
The half-life of Ben Revenant

Ben Arken is just your run of the mill teen,at least that is what everyone else in their moderately sized town of Solemn Valley thinks. People thought Ben was just a kid with strange parents,but that’s not really the case. We will watch as some regular kid with a semi regular life becomes someone amazing. Hero,protector,savior,and many more names he will pick up along the way. But his first and greatest will always be, Revenant! ———————————————————————— Nothing is mine except my OCs. This is sorta a Danny Phantom phan fic but not really. It’s more about what an OC would do in a similar situation. There is some other stuff but those things will be revealed later on.

Everything_Forever · Others
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11 Chs

#9 Dual? Part 1/2

As Ben wakes up from sleeping on his nice….floor, face down. He hears his fathers to loud for how early it is voice saying something that probably had to do with ghosts.

He sighed into the floor and muttered,"At least I save good money on alarm clocks with how loud he is."

He floats himself off the floor to stand up, stretching and yawning as he does so. As he lands upright on the floor he quickly looks at himself in habit to make sure he was in 'alive' form. Happy to see that he was he goes to walk down stairs hearing his parents talk about the many different ways they wanted to tear into a ghost when they got their hands onto one.

"….nd that is the way I would go at making a ectoplasmic scum scream honey!" My father said happily to mom even though he was talking about some really messed up stuff. I try not to shiver to much at what their talking about as my mother seems to be lovingly hugging my father as he talks. My parents don't seem to notice me as I walk in but the thing my father is working on as he talked sure did as it shot what seemed to be a high powered beam at me. I quickly duck. Oh yeah forgot to mention,my parents weapons and inventions always seemed to go for me before but now I know they definitely go off on me because of my current status in life or lack their of, really annoying.

"Ah! Son,you have finally woken up! You should really be waking up earlier you know!" My father says as he casts a disapproving look my way. "You know the old saying,the early hunter catches the ghoul!" My mother nodding along with what he was saying as she then says,"Honey, me and your father are going on our northeast patrol for anything spooky and in need of hunting and we wanted to make sure you knew you were still grounded for skipping out on cleaning the lab last Thursday and made sure you knew you had to do it." My mother says cheerfully even though it wasn't a very cheerful subject.

"Course mom." I said respectfully even though I was externally sighing loudly. My mother seemed happy though as she gave me a happy grin and said,"Happy to hear it! We will see you later at around dinner time ok?" My mother said it in a question like tone even though they will probably be out till three am trying to find anything. Which is weird because they never do find anything. That wouldn't of been the weird part only a month ago but their are ghosts and stuff around now but they never seem to catch anything because I would know as I don't want anything no matter how evil, face my parents and their dissection table. As I slightly shiver at the thought I also think about how many ghosts of all sizes seem to flock toward me.

As I am having these thoughts i break out of them as I hear the unmistakable sound of the family car or Arken mobile leaving the garage and on its way to leaving a lot of people upset and causing a lot of property damage. "Bye then." I sigh as I look over and see they left their dirty plates on the table. "It's going to be a long day." I say aloud as I go to clean the dishes my ghost sense goes off. I then remember I literally have a death match that is supposed to happen either today or tomorrow. "Let's just hope that it's not the call for the match." I say aloud even though I know that things haven't exactly been going well for me as of late.

*Six or so streets away from our MC*

<POV change>

I am Adelaide,a knight. Or at least i and many others see me as such. Knights are supposed to stand for respect for the church, protection of the poor and the weak, loyalty to one's feudal or military superiors, and preservation of personal honour. In my time women weren't as respected as they should of with how much they did. I did a many things for my country and my church. I killed and slaughtered and did so many more unspeakable things for others. After a while the bad times outweigh the good ones. I snapped and used what I had to help others to the best of my and some others who left as well abilities because it just felt right. I died standing proud with a dagger through my heart and a small smile on my face thinking god and others would be proud of me.

Imagine my surprise when I wake up in some green void. To make a long story short, I find out about the infinity realms and all that came with it and carved a little bit of it for myself and my people. I am content keeping me and mine safe in the infinite void of this realm.

Until I find out about some new spirit out in the living realm or more like a half one. I go to that part of the realm to find that it also has a stable portal! As I go out I feel that some ghost as already claimed the whole town. As I find the halfa I learn about it and watch it gain control over it's abilities and fight other lower ghosts,I might not be able to always watch it and my servants wouldn't be able to either because it seems to feel when they do and disappear so i am the only one but it seems like lately as it is getting stronger they are able to sense me better and better.That is why I will destroy that peculiar being and make sure that everyone will be welcome into this new and exciting place. It is the good thing to do after all. It also doesn't hurt that it's seems like they will be a good challenge.

As I watch the halfa fly around and seem to be looking for more spirits to hurt and frighten, I tighten my grip on my sword as I prepare for what will be a tough battle. May the best spirit achieve victory.

<POV change>

As I fly around acting nonchalant as I feel myself getting closer and closer to whatever is making my ghost sense go off I feel something cut my back. "Ach….!" I am barely able to sputter that before I am slammed into the concrete with something that's feels like a foot on the back of my head as I hear someone speak.

"So you are that halfa everyone has been talking about? Hm….You don't seem like much." A feminine voice said to me. I grunt and make a shield around me as the person jumps off me. "Ok so one,ouch. Two,rude. And thr…." I didn't get to finish as my shield shatters and a sword swiping toward my chest. I quickly fly backwards to dodge and shot multiple shots at the person attacking me to buy me a little time. The person in full knight looking gear stops and puts their sword away as they seem to start talking.

"I am.." I quickly cut them off and say,"As I was saying,and three the names not halfa it's Revenant." The being seemed to glare at me but I couldn't really be for sure because they were wearing a helmet. "As I was saying Revenant,my name is Adelaide and…." I quickly zone her out as she talks about her origin and normally I would find that mildly interesting but my mind was on other things like the fact that she hurt me and yeah that shouldn't be as much of a surprise considering other ghost have as well but only little things heck the box ghost has only given me a couple paper cuts and at worst a minor concussion and Skulker has given me a couple minor burns but I literally just got a giant cut into my back with a sword which would of been kinda cool in different circumstances.

As I zone back in I notice she is nearing the end of her story or take or whatever. "…..nd that is why I must vanquish you so that every ghost can be free to do as they please! It is my knightly duty after all!" She finishes seemingly quite proud of her speech making me feel kinda bad for not paying attention. Until I realize something,"Your that ghost that has been following me around and probably the same one that issued that dual thing!" I say pointing toward the knightly ghost. She seemed to deflate slightly and said,"I said all that and my reasons just a second ago,were you not listening?" I felt awkward as she said. "No matter! I was challenging you to see if you were even worth my time and you were passable. So let's start this dual! May the best spirit win!" She said grandly as she pulled her sword free with a flourish.

I sighed and got into a ready stance thinking about how hard this was going to be and at least it wasn't any worse. As I think that though I hear the screech of tires as I looked behind me to see the Arken Mobile and see my parents jump out with weapons galore. "Look honey! Real ghosts! We finally have things to use our beauties on!" My father said happily as my mother hummed in agreement looked somehow scarier than the faint of a man next to her.

"Of course." I said with a blank expression on my face. "Why did I expect anything different." I whispered under my breath as I had threats on both sides both I needed to protect from the other and somehow also protect myself at the same time. I raise my fists in the air and get ready. Let's do this.