
The half-life of Ben Revenant

Ben Arken is just your run of the mill teen,at least that is what everyone else in their moderately sized town of Solemn Valley thinks. People thought Ben was just a kid with strange parents,but that’s not really the case. We will watch as some regular kid with a semi regular life becomes someone amazing. Hero,protector,savior,and many more names he will pick up along the way. But his first and greatest will always be, Revenant! ———————————————————————— Nothing is mine except my OCs. This is sorta a Danny Phantom phan fic but not really. It’s more about what an OC would do in a similar situation. There is some other stuff but those things will be revealed later on.

Everything_Forever · Others
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11 Chs

#10 Dual? Part 2/2

Let's take a little break from the soon to be battle to answer a probably burning question you have. Were are the people? Well they are there. They just know two important facts. One,don't acknowledge the weird stuff in town unless it's actively hurting your person or someone else. Two,my parents are crazy and would definitely make any situation 100x worse so don't get them involved. The town folk just get some money together and fix whatever gets broken,not like there is a lot to fix if I do say so myself. I try to Keep fights pretty quite and non destructive as possible,also doesn't hurt that most fights happen at night,are in out of the way places,and usually aren't much of a fight because I just one shot the random animal ghost or boxy. This is actually the first fight were I've broken something worse then maybe a broken window or chipped sidewalk. I might of given the road a little tiny crater. Nothing to bad right?

This might cause some issues down the line huh? Well back to the fight then.


*Back to the action*

My parents look on at the two ghosts in front of them. "I can't believe it honey!" My father exclaimed in happiness, literal tears streaming down his face as he gave us a savage grin and hefted a heavy look machine gun looking thing with what seemed to be ease. My mother seemed just as happy though she wasn't crying tears of joy. "We were right all along dear! We proved them all wrong!" As she started to swing around a green glowing Bo staff in preparation at what was about to come. "Now dear,let's get these spooks back to the lab so that we can tear them apart!" The people that were peeking out windows and such looked at her strangely. My mother added. "For study of course."

My father then also put in. "And because they might destroy things if we don't take them in!" As he said that he accidentally shot off something from his gun and partly destroyed a car not far from him. "Sorry about that." my father said without a hint of shame. As my parents get done with there little stunt though and turn back to the ghosts they realize that they were gone. "Well nuts." My fathers says in the quite open air.

*A couple miles away in the woods surrounding the town*

"So Adelaide right?" I say looking around to make sure no one namely my parents hadn't followed us. As my parents were busy being happy about being right I took off and made sure to look back a couple times to make sure the knightly ghost was following me. Adelaide seemed to look at me funny but I couldn't really tell because of the helmet. Adelaide starts to speak,"Yes that's my name." She seemed to stare at me for a moment then seemed to decide on something as she said. "Let us start this dual." She said with a serious tone.

I could feel the wound on my back finally knit back together as I get serious as well. "Yeah alright let's get to it then." As we both go down to the ground as she gets her sword back out and into a ready position I get into a ready position as well. The air began to feel heavy in preparation to the fight that was about to begin.

It should be known that I can fight a bit,I don't just swing my fists around and hope for the best. I had classes in boxing and judo. Mostly because my parents wanted me to be safe from any ghosts or ghouls. But the classes were good just to have them. So those classes plus my abilities I like to think I'm ok.

As we both wait to make the first moves the knight seemed to get tired first as she seemed to blur and disappeared.

I feel my ghost sense go off as I move away from were she was going to cut me down.

"Wow,so your really the real deal huh?" I say in faux casualness to try and throw her off a bit.

No such luck though as she doesn't say anything back and just jabs the pommel of the sword at my chin catching me off guard and messing the jaw up in the process i wince at the pain but fly backwards as fast as possible and with one hand holding my jaw and the other shooting a couple ecto shots at the knight to try and stall her and give me a little time.

She cuts through them easily and seemingly growls at me as she shots at me. I start to get frustrated and shot fewer but more powerful beams at her hoping to finally get her to stop. Hoping I won't have to cut her after life short but knowing that if it's between me and her I would choose myself if only to keep the town protected. Knowing that if I had to destroy her I would be devastated. I my be my parents son but I'm not them with their ideas and views.

As she gets closer I shot a couple dozen more weaker ecto shots to try and slow her down a bit more and formulate a shaky idea but a idea none the less. Hoping I got this so no one was to messed up after this.

She cuts through those ecto shots to with fast efficient strokes and bolts towards me again this time even more annoyed then she was before. She grabs me by my leg and slams me into the ground,I felt my leg do something that it definitely isn't supposed to do as she comes down toward me and gets ready to slice me through. She stops herself though and seems to think about something before finally asking something after being quite for so long. "Why…?" I get confused and ask,"Why what?" My jaw still aching but willing to talk so that I wouldn't be cut through any faster.

"Why did your own parents talk about wanting to torture you?" She asks seemingly confused. I say the first thing that pops into my head as I get ready to enact my plan,"Because of the thing that I am." As I say this I shot purple beams of ecto energy out of my eyes into the slits in her helmet and as she screams in pain and surprise I uppercut her and fly up toward her and then shoot multiple shots at her to make sure she went down as she shots toward the ground. As she lay there disoriented and in pain I say,"That was for cutting into my back for no reason."

At that she seems to get angry and was about to say something but I just shot down like a comet and throw a hay maker at her helmeted face,breaking the helmet in two and seemingly knocking the knight unconscious. "Huh,green skin." I say looking at her face then sigh in relief and get out my ghostly soup can to suck her up and get her back into were she belongs. Wincing at my leg as I attempt to stand on it I just start to float in place instead.

Knowing I had been lucky to come out of that fight as ok as I did even with a messed up leg that hopefully with go back to normal after a good night or a couple hours of rest because of ghost healing and also knowing that it was highly likely that the ghost currently in the soup can would come back I promised myself to get better so not only myself but anyone else wouldn't get hurt in the more fights that were definitely to come. With that thought I started to fly the way home. Hoping my parents wouldn't see me and give me a worse beat down then the ghost did.

*Infinite realms a couple hours later*

<POV change>

Adelaide awakens with a splitting headache and a feeling of defeat. As she finals gets her head on right she looks around only to realize that she had been defeated. She felt confused knowing that he had won the dual but hadn't destroyed her or at the very least asked for something in return. Just beat her and then sent her back here.

"What a confusing being." The knightly ghost said to her self as she started to get herself back home. As she was flying though she though of how many other beings wanted to either fight the young half,eat him,or make him join them,or just look at him like he was some caged being to be stared at,it was kinda ridiculous. "I wonder how you will deal with the future challenges that await you young Revenant." I mutter into the endless void.

Not knowing how right she was,let's see what happens to Revenant next time! On, The half-life of Ben Revenant!