
The Heretics (Gamer X DxD)

Disclaimer: I don't own the gamer, date a live, helltaker, high school dxd, the pictures, or any of the characters/anime/manga used in this fanfiction. I don't owe the ideas for the skills,grades of items etc. as well, it is based on other novels, games, or manhwa/manga that I read from the past. : I don't win anything with this fanfic. The book has the same name on wattpad all credit to the author VladFallen. this is just a COPY

MissRias · Anime & Comics
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240 Chs

Chapter 36: Declaration of War

-with Lucias-

"... Good morning, dear"

The 'creator' greeted while pressing her body on top of him with a beautiful smile on her face as she gazed down on her husband.

"Good morning, Clara"

Lucias said as he gave her a soft peck on her lips causing her to happily wrap her arms around his neck.


Yasaka called while rubbing her eyes with her kimono before gently laying down beside him.

"Sleep some more if you're tired Yasaka"

Lucias said as he gently patted her silky golden hair with his right hand before feeling a slight movement at his left side.


"It's the woman that you call Great Red, she suddenly snuck into our bedroom in the middle of the night... but I think you should check on her condition since her mating season is quite near, she and the girl named Ophis are at their second stage so they only yearn for your warmth, but I suggest that you quickly spend the night with them so they wouldn't become aggressive and forceful once they enter their third stage"

The 'creator' advised causing Lucias to wryly smile as he wrapped his arms around the girl beneath the blanket.

"They only enter their mating season once every decade, so I guess that's true..."


Great Red called as she tried to search for his body with her hands, desperately searching for him as a single tear accumulated in the corner of her eye.

"I'm right here"

Lucias comforted, gently kissing her forehead with a gentle smile on his face.

"Where are the kids?"

Lucias asked while looking around the room, trying to find his two daughters inside the room.

"They're currently sleeping at their room, you shouldn't disturb them since they slept quite late yesterday"

"Is that so... then you girls should sleep some more. I'll bring Great Red with me since she'll need to stick to me to calm her down"

Lucias muttered before carrying Great Red's body in his arms.

"I guess that's true, especially when I'm currently pregnant with our second child"

"That's why rest for the day, alright?"

Lucias said before giving her a small peck on her cheeks while gently pushing her body down on the bed.

"Lucias... Thank you for not leaving me in the past... despite everything that I have done"

"... I already forgave you-"

Lucias tried his best comfort him but stopped as he felt an powerful yet familiar presence outside of their mansion, causing him to frown as he gazed at the balcony of his bedroom.

"It seems like... we have a few uninvited guest"

Lucias muttered before placing Great Red down on the soft bed of his room.

"... That woman... It seems like my warnings weren't enough to stop her"

The 'creator' said in an irritated voice as she followed his gaze.

"I'll go talk to her for a bit, just rest here together with Yasaka 'creator'... I'll deal with this"

"Be careful"

The 'creator' nodded her head while Lucias gently caressed her cheeks before teleporting Great Red into his room.

"... So she begun to move, huh? She's still quite persistence even if I rejected him in the past 5 years"

Lucias muttered to himself before creating a small magic circle on the ground to teleport him into a secluded location to talk with his stalker.

-with Lucias-

Lucias who teleported at the nearby forest in the city, wearing nothing but his pajamas which barely hid his mascular body.

"... Come out"

Lucias said as he gazed at the large rock in the middle of the forest with a large frown on his face.

"My~ how do you want me to come out, Lucias-san? With or without clothes?"

The figure teased as she slowly came out behind the rock with a seductive smile on her face.


Lucias who heard her words stared at her without a change in his expression causing her to sigh in disappointment.

"As expected, you're the only one who can resist the passive charm of my body~ Don't you think that we're meant for each other, Lucias-san?"

"... I'm flattered, but... I have no interest in you, Xaosis"

Lucias bluntly said causing her to cross her arms in dissatisfaction.

"You're still as persistent as ever, Lucias"

"I don't want to hear that from you"

Xaosis then walked towards him in a seductive manner, showing off her body before facing him with a mischievous expression on her face.

"Don't you understand, Lucias? If you don't marry me then... both of us we'll be forced to declare war on each other for the right to rule this dimension"

Xoasis whispered in close proximity causing Lucias to push her away with a neutral expression.

"A war is it? You're the first one to ever say such words to me, Xaosis"

Lucias said as his lips formed a sinister smile while gazing down at the woman in front of him.

"But I have no interest in ruling this dimension of yours, you can have it as much as you like, just... don't cross me, Xaosis"

"My, even if that is the case, only one True God must exist in this dimension, and the only way to resolve it without conflict is by you marrying me, Lucias. What do you say?"

Xaosis stretched out her hand towards Lucias with a bright smile on her face but Lucias just closed his eyes while standing in his place, contemplating about his next decision.

"Then... what if I accept?"

Lucias asked causing Xaosis to smile happily as she clung on his arm.

"Then, we'll share the authority to rule this dimension but... I'll have to get rid of your other girls since... there can only be one woman who you should show your lo-"

Xoasis answered with a beautiful smile on her face but was cut off when Lucias suddenly grabbed her on her neck, lifting her up in the air as he gazed at her with pure bloodlust visible in his eyes.

"I'll kill you if you touch any of them"

Lucias warned in a deep and vicious voice, staring at her directly in her eyes.

"Quite a declaration for someone weaker than me"

Xaosis said as she released her aura to try and pressure Lucias to the ground but froze when she felt a familiar freezing sensation on her neck, causing her to grin as she gazed down on Lucias.

"Crimson Ice, is it? But unfortunately this attack won't work on me, Lucias"

Xoasis declared in a confident voice as she shattered the ice spreading from her neck before teleporting out of his grip.

"I would appreciate such rough play in other occasions but... I don't like it when you stare at me with such killing intent, quite a shame"

Xaosis muttered in disappointment as she shook her head from side to side before looking at him directly at his golden eyes.

"If you don't accept my conditions then, I guess war between our races is inevitable, Lucias-san~"


"Aren't you afraid to lose more of your trusted allies? Are you prepared to sacrifice them, Lucias? Are you prepared to sacrifice the billions of lives in this dimension just because of our conflict?"

Xaosis loudly stated as she grinned at Lucias who looked at her without a change in his expression.

"So you're prepared to sacrifice the innocent lives in your dimension just to get what you want huh? Quite a vicious ruler you are, Xaosis"

"There lives are insignificant and their main purpose of living is to serve me with all their might, do you think I care for the insignificant lives of those beings?"

"... You're a lunatic"

"My~ I have been called names much worse than that Lucias~ "

Xoasis said in a sweet voice as she leaned closer to his ears causing him to frown from her actions.

"Are you sure you want to wage war with me, Lucias? I'll give you a second chance to change your decision b-"

"No need, I have no interest in joining hands with someone like you, Xaosis. If you want war... then I'll give you one"

Lucias declared in a serious tone as he pinned her against a nearby tree, looking down at her as several circuit like marks appeared on both of his arms, stretching up to his eyes as his aura suddenly spiked by several fold causing his rings to shatter into pieces.

"My~ I don't know if you're threatening me or seducing me Lucias~ especially when your showing me this much of your body~"

Xaosis muttered in a seductive voice before tracing his body with her finger, stopping on top of his crotch.

"You're thing is still the best, Lucias~ I can't wait to taste it inside of me"

"Can you stop messing around?"

"You're no fun, Lucias~ Even though this will be my first time~"

Xaosis muttered close to his ear while pressing her soft and large breast against his bare chest.

"Remember, don't cross me, Xaosis. I'll make you regret it"

"My~ don't be too proud of yourself, Lucias. When I outnumber your members by several folds"

"Numbers doesn't always mean everything, Xaosis"

"Hmm, then prove it to me Lucias~ Let's see who's more powerful than the two of us"

Xaosis whispered with a large grin on her face before leaning closer to him, placing her soft red lips close to his ear.

"Let's how long can you and this faction of yours hold up against my army~ I know one thing for sure, you're not the type of person to place any of them in such a dangerous scenario... even though it is commendable as a ruler to consider the safety of his subordinates but, that will also be your greatest weakness, Lucias~"

Xaosis said before breaking out in a crazed laugh as Lucias stood in his spot without a single change in his expression.

"I hope we meet, each other again~ Lu-ci-as-san~"

Xaosis said before disappearing from her spot as she turned into severals sparks of light, leaving Lucias alone in the middle of the forest.

"Tch... I could've just let it go if it involves me but... To think that she'll target the girls and my subordinates..."

Lucias said in irritation as a familiar window suddenly appeared in front him, shocking him from the sudden quest given to him by his ability.

[Due to the interference of ???, the authority to control the system has now been passed to ???]

[??? are intrigued by your adventures]

[The 'creator' is now forbidden to directly interfere nor help the player to fulfill the quest given by ???]

[The 'creator' has lost her authority to control the system]

[Hanna, the origin of existence, has been forbidden to interefere with her father's quests]

[As compensation for the sudden increase in the difficulty of the quest, the player has been given the authority to control 10% of the Realm of Destruction]

[The player has unsealed 35% of ***********'s Will]

[The player has been gifted the authority to rule over the Domain of Destruction]

[The player's bond with the 'creator' has significantly increased]

[New Quest!]

[Quest: Protect the Dimension #D33 and it's inhabitants from the True Goddess of Lust, Xaosis and her army.

Reward: The authority to create a dimension of your choice.

Failure: Destruction of the current Dimension.

Limit: None]

[The war has been pushed by 4 months by ???]

[Quest: Stop Xaosis from gathering more allies and subordinates from other Dimensions.

Reward: The revival of the civilization of the Ancient Demons, [Title: Demonic Emperor].

Failure: The difficulty of all other quests will be amplified by 100.

Limit: 10 months]

"... This is... troublesome"

Lucias muttered as he read each of his new quests with a troubled expression on his face as he never expected for things to escalte this much just because of their dispute.

[Xoasis has formed an alliance with the True Gods that rules the seven major sins, and has gained control of their respective dimensions]

[Quest: Summon or Recruit the 15 Servants specified by ??? from the Throne of Heroes to aid you in war.


Cú Chulainn

Irisviel von Einzbern

Oda Nobunaga

Sengo Murasama




Jack the Ripper





Sasaki Koijiro


Reward: Absolute loyalty from the said servants.

Failure: none

Limit: None]

"... This... escalated more than I imagined..."

Lucias whispered to himself in shock from the sudden barrage of notifications that appeared in front of him, causing him to scratch his head in annoyance from the grave situation that he was placed in.


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MissRiascreators' thoughts