
The half-life of Ben Revenant

Ben Arken is just your run of the mill teen,at least that is what everyone else in their moderately sized town of Solemn Valley thinks. People thought Ben was just a kid with strange parents,but that’s not really the case. We will watch as some regular kid with a semi regular life becomes someone amazing. Hero,protector,savior,and many more names he will pick up along the way. But his first and greatest will always be, Revenant! ———————————————————————— Nothing is mine except my OCs. This is sorta a Danny Phantom phan fic but not really. It’s more about what an OC would do in a similar situation. There is some other stuff but those things will be revealed later on.

Everything_Forever · Others
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#7 Time skip and the sentinel

So it's been about two weeks from the snakes incident and I've learned a few things,fought some things,and have been around box ghost to much,like way to much. After the first time he has not tried to scare me again though he has tried to hurt me so I just beat on him a bit and through him in the trusty thermos and back into the zone he goes. Kinda annoying but that's all he usually is,annoying. He doesn't try to hurt anyone else except me and all he can do is paper cuts or more like cardboard cuts and maybe a couple bruises here and there. Also haven't seen any other human like ghosts besides boxy though and I don't really get a chance to ask him if there are anymore like him because he just goes straight to fighting but if he's a ghost I feel like there are other human like ghosts. I am also super tired from being up all night for almost a month because for some reason ghosts just love coming out at night.

Anyway I figured that all the stuff on the internet couldn't be false about ghosts,especially when I say all lot of the stuff listed about ghosts that I have seen ghosts do with my own eyes. Of course not everything is listed on there but more then enough for me to try a couple things out. To make a king story short most of the things I have already figured out I could do and the only new thing was overshadowing.

Overshadowing is pretty much me possessing people,in human form or the dead one. I tried it out on one of the homeless people around town just to see if I could and I did it. I left soon afterwards though just didn't feel right. I guess I'll just keep that to myself if I ever really need to use it just in case something comes up that I will need that ability.

Speaking of human stuff you would think with all the ghostly activity people would be freaking out but no,barely anyone notices the ghosts around and if someone does and says something about it they are mocked about it so now if someone sees something they usually keep it to themselves resulting in the whole town in the know except my parents funnily enough and just keeping quit about it. No seemed to of caught a glimpse of me though so at least that's a relief.

That is what has been happening all of these weeks now on to what is going on right now. I'm currently walking by one of the newer graveyards at almost two in the morning. Why am I walking by a graveyard at almost two in the morning you may ask? Ghosts of course,why else would I be by something that's makes me think of death or more specifically mine. I had just gotten done fighting a bird dog hybrid ghost. So weird.

As I am walking by the graveyard though two things happen almost at the same time,my ghost sense goes off and I hear a voice call for me from inside the graveyard. Now normally I would be less ok to follow a disembodied voice into a creepy graveyard at two in the morning mostly because I wouldn't be anywhere near a graveyard at that time or really anytime unless I had to but I was running on three hours of sleep and so much coffee that it probably would of killed me before I became what I am or really anyone normal. So I just shrug and follow the voice inside.

I make sure to not step on any graves while I'm inside because I don't want to make any ghosts in them to get angry plus I would want someone stepping on my graveyard,that would just be plain rude. As I am walking though I feel a presence near me and just straight up ask,"So what do you need? Want to fight me or you need help or what because I'm really tired and…" I don't get to finish that sentence because the being speaks over me,"Why?" It asked in a voice that sounded like it smoked 30 cigarettes a day for 60 years or something. "Why what?" I ask. "Why do you not kill the ghosts when you capture them. Why put them back into the zone when they would just get back out again and cause you more grief?" I think of a response that would hopefully satisfy the being that has been apparently been stalking me for a while and finally just say,"I don't really know why. I just feel like if I was in their shoes I wouldn't want to die and would rather go back to wherever I came from." The being was quiet for so long that I finally say,"If you do want to fight can we move it out of the graveyard? Would feel kinda rude to mess up the graves here you know?"

The being finally spoke again and said,"I am not some rogue ghost I am the Sentinel of this graveyard,placed here to watch over it and the spirits laid to rest here. My name is Spec,what is yours?" Wow that's was a lot of info to take it at once and makes me have a lot of questions at the same time but I then realize I'm making this so called sentinel or Spec wait and had to decide on a name for myself,or at least a name for my dead half.

I quickly say the first thing that pops into my mind. "Revenant,my names Revenant." I say with confidence feeling like that name just feels right. The being looked at me or i could only guess as it sorta looked like an old timey WW2 soldier wearing his helmet to far down in front of his face so I couldn't see his eyes but since he's facing me I would think he's facing me.

"Nice to meet you Revenant none killer." Spec said with what seemed to be a small smile on his lips. He continued to look at me for a couple more seconds with a very intense gaze as a finally said,"Alright then,you are always welcome at Promise Cemetery but you will have to follow the rules when here and I will put in a good word for you at the other sacred grounds and their Sentinels but you will have to show them what you showed me to be fully welcome like you are here alright?"

I just stood their stunned by all of what he said and simply nodded. "Good,do you have any questions you want me to answer for you before I take a rest till tomorrow?" Spec said. "Can I ask you stuff tomorrow? I'm kinda beat right now." I said awkwardly. "Of course. It is taxing taking care of your haunt.Be careful though." He said as he disappeared into the ground in front of a statue of a lone WW2 soldier that I for some reason didn't notice.

I really wanted to ask questions but I was just way to tired and I only have an hour and a half till school which would give me a total of four hours of sleep tonight. Wow! A new record by this months standards! As I think this I also think about how much I like my new name and how it felt like it was always mine and how much my chest seemed to preen at finally having a name. But I just put that in a dark corner of my mind because that's freaky and I don't want to be anymore freaky then I already am.

As Ben or should I say Revenant walked home he did not see the figure watching him and smiling a smile much to wide with far to many teeth as it says,"You seem like lots of fun." The figure then seems to vanish like a ghost.

As our protagonist walks home wary and tired but happy about all that had happened and his new name a new player has entered the field just looking for trouble. Can our dear protagonist stand up to the figures might or fall like so many? See next time in this crazy story we call Ben Revenant and his life.