
The half-life of Ben Revenant

Ben Arken is just your run of the mill teen,at least that is what everyone else in their moderately sized town of Solemn Valley thinks. People thought Ben was just a kid with strange parents,but that’s not really the case. We will watch as some regular kid with a semi regular life becomes someone amazing. Hero,protector,savior,and many more names he will pick up along the way. But his first and greatest will always be, Revenant! ———————————————————————— Nothing is mine except my OCs. This is sorta a Danny Phantom phan fic but not really. It’s more about what an OC would do in a similar situation. There is some other stuff but those things will be revealed later on.

Everything_Forever · Others
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11 Chs

#5 Gaines and a chance meeting.

I continued to train my abilities in secret and I think I have managed to learn through trial and error everything that I am able to do,first and foremost I am able to transform into another more powerful form. That form is capable of flight and hovering but I just put that with flight,I seem not able to do that in my more human looking form. The dead form seems to be very powerful able to do a lot of things you could only read in comic books. Really interesting stuff. Well back to what I had got done.

I am able to shot ectoplasmic shots from any part of my body or as I like to call them ghost rays,I seem to be able to do that in both forms though if I am in my more dead form they are much more powerful overall. I seem to be able to make a ectoplasmic energy shield or as I like to call it a 'ghost shield', I learned how to do this the hard way. I was attacked on day three of my training by what seemed to be a ghost deer and the shield only lasted for a second but it was enough for me to land a shot into the center of the deers head knocking it out and then sucking it up into the thermos.

I was in my dead form when I made the shield and when I tried to make one in human form it didn't seem to work at all. So that needs to be worked on some, more on to the next thing. I think I finally figured out that strange mist that came out of my eyes,it seemed to come out right before a ghost would come around where I am. It had come out for the ectopus,all those ghosts from before,and for the ghost deer. It seems to come out no matter if the ghost has evil intentions or not though that will need more testing to make it 100 certain. What is do know for certain is what I'm going to call it,my ghost sense!

I am also able to stop making stuff and myself intangible and invisible,I figured out that the way I was doing it before by focusing on stuff staying tangible and visible seems to be the best way to do it. I have seen that if my emotions get out of hand not matter if I'm happy,sad,mad,my powers seem to get more out of hand. Which is annoying but I am a master at keeping my emotions in check. Which I probably shouldn't be but…eh.

Last but not least, in my dead form I seem to possess super strength being able to lift 14 or so adult trees without breaking a sweat when I also learned about my super durability when I dropped said trees on myself and managed to get out from under rather easily to see I was rather unharmed only with a couple bruises which I then learned that I also had what seemed to be super regeneration because the bruises went away after about half an hour when they usually would of stayed a couple days.

After all of that training I feel pretty good,it will help with all the ghosts that seem to be out to get me for some reason. But now it's time for something really scary. Freshman year of high school! It's not really scary,more boring but whatever.

Yep,after all that training I did the end of summer came very quickly and now I have to get to bed early because I have school in the morning. "Night parents of mine." I called down into the recesses of the lab and I wait a second to see if they were going to say anything back but when I wait there for a minute and still hear nothing I just sigh and turn my back to go back to the house and to bed. "Hears to hoping that I will have a regular first day but with how everything that's been going on I extremely doubt it." I mutter as I go on to bed.

I can't describe Solemn high school in one word,boring. The school is the old mansion of our founder. So you would think it would be pretty cool right? Nope,the outside might look pretty cool but the inside looks like ever other high school with the exception of the principals office which used to be the office of Solemn and still looks like it did back then which is pretty interesting. Yeah but other then that nothing else stands out about the school. So boring sums it up pretty good.

As I am about to leave my house to walk to school I think about flying there but ultimately decide against that because someone might see me and I start walking. As I am walking I think about the ghosts and why they keep coming after me. Are they angry at me? If yes,then why would they be angry? It's not like I have done anything to any ghost. Could it be because of my parents? But why would they go after me if they could just go after my parents? As all of those questions roam free in my mind,my ghost sense goes off and I quickly look around me to realize two things,one that there are no humans around me but that's normal because I'm taking a less used road and two that there is a glowing guy playing with some boxes.

I just hope I'm not going to be late for school as I try to get past the maybe probably ghost and keep thinking about just ignoring the ghost I seem to startle the definitely ghost because he is floating guy as he screamed. " BEWARE! WHO DARES DiSTurB ME!" I hurriedly said," sorry man I didn't mean to bother you,I was just going this way didn't mean to disturb you" "NO,YOU MUST PAY FOR DISTURBING THE GREAT AND POWERFUL BOX GHOST!" The strange ghosts says as he fires a ghost ray at me. I quickly transform will dodging and shot back a more powerful one while saying."Shouldn't of messed with me dude!" I go to shot again but I stop myself from firing when I see the self proclaimed box ghost cowering in fear. I felt bad and didn't want to kill him again or anything but I also didn't want to do deal with him so I told him firmly,"I'll let you off with a warning but next time you won't get off so easy." As I get done saying my peace I take out the thermos I always had on me now and put the ghost gets shot into it. If the guy was chill with me I would of let him mess with his box's and I would be on my way but I guess people just be like that or ghosts.I sigh and hurriedly get back home to put the ghost back into the zone. I'm just lucky my parents are out like a light right now after three days of being in the lab straight and decided to take a nap. As I hurriedly unload the thermos I sigh and begin running at top speed to hurry up and get to school on time but already knowing I won't with the time and the fact that I live half a mile from the school even with my new physique it will still take 20 or so minutes to reach the school.

Our protagonist sighed already feeling how tough this school year will be not only because of it being the first year of high school but also because of the new challenges that come with his new normal not knowing the halfa of it!

*In the zone near the Arken portal*

-Box ghost pov-

I'm not dead? I'm also back in the zone? I guess that halfa spared me. Weird and I don't know why the little halfa did what it did but I'm thankful. I do wonder how many boxes everyone would give me if I told them this really interesting news about the halfa though. No one takes the box ghost from his boxes! No one!

Grinning Evily the box ghost flew deeper into the zone thinking about all the new boxes he could get for sharing that little piece of info he had not knowing or caring about all the trouble he will be causing our poor protagonist in the near future.