
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Fantasy
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55 Chs

The seven questions

After some time, Aurora and Michael concluded their meal. The bill, which comprised one silver coin and a multi coin, was settled. Subsequently, they vacated the restaurant and strolled along the street before halting for a carriage. This vehicle transported them towards their dormitory.

As they ambled towards the dorm, Michael inquired if the day had lived up to Aurora's expectations. She responded affirmatively, suggesting it had met her anticipation.

During their saunter towards the dorm, Michael felt a brief, sudden jolt on his right. It was akin to an impromptu collision. He swiveled, scanning the street behind him, only to find it devoid of any presence.

"He must have idealized it," he mused, standing at the doorway. "We've made it," he declared just before Aurora approached. Unhesitatingly, she leaned in, brushed his lips with a swift but tender kiss, and said in a rushed voice, "See you on Monday in class." Overwhelmed, Michael stood frozen at the entrance, his heart pounding. A smile spread across his face as he sprinted back to his dorm, irrespective of what her gesture meant. Despite his uncertainty, happiness washed over him.

So, what are the seven elements all about?" Crystella queried Reo. "My initial query is, do elemental gods truly exist?" She responded. "Indeed, each of the seven elements encompasses a god – darkness, light, lightning, water, wind, fire, and ice," she declared. "What's next in your line of inquiry?" she questioned, as Reo absorbed the revelation of the presence of elemental divinities.

Reo posed his second query, "Given the existence of elemental gods, could we then infer the existence of Valdesa, who churches venerate?" The response was positive, affirming that Valdesa transcends as the deity of the elements, reigning over the elemental gods.

Proceeding with his discourse, Reo articulated his third inquiry, "Could the king in any way be implicated in Luna's disappearance?" This question arises from Reo's presumption that a positive response would implicate the reigning monarch in the vanishing of Michael's family.

"Affirmative," she responded, swiftly requesting the following inquiry. Reo began to contemplate his subsequent query, recalling some information. "What is your association with Professor Burns?" he asked. His question received a response from Crystella, who mentioned that Professor Burns had previously visited her territory, although that was ages ago.

"Understood," responded Reo, acutely aware of the scarce details about Professor Burns. Next, he formulated his following question. "Could you design a map that would guide us to the diary of Professor Burns?" Crystella affirmed, further adding that she would commence on this task once Reo departs her territory.

'"There are only two more inquiries remaining," she articulated as Reo endeavored hard to conceptualize his next question. Despite commencing without any directly intended question in mind, he promptly recollected his predicament surrounding his memory. Should he inquire whether she could assist in restoring his memory? However, he soon contemplated he would rather resolve that issue on his own. Hence, he formulated an alternative question, "Could you explain the distinction between the Apostle of the Elemental Gods and the Direct Apostles of the Elemental Gods?"

Taken aback by his question, she took a moment before providing her response. "The differentiation is relatively straightforward. Direct Apostles are those that belong to the same species as their respective Elemental God. For instance, the Light Elemental Goddess is representative of the angels, and while a human could become an Apostle of the goddess, they can't be a Direct Apostle, as they're human, not angelic in nature," she clarified. She then added, "Likewise, the Dark Elemental God is associated with demons."

Down to his final inquiry, Reo asked about the seemingly sparse limit of seven questions. Generating a heavy silence, she locked her gaze onto Reo before inquiring, "You are aware that you've used your last question, correct?" Nodding in affirmation with a grin, Reo received her answer, "In exchange for the questions I've already provided answers for, I require something. Seven appeared to be a fair number for such an exchange."

Unexpectedly, her remark caused an upsurge of surprise for Reo, leading him to retort, "What could an immediate envoy of the dark elemental deity possibly require from a human?"

She responded, "Remember, as Fate's emissary, assessing your future becomes an obligation for me." With a nonchalant snap of her fingers, she turned her attention towards Reo, still standing amidst water. Suddenly finding himself floating above the water, Reo was lost and questioned her about his unexpected levitation.

Subsequently, she gently guided him towards her, embracing the pulse of his hands. In a soft-pitched voice, she urged him to shut his eyes, reassuring him that no harm would come.

Reo closed his eyes simultaneously with her before they plunged into the obscurity of the water. She instructed him to hold his breath, inducing a wave of fear within him as he remained submerged for three seconds before being pulled back to the surface.

"It is safe to open your eyes now," she assured him as he regained his footing on the surface of the water. It was dark around him, mirroring the uncertainty of his fate. "What did you perceive about my future?" he inquired anxiously.

Crystella, caught in a moment of surprise as she sought the right words, eventually responded, "I have met an individual of extraordinary intrigue. I cannot expose the specifics of what I have envisaged, however, I will share a crucial piece of advice. You must harness the strength to safeguard your peace in order to preserve true happiness."

Reo pondered over her cryptic counsel as the water level began to ascend around him.

"Okay, now it's time to bid farewell," she proclaimed. As Reo's eyes began to slack, Alice maintained her position in the same spot where she stood when he last closed his eyes, prior to encountering Crystella.

"Ah, you're awake. How was it?" Alice questioned, moving into Reo's line of sight. He quickly noted his body was extensively bandaged, thanks to Alice's efforts.

"Was this your handiwork?" he queried prior to telling her about their impending discussion. "We shall continue this conversation on Monday in the library, after school. I must return to my dormitory for now," Reo added, sounding determined.

With a surge of energy, he rose, noting that the square vanished, his blood was cleaned, and the candle flames had extinguished.

"I'll see you in the library on Monday," Reo reminded Alice with a wave of his hand. He made his way halfheartedly through the corridor, passing the reception desk where he expressed his gratitude to Charlotte once more before heading towards his dorm room.