
The Heretics (Gamer X DxD)

Disclaimer: I don't own the gamer, date a live, helltaker, high school dxd, the pictures, or any of the characters/anime/manga used in this fanfiction. I don't owe the ideas for the skills,grades of items etc. as well, it is based on other novels, games, or manhwa/manga that I read from the past. : I don't win anything with this fanfic. The book has the same name on wattpad all credit to the author VladFallen. this is just a COPY

MissRias · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
240 Chs

Chapter 35: Rating Game (2)

[Hello everyone. I am Grayfia, a maid from the House of Gremory and today I will be the arbiter of the Rating match between the House of Gremory and the House of Phenex]

Grayfia announced as soon as both of Riser and Rias were teleported inside the arena along with their entire peerage.

Much to their surprise, the environment that they used for the rating game was one that gave Rias the most advantage in terms of terrian along with her peerage.

"Huh? We're still inside the clubroom?"

Issei asked out in shock as he searched around the room, surprised to see that they were still inside the clubroom but the atmosphere around them significantly changed.

[In the name of my Master, Sirzechs Lucifer, I will be keeping my eye on this match. By using Riser-sama's opinion, we created this battlefield which is a replica of the school, Kuou academy, which Rias-sama attends to in the human world]

Grayfia's voice echoed through the entire academy, explaining the situation to her and her peerage.

"So the arena is in Kuoh Academy, huh? To think that they gave us this much handicap for my first match"

Rias muttered while tapping her wooden desk with her finger, dissatisfied as she was being looked down this much just because this was her first match.

[The location where both teams were transported will be their "base". Rias-sama's "base" would be the Occult Research Cub's clubroom located in the old school building. Riser-sama's "base" would be the Student Council's room located in the new building. For the [Pawns] to use "promotion", please head to the enemy's base to do it]

Grayfia explained to both peerages while Rias was tapping her fingers, patiently waiting for her to finish her announcements.

[Now it's the time for the commencement of the battle. Also, this match will continue till dawn in the humans time. So, Game starts now.]

Suddenly the school bell rung as its noise echoed through the empty halls of the academy indicating the start of the match.

"Kiba, guard the club building for the time being. I'll tell everyone my plan, and I want everyone to follow my orders, is that clear?"


All of them answered in unison before summoning their weapons to prepare themselves for the upcoming battle.

"Kiba, come back as soon as they come out of the building, I have another job for you once the rest of them are dispatched"


Kiba answered before leaving the clubroom with a simple demonic sword on his right hand in case any of Riser's peerage try to ambush them.

"Koneko, you'll stay with me and protect me from any attacks. Akeno, you'll go towards the gym and hide, only attack once the signal is activated"

Rias ordered as she gazed at Akeno who was holding a majestic staff in her hand. The gift given to her by Lilia while they were still training.


"Understood Buchou"

Koneko answered while trying to wear her brass nuckles given to her by Lucias before they left the island.

"What about me Buchou?"

Issei asked while pointing his finger to himself with an excited smile on his face.

"Issei, you'll be the bait since only you have the average speed to lure them in without losing them. I want you to lure as much as you can towards the gym. Let them think that they cornered you and once they're inside, launch a dragon shot towards the sky. Akeno this will be the signal for you to launch your most powerful spell on the gym"

"I'm bait..."

"We can't deal with all of them at once since they outnumber us so we have no choice but to kill most of them by batch since killing them one by one will only exhaust us and might risk being surrounded by them"

Rias explained as she sat down on the wooden desk with her legs crossed while gazing at her peerage with a confident smile on her face.

"Issei, don't attract the attention of the Knights since they will definitely outrun you. Just the pawns, bishops and rooks are your only targets"

Rias added before giving all of them a transreciever for them to wear during the match.

"All of you will wear one of this and update us on your situation. I will issue an order through this transreciever when the situation is out of my expectations or control"

All of them then grabbed a piece of transreciever before placing them in their ears without hesitation.

"If you encounter their [Queen], just ignore her and let her in our base. Even though it sounds stupid, its the most efficient way to get rid most of their pieces all at once. That is the reason why I let Koneko stay here since she has the strongest resistance among us against any magic attack"

Koneko nodded her head in understanding before grabbing a piece of cookie from her pocket that was given to her by Lucias to calm her down during the match.

"I'll be the one to deal damage to her, Koneko you're only task is to protect me from her attacks"

Rias explained as she gazed at Koneko who was peacefully sitting on the sofa.

"That's all, call Kiba in here once the two of you exit the building"


"... I hope Sandra-chan isn't watching me!!"

Issei shouted with tears visible in the corner of his eyes, finding himself pitiful for being treated as a bait despite his efforts to imprive himself during their training.

"Stop right there!!"

Two girls with short green hair shouted in anger while wielding their chainsaws with both of their hands as they chased after Issei who was skillfully avoiding the obstacles in his way.


Issei shouted as he looked back, finding 8 of them chaising after him with pure anger visible in their eyes.

"Is the only thing that the red dragon emperor can do is run!?"

"Shut up! It's not like I wanted this!!"

Issei shouted as he ran towards the gym, ignoring the angry sighs of Ddraig in his gauntlet.


"Shh, just endure this Ddraig. I'm not running away but outsmarting them so don't complain"

Issei shouted at his gauntlet before crashing inside the gym.













Issei then hurriedly boosted his power as fast as he could before being surrounded by Riser's peerage from all corners.

"There's nowhere to run now, Hyoudo Issei"

One of Riser's pawn wearing a maid outfit said as all of them readied themselves to launch an all out attack on Issei who was sitting on the ground.

"You're right, there's nowhere else to run"

Issei said with a large grin on his face before covering his entire body with mana to protect himself for the upcoming attack from Akeno.

"[Dragon Shot]!!"

Issei screamed before firing a massive beam of green mana towards the sky, causing all of them to look at him in confusion from his attack.

"Where are you-"

"[Lightning Retribution]!!"

Akeno shouted as she flew above the gym with a sadistic smile on her face, causing a massive magic circle to appear above her as thousands of lightning strike rained down on the gym.

"What the-"

All of them shouted as they felt the massive spike in mana above them, but was far too late as thousands of lightning strikes rained down on their bodies, repeatedly paralyzing their body to give them no chance from escaping her attack.

"Akeno-san... you're going to kill me..."

Issei muttered as he tried to resist the rain of lightning strike on his body causing Akeno to lick her lips in excitement and amusement from hearing their screams.

"Ara Ara, I might get addicted to this"

[Riser Phenex-sama's five [pawns], one [bishop], and one [rook] retires]

-with Kiba-

"So they've already done it"

Kiba muttered as he heard the loud announcement while running through the forest, searching for the Knights of their enemies.

"If this goes on then we might have a chance in winning"

Kiba said as he entered the vicinity of the academy while running towards the base of their enemy in open space to attract the attention of anyone who is guarding the base.


Suddenly he transferred all of his weight on his feet as he spun around to avoid an incoming attack from his back before kicking the woman on the head with all of his weight.

"A knight shouldn't resort to such cowardly attacks"

Kiba muttered, remembering the teachings of his mentor, Artoria while she was butchering them back at the island without mercy.

"Kiba Yuuto"

A tall young woman with long black hair with a dark blue tint and brown eyes wearing a white top with black accents that is modeled after a Chinese cheongsam, red shorts, and armored, knee-high boots called while pointing her blade at his direction.

"For our allies to be disposed of that quickly, I wonder what vile acts your team did"

A young woman with light brown hair and green eyes wearing a full set of silver armor with black accents, stood behind him wih her sword pointed at his direction with large frown visible on her face.

"Vile acts? That's quite harsh of you when we abided by the rules of the game"

Kiba retorted before summong a thin black demonic sword in his hand as he readied himself for their attacks.

"I always wanted to see how's my improvement compared to lower ranking devils"

Kiba muttered without moving from his place as he tried to read their movements so that he can grasp their swordplay.



None of them moved from their spots as they all waited for the other party to make the first move.

"... They're more experienced that I thought they were"

Kiba praised as he saw them watching his every movement with extreme caution, causing him to freeze in his spot as one mistake could end up getting him killed.



All of them stared at one another as the cold breeze passed their bodies while they stood tall in the wide field of the academy.

'... Let's see what they can do'

Kiba thought before disappearing from his place, shocking both of the knights from his speed as they riased their swords to defend themselves from his attack.

Kiba then appeared beside Siris as he brandished his sword aimed at her neck.

Siris who saw his attack immediately raised her sword as she parried his attack but due to the immense weight and size of her sword, she wasn't able to properly parry his second strike, causing a massive wound on her chest.


She muttered in pain as her blood spilled on the ground while her partner, Karlamine rushed at her location with her sword in hand.


She screamed for her name before slashing her sword at Kiba who quickly parried her attack.


She clicked her tongue in irritation before slashing her blade at his neck, but due to Kiba's speed her swords strikes were immediately parried.

Slowly both of their attacks slowly sped up as several sparks danced around in the air above them.


Siris who recovered from her wound slashed her two handed sword at Kiba's back while he was facing Karlamine but much to her surprise, Kiba summoned another sword in his right hand as he blocked her full force attack causing his feet to sink into the ground.


Kiba muttered in discomfort as he felt his hand go numb from the full force of her attack while blocking Karlamine's attack with the other.

"Do you think you can hold long while fighting both of us!?"

Siris shouted in provocation before slashing her blade at Kiba's direction.


Kiba cursed before kicking Karlamine in the stomach with his foot as soon as he found an opening in her body. 


Karlamine shouted in shock not from the pain but from his sharp and fast movements as she watched him jump in the air, avoiding Siris' attack before standing on top of her blade on his feet.

"[Sword Birth]!!!"

Kiba shouted, summoning 12 demonic swords in the air as all of them were launched towards Siris who was struggling to pull her blade back to counter his attack.


Kiba grinned as his sword skewered her from every sides causing Karlamine to scream angrily as he charged at his direction.


She shouted as she slashed her blade at Kiba who was floating in mid air, giving him no room to dodge her attacks.

"You'll pay for this!"

She shouted before inflicting several deep wounds on his body causing his blood to splatter in the air as he fell down on the ground with his demonic sword in hand.

"If I'm going to die I'll take you with me!"

Kiba shouted as her sword pierced his chest before implanting his sword on the ground.

"[Sword Birth]!!"

He shouted as several demonic swords sprouted from the ground, piercing her body from below as her blood soaked the blades connected to the ground.

[Riser Phenex-sama's two [knights] retires]

[Rias Gremory-sama's [knight] retires]

-with Rias-

"... So Kiba died..."

Rias muttered as she heard the announcement without a change in her expression as she expected for him to directly confront the two knights of their enemies.

"Buchou, what should we do?"

Koneko asked, detecting 3 presences close to their vicinity as she readied her weapons.

"Koneko... can you determine who invaded us?"

Rias asked as she did not expect for Issei to miss a few enemies.

"Two pawns, One queen"


Rias muttered as a massive explosion occured above them, blowing a massive hole on the roof of the building.

"Bomb Queen... Koneko, I'll handle her myself, prevent the other pawns from stepping foot on our base, we can't fight 3 Queens at the same time"


Koneko nodded her head in response before punching a massive hole in the building with her fist as she landed on the ground.

"You're quite stupid to let yourself unprotected, Gremory-sama"

Yubelluna mocked before creating a massive magic circle above the building as her magic aura spiked.


She casted as a massive explosion devoured the entire club building, causing her to grin as she waited for the announcement of their victory.

"... You're celebrating far too early, Bomb Queen"

Rias said inside the cloud of dust and debri, remembering the extreme test of endurance that Lucias trained them under for 5 days, giving them a resistance against any environmental factors or and brush of any spells of mid-tear or below.

"For the first time, I'll have to thank you Lucias for that hellish training"

Rias muttered before erecting a massive blood red magic circle in front of her as she tried to take advantage of the smoke covering her area, blocking Yubelluna's view.

"[Mana Arrow Barrage]"

Rias casted as several arrows of concentrated mana, powered by her unique skill [Power of Destruction] surrounded her area.

"Let's see how you dodge this!"

Rias shouted before launching all of the arrows towards Yubelluna who was floatung above the building.


Yubelluna casted as soon as she saw the arrows imbued by the power of destruction, moving at her direction at the speed of mach 1, giving her no chance to dodge the arrows due to the small distance between them.

As soon as the arrows reached her body, it exploded leaving a massive crack on her barrier as countless more barrage her location without mercy.


Yubelluna screamed in pain as she tried to raise her staff in to the air to try to deliver an attack to bring her along with her.


She tried to cast but was cut off as a powerful punch attacked her from back, sending her crashing onto the building as the arrows changed their trajectory and followed her direction.


The arrows pierced several holes in her body, ripping her to pieces as her blood scattered on the ground.

[Riser Phenex-sama's two [pawns], and [queen] retires]

"With that, only one rook remains"

Rias smiled at their success, standing proudly inside the broken clubroom.

[Rias Gremory-sama's [pawn] retires]

[Riser Phenex-sama's [rook] retires]

"... Nevermind"

-with Riser-

"Riser will not stand this humiliatio-"

"Ara Ara, can you say that again, Riser-sama~"

Akeno said as she licked her lips while watching Riser being tied up on the ground with several chains of lightning on his limbs and body.

"Issei, I'll never forget your sacrifice"

Akeno muttered as she gazed Issei who was twitching on the ground of several sparks of lightning came out of his body.

"Now then, let's continue having fun fufufu"

"W-Wait Rias' Queen we can solve this in a friendly mann-"

"Too late"

Akeno immediately cut him off as she raised her hand above the air with a sadistic smile on her face.

"Lilia-sensei thought me before that, not only can electricity amplify the muscles of the body for a few seconds, it can also amplify the sense of pain and sensitivity of my target"

"W-what are you planning to do?"

"Something fun~ [Lightning Barrage]"

Akeno casted, causing hundreds of lightning strikes to rain down on Riser who was pinned to the ground.

"I know you won't die from this Riser-sama, so let me hear your screams until you give up~"


[Riser Phenex-sama's retires]

[The winner of this Rating game is Rias Gremory!!] 

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