
The half-life of Ben Revenant

Ben Arken is just your run of the mill teen,at least that is what everyone else in their moderately sized town of Solemn Valley thinks. People thought Ben was just a kid with strange parents,but that’s not really the case. We will watch as some regular kid with a semi regular life becomes someone amazing. Hero,protector,savior,and many more names he will pick up along the way. But his first and greatest will always be, Revenant! ———————————————————————— Nothing is mine except my OCs. This is sorta a Danny Phantom phan fic but not really. It’s more about what an OC would do in a similar situation. There is some other stuff but those things will be revealed later on.

Everything_Forever · Others
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11 Chs

#11 A day in the life of E.E.

I open my eyes to the shrill sound of my phone alarm,quickly as to not disturb anyone else in the house I turn it off and jump up off of my bed to get ready for a new day. You know what they say "The successes and failures of yesterday are gone, today is a new day."

Not that I really fail at anything that I do but still. My name is Elizabeth Evens but I like to just go by Liz. I like to get to school on time,any and all sports and people being in good moods.

As I am getting ready for the day my little sister came walking bleary-eyed out of her room. "Hey there sleeping beauty, about time you got your lazy self out of bed! It's almost time for school!" I say in a rush as I get finished up in the bathroom and was getting the rest of my outfit on.

My sister yawning says,"I don't really get your whole thing with being early at school but chill out ok? I'm going, i just got to get my face cleaned and get my makeup on." She says in a bored like tone walking somewhat slowly to the bathroom before shutting and locking the door behind her. I sigh knowing that she will most likely be in there for a long while and almost certainly be late to her first period and obviously school itself.

See my sister her name is Ella and she is goth which means she really cares about sticking out and being herself which is great if it weren't for her maybe doing that a little to much. I don't know I guess if she is happy then who am I to say anything about that. She goes to the middle school and has her certain group of friends.

I look one more time at the door and say a quiet,"Love you." And then dash for the front door ready to take on a new day! I hear a ping on my phone and know it's my friends there ready to pick me up and go to school.

I smile and wave as I get into the back,"Hey guys!" I say with excitement in my voice. One of my friends gives me a weird look and asks my what got me so excited for? I smile and say,"Because it's almost spring break silly."

There is a look of unde&)&$$&$be$($&$sm)(;($&

&&$&$)£>>£>><€€&$)en my eyes to the shrill sound of my alarm,quickly as to not disturb anyone else in the house I turn it off and was about to jump up off my bed to start a brand new day when I stopped. "This feels familiar…" I murmured quietly to myself before shaking it off and going about my day.

Get ready for school,greet my sister,talk to her a bit and then go out the door to my awaiting friends all while still trying to ignore that it feels like I did all of this before the exact same way.

As I get into the car I greet my friends and…¥)&$@;()€<&)

….I open my eyes to the…..shrill...sound…

"What is going on?!" I say aloud growing panic and fear growing inside my mind at a rapid pace. I hear my alarm stop going off as a male sounding voice said something. "I think I….

<POV change>

…can help you." I said as casually as I could to the clearly terrified girl. She jumps like a cat away from me in fear when she gets a good look at me which is fair considering what I look like as Revenant but still a little ouch.

"Wa…wa….what are you?" She asks trembling in fear. "Are you the grim Reaper? Are you here for my soul?! I'm to young!" She says all this very rapidly. I hurriedly shack my head and wave my arms as I say quickly.

"Chill out! I'm not the grim reaper!" As I say this she looks at me like I'm stupid while waving a hand at me and saying,"Have you seen yourself?! You look like a grin reaper to me!"

Well ouch I inwardly wince a little but on the outside I'm stone faced as I say as "We are getting side tracked,look we need to talk and then we both got to get down to business." I say as seriously as I can to get the point across.

She seems to calm down a fair bit and then looks at me again in the eye as she says a bit fearfully,"What do we need to talk about?"


{Flash back}

As Revenant makes his way to school invisible and happy he is actually getting there on time for a change he sees a car get t-boned by a small truck when the truck ran a red light probably hoping to get somewhere faster.

As it was people were walking on the sidewalk and saw this. People quickly went to help people and call emergency services. Revenant decided to stay back as it was a more regular thing then a ghost thing and started back to flying to school if a bit sad for the people in the vehicles when it happened.

His ghost sense went off. He was instantly on guard as he quickly looked around spotting a strange look bug like ghost that flew into the car he quickly flew after it to just see it go into the ear of some girl.

As he flew in closer he say that it was a pretty popular girl from his school also with a couple other popular kids from his school he did a quick look around and saw that none of them were to badly injured except maybe some bruises and broken bones though he wouldn't know as he wants a doctor.

What he did know was that he had to get that ghost out of her head and quick before it did what ever it wanted to do to her. The car crash might be a human thing and humans have that covered but the ghost was his problem that he had to get handled.

As he flew and became intangible he thought of going into her head and getting smaller mostly because all his other powers worked with him wanting to do it pretty much so why wouldn't this work to?

{Flashback end}

As she sat there in silence for a minute or two she finally said,"So what your telling me is that I was in a car accident,a ghost went into my ear to do stuff with my mind and you decided that you needed to help. Did I get all that?"

I nod as that was pretty much it,he didn't at the going to school part to her because obviously that would not be smart. "Yep,don't worry though I already got the ghost handled so the easy part is out of the way." I say casually lightly tapping the side of my thermos.

She looks at me like I was crazy before picking up on the second part of that sentence. "Wait if getting the ghost was the easy part then what is the hard part? Also why am I not waking up if the problem was handled?"

"See those two questions are interlinked." I say. "Just because I handled the ghost doesn't mean everything is done,you need to want to wake up."

She looks surprised again and slightly annoyed. "What do you mean 'Want to wake up'." She asked with a raised eyebrow. "I obviously don't want to be here and would rather been in the real world with my real family and friends and prob…"

She cuts herself off when she realizes what she was about to say. "Yep thats the problem right there. You don't want to deal with what's out there and just stay here,even if you think you don't want to deep inside you actually do." I say with a quit sigh. It maybe some movie crap but it was what needed to be done.

I lean against the wall away from the bed and ask,"Alright, what's up." I say with a casual air about me."

<POV change>

I sit back stunned on my bed wondering what this supposed ghost was talking about. "Im fine though," I laugh nervously for some reason. "I don't have any problems really!" I rush to say even though he hadn't said anything to point that he didn't believe me.

It was quit for a good ten minutes or so before I finally crack.

"It's not like I don't have the same problems as any other high school,I have a sister who I think hates my guts because of how 'peppy' I am even though I just want the best for everyone including her but that's fine she's just going through a phase right? And so what if I don't do whatever my friends want I feel like they will leave me and never want to talk to me again but that's just normal teenage hormones right? And so what that I feel like I need to be perfect for everyone and everything or my whole life will fall apart and I would be nothing. But that….that's normal right?"

I finally take a breath as I look up realizing I had been look downward that entire time and see the ghost guy look at me seemingly in shock.

We stare at each other for what feels like hours but was only probably a couple minutes as he seems to be looking at what to say and I stare into to his surprisingly pretty eyes. What a nice color.

"I think…" He starts snapping me out of my trance as I focus back in to listen to what he has to say realizing pretty late that i info dumped way to much way to soon.

"That I could say that it doesn't matter what other people say or thinks because that doesn't matter and to just be yourself." As he says this i can't help but slump slightly as he gives such and answer but perk back up as he continues.

"But we both know that advice is a little overused so all that I can tell you is to just do you." He says with a kinda of shrug and looked away from me finally looking slightly awkward since the first time he talked to me.

"You decide what you do,no one else. You can be perfect or try to or you could not. Just do what your gut says and go the rest of the way." You decide that was at least a little better advice then the first so you slightly nod your head to show that you heard and understood him and he seems to quietly sigh in what seemed to be relief.

"Good good,I hope that helps. I'm not the best at speaking to people as you can see but…" He stops talking as soon as he sees what he happening around as. I look around to see white closing in.

"What's happening,I say fearfully." He looks back at me and gives me a small smile,"You're going back to the real world." He seemed to be fading away. "What's happening to you?" I ask slightly scared that he was dying or something.

He seemed to realize were fear was because he said,"Oh well because your going back I got to get out of here to. Not exactly my place or anything thing." We both chuckle slightly at that before I smile and say one finale thing. "Thank you."

"Anytime." We both look at each other in the eye as he seemed to fade all the way before the white got to me.

I wake to my parents and sister looking at me happily. I grunt quietly and ask if everyone else was ok. My sister seemed to huff with tears in her eyes as he gives me a big hug and say.

"Yes everyone is ok except for a mild concussion here and a couple broken bones there." She then looks at me head on and say with a frown. "Your actually the only one that went into a comma."

I quickly ask how long I was out and they say only a couple hours I breathe a sigh of relief and lean back aging the hospital bed. As my parents and little sister go to get me looked over and checked out by the doctors,hopefully I would be able to leave soon.

What a wild trip that was. I thought with a small frown before think of the ghost guy in my head maybe that was real maybe it wasn't all I know was he helped me and that if he was real I would like to get to know him. I smile slightly as I close my eyes to rest them.

<POV change>

I smile to myself as I leave the hospital through the roof while invisible happy that I could save someone from being in a coma for however long.

"Good job Revenant." I say to myself happily but I then remembered school and realized I missed most of it with that rescue mission.

I sigh and get ready for what was to come next. Still happy but realizing I was in for it when I got home.