
The half-life of Ben Revenant

Ben Arken is just your run of the mill teen,at least that is what everyone else in their moderately sized town of Solemn Valley thinks. People thought Ben was just a kid with strange parents,but that’s not really the case. We will watch as some regular kid with a semi regular life becomes someone amazing. Hero,protector,savior,and many more names he will pick up along the way. But his first and greatest will always be, Revenant! ———————————————————————— Nothing is mine except my OCs. This is sorta a Danny Phantom phan fic but not really. It’s more about what an OC would do in a similar situation. There is some other stuff but those things will be revealed later on.

Everything_Forever · Others
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11 Chs

#6 Skipping and repercussions

So I got detention,yep got detention on the first day of my first year of high school. You want to know why? I was half an hour late because of that dumb ghost! I didn't even know you could get detention on the first day of the year! Principal probably didn't like how I walked in on the middle of his boring speech and wanted to make me an example or something. So I have detention after school today. To top it off when that was all over every single student in there laughed at me! Great just great! New school year going amazing so far!

I sigh as I talk to no one in my thoughts because it feels good to vent even if it's to no one but yourself. The first couple classes were fine if a bit boring. The only thing I'm only slightly excited for is lunch and that's only because I made myself a roast beef sandwich and I was really looking forward toward it,also helped that it was not ecto-contaminated as my parents leave samples of ectoplasm in the kitchen fridge instead of putting them in the fridge in the lab but what can you do. Some of the meaner people and the bully's sometimes side eye me in their group's and laugh as they eat but other then they forget about me and go back to their business.

The regular people seem to have already forgotten about the incident which is great. Being known as a loner is a double edged sword,on one hand people usually forgot about what ever embarrassing thing you do almost immediately but they also just forget you period which is fine with me but hurt at first when I was a lot younger and didn't know any better.

As I am about to bit into my sandwich my ghost sense goes off which probably would of freaked someone out but I sit by myself in the corner of the lunch room so all is good,well not really because if my ghost sense went off then that means…

As Ben thinks that he looks up to see three large snakes slithering on the ceiling clearly visible for all to see and as Ben goes to look around to see if anyone else notices he sees no one looking up,they would probably be either scared out of their minds or if they thought they were fake which they probably would at first then they would be exclaiming out about how real and cool looking they were. Plus it probably didn't make much sense to be looking up at the ceiling when they had lunch to be eating and people to talk to.

As Ben continues to stare at the snakes they seem to be slowly going towards him he sighs and looks around again to make sure no one is looking his way as he turns invisible so he could then transform and fly the pests away so that when they go to fight him no one innocent would get hurt. This probably won't take to long,maybe 20 or so minutes tops. As he thinks this he also decides to start patrolling right then and there around town for a couple hours a night just to make sure because even though a lot of ghosts come to him to fight doesn't mean there aren't some just roaming around ready to hurt some unsuspecting person and also so that any ghost he capuchin would go straight back into the zone and not onto a dissection table. Plus he might have to deal with less in the day. Not like it's either of there faults though he was stupid and decided to up and kill himself and cause other people and beings trouble.

As he shakes those thoughts out of his mind and gets ready for battle in a empty parking lots he hears the hissing of snakes as the two came at him with fierce determination to probably end him and as he goes to shot the two he thinks about how there were only two and there were supposed to be three of them.

As he thinks that he is coiled up by the third missing snake. "Well that's not very nice is it?" Grunted Ben as he phased out of the deadly grip of the snake. He then fired off three ecto shots at all of the snakes at the same time by spinning around while shooting making them disoriented and making them fall to the asphalt below. As they all make mini craters in it Ben winced and said out loud to no one in particular,"Sorry about that. Not you snakes you deserved that for trying to attack me,but the asphalt didn't deserve that." As he gets them into the thermos he gets bit from behind on his ankle by a surprise fourth snake that seemed to have been in wait for the perfect moment to strike which it took.

Ben hissed in pain as he went to grab the snake but before he could it let go and made a run for it or more like a fly for it as it disappeared. He sighed as he knew he couldn't get it back and he also hurriedly went invisible as well and went back to school or at least tried to but as soon as he was in an alleyway he fell and passed out and when he passed out he transformed back into one of the living in between some trash cans not knowing when he was going to wake up and frankly not caring as the pain from the bite and the maybe venom was making him very happy that he was passing out.

He comes back to consciousness with a snap. Breathing hard and feeling like total crap. The first thing he notices is that it is pitch black all around him with the only light being from a window above him and the street lamp at the opening of the alleyway. The second thing he notices or more like realizes is that it probably isn't school time anymore so that means he both skipped the rest of the school day and the detention he was supposed to go to. He sighed heavily as he put his head back on the cold concrete of the wall behind him as he takes a breather before going back home and probably being grounded for the next century.

The final thing he realizes is that the bite that was bothering him so much before that made him pass out for a couple hours is gone and he doesn't feel the heat like before,he only feels a little sore. "At least there's that." He whispers into the night. As he gets up he lights up a little energy ball to make sure he didn't leave any of his blood or whatever behind before seeing nothing and making the ball disappear and heading home.

As he makes it home and opens the door he is greeted by his parents sitting there. "We're have you been young man?! We were worried sick!" My mother yelled seeming pretty frazzled as they both get up to go and check me for any Injuries I might of gotten out and about. Good thing everything is healed and the only thing is a bruise here and there. "Im fine." I quickly say as they continue to search me. "Well if you say so." My father says before again speaking. " where were you son? The school said you had left at lunch and never returned will also skipping the detention you somehow had gotten on the first day." My mother and father both looked pretty angry but they also looked worried.

"Yeah I had gotten that for being a couple minutes late to school and the principal gave it to me for no reason!" I say trying and succeeding to get them off the being skipping the other half the day and the detention because they might be smart they sure are easy to get off one subject for another."Son you were late half an hour that's not 'a couple minutes'." My father said with disapproval. "Yeah but….!" I try and get on with my case but that is were my mother stopped me. "Son just go up to bed it's already almost midnight. I would say your grounded but that wouldn't matter because you don't have any friends to go to so in the morning your father is going to grab all your books so you can't read them when your in your room.You will get them back in two weeks." My mother said firmly as she and my father leave the living room and go out the kitchen and presumably to the back door to go out to the lab. I feel a tightness that doesn't come from the same place whenever I overuse my ghostly powers but my heart as my mother casually said that about me. I know I'm not the most social person but for her to say that so certain she was right hurt. I decided to go to bed without patrolling for the first time because I was pretty tired and sore from the ghostly attacks from the day but also because of the emotional hurt of the whole day and how much the day sucked period. Maybe tomorrow will be better? Probably not.

As our protagonist goes to bed he might feel pain from the outside because of ghosts but he feels pain from within because of humans.