this person."

In her memory, or in the memory of the previous Alice, there was a picture of Varion. She saw it once under the hive base, and she talked to herself at the beginning, but now it seems that it is not like this.

At that time, he already knew what would happen to him in the future. Otherwise, he was a security guard with level 5 authority, and he deserved the attention of a boss with level 8 authority.

Is this person helping them really just to contain Wesker?