
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Invocation part 4

Upon reaching their destination, the Lanter Restaurant, both Micheal and Aurora alighted from the carriage. Micheal compensated the coachman with a silver coin and, in exchange, was handed two multi coins. The pair positioned themselves in front of the restaurant building, their attention drawn to the expansive line formed at the entrance.

The structure was an imposing one made of brick, its walls painted a vibrant red. A sign, perched directly above the main entrance, proudly declared 'Lanter's Restaurant'. Thankfully, the pair were exempted from the queue. Instead, they approached the door directly, where Micheal held the door open for Aurora. Subsequently, they stepped inside.

Upon entering, they immediately noticed a desk flanked by a woman with long, black hair and brown eyes. She promptly asked "What number are you?" to which Micheal responded: "Number 83." Diligently, she acknowledged his response before promptly summoning a waitress, who, she instructed, was to guide the pair to the deck reserved for Number 83.

Turning around to take note of the guests, she introduced herself. "Hello, my name is Rem." She was appropriately dressed in a white T-shirt and a black pencil skirt. "I'll be the one in charge of your orders today," she said, directing Michael and Aurora to their allocated seats.

The restaurant had multiple tables smartly separating a passage on either side leading up to the reception desk. Upon reaching the table, Michael immediately moved to help Aurora. He gallantly drew out a chair from under the desk for her, hung his jacket on the back of his seat, and took his own seat.

"Well, aren't you a gentleman," Aurora

acknowledged, taking note of Michael's chivalrous action of opening the door and adjusting the chair for her. She picked up the menu and began reading, while Michael did the same.

During this time, Michael felt a peak of joy. He knew, at this instant, that something he deeply desired was finally unfolding in his life.

The waitress, Rem, queried to Micheal, "What can I get you today?" Aurora, inquiring to Micheal reciprocated the question, "Have you made a decision?" Micheal responded, requesting a lemon juice, while Aurora opted for a fruit punch. Rem then departed to fetch their required beverages.

In the meantime, Aurora turned her attention back to the menu, then glanced at Micheal who seemed gratified. She then decided to ask him, "What would you like to eat?" Micheal drew his chair closer to Aurora, and revealed his choice: "Buttery Shrimp with Peas and Potatoes with a crispy crab cake."

Aurora, animated, replied, "Wow! I'm ordering rice peas, the Honey Garlic Glazed Salmon with rice and beans, and a beef steak." Micheal responded affirmatively, pleased. He had prepared adequately for this occasion financially, still possessing one golden coin and 12 semi-coins.

"An intriguing choice," she remarked, just as Rem approached, delivering their beverages - lemon juice and fruit punch. They then proceeded to place their food orders. A conversation ensued, during which Aurora probed, "How's your dorm life with your roommate Reo? Coming in late to school together, landing in mischief together - you both indeed appear to be two peas in a pod."

Micheal paused, rubbing the back of his head with his right hand, then replied, "Well, Reo is indeed an engaging and intellectual individual. He devotes an extensive amount of time to reading and meditation. However, he also has this propensity to hide any predicament that makes him uncomfortable."

"I have observed that," concurred Aurora, referring to the recent phenomenon of Reo fainting. "A majority of people who encounter you often tend to brand you as a troublemaker. This perspective noticeably shifted that day when you rushed to Reo's aid as he started feeling unwell. But I have always believed you to be not just incredibly talented but also kind-hearted."

"Rem, pushing a cart bearing Aurora and Michael's order, declared, 'Here is your order.' She halted the cart and placed their plates on the table. An enticing aroma wafted from the food, as Aurora and Michael commenced their meal and engaged in lively conversation."

"Did you personally know the author of the diary?" Reo queried the enigmatic lady, seemingly suspended on water as she sat in her chair.

"Indeed, his name was Ivan Burns. However, I'm unable to provide further details about him. You should be aware, though, that he was a significant historical figure, albeit a forgotten one," she answered.

The lady continued, conveying a tone of concern, "I'm uncertain what encouraged you two, merely fifteen years of age each, to attempt to invoke a god. This reckless act was highly risky and could have resulted in disastrous consequences."

She then paused, before confirming, "Yes, I'm aware of who you both are - Reo Vermont and Alice Knight."

Crystella spoke in hushed tones. "You may ask seven questions," she said, "After your seventh question, I will escort you out of my territory. You will return to your meditation space. Now, what will your first question be?" She asked, her gaze intent as she watched Reo, who stood in thoughtful silence, pondering over the seven questions he so desperately sought answers for.

"Keep in mind, there is only one opportunity," she warned, "As a human, please avoid unnecessary dalliance. Don't ask why there are only seven questions because that, itself, will count as a question."

Upon hearing this, Reo simply responded with a nod, a smile playing on his lips despite their eerie surroundings engulfed in darkness, creating a rather fearsome ambiance.