
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

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55 Chs

preparation for invitation

"I find it difficult to comprehend," Reo said. He was seated on his bed, perpetually reliving a memory, a memory from before his encounter with Sonia and John. "Oh dear," Reo exhaled heavily, expressing his discontent.

The memory he recalled was not of his parents or other family members, but a rather perplexing one - he was plummeting into a pit. The fact that he managed to survive such a fall raised numerous unanswered questions in his mind.

These mental conundrums kept him sufficiently distracted and, as a result, he found no room for boredom.

Reo heard the alarm before he proceeded to descend the side ladder in order to shut it off. Simultaneously, Micheal began to stir himself awake from sleep.

Michael then said aloud, "Considering it's Saturday, I suppose I might as well visit Aurora in the dormitory. I would very much appreciate your assistance, Reo, in convincing Miss Charlotte."

Reo promptly replied, "No. I can't assist you in that. We have plans to go shopping around the city. The King's party is a week from now and there is a chance you don't possess appropriate formal attire for such an occasion."

"You have a point," acquiesced Michael . "But who is going to fund this shopping trip? I find myself financially depleted after my date with Aurora." Micheal confessed, leaving the question of payment unresolved.

"I am acquiescent in paying, although the budget must not exceed thirty semi coins," Reo articulated. "My motivation largely stems from the numerous occasions you've been paying for our meals, so don't misconstrue this as a new pattern of dependency on me."

With a light-hearted smile, Micheal began to direct his steps towards the kitchen, while Reo veered towards the bathroom, aiming to freshen up through a series of routines such as washing his face, brushing his teeth, and taking a shower.

"Wait," Micheal interjected, as Reo approached the kitchen door. "Can we really justify expending on formal attire, considering our dwindling stash of cooking ingredients?" Micheal inquired, pivoting to confront Reo, who had intermittently paused by the door.

Reo contemplated momentarily, before responding, "I've given it due thought and envisage that we'll have sufficient funds remaining post-shopping. In fact, due to my fortuitous windfall from Luna and Darren, I find myself with a significant reserve, which I haven't had an opportunity to utilize."

With these thoughts, Reo leisurely retreated to continue his hygiene regimen in the bathroom.

Upon exiting the restroom, Reo donned a white t-shirt along with black trousers, complemented by monochrome shoes. Michael apprised him that breakfast was ready as they gathered at the table. The meal consisted of eggs, an assortment of sandwiches, and a steaming cup of coffee.

While dining, Michael broached the topic that had been occupying his mind, "I have been contemplating your theory about the king's potential involvement in my family's disappearance", he stated.

I'am Intrigued, Reo inquired whether Michael subscribed to this belief. "While I do not possess any concrete evidence," Michael admitted, "I am inclined to agree. Given the authority that the king wields, it's plausible that he could easily orchestrate someone's murder and subsequent coverup".

"Indeed, I concur. That's why I suggested it's a possibility." Reo responded, sipping his coffee and tasting a sandwich. "Why don't we consider visiting the muffin shop? We may uncover some clues related to the case there." Micheal proposed.

Reo pondered, grateful that this suggestion wasn't made a few days earlier, or else they could have fallen victim to the serpent. "Alright, let's head to the shop for a thorough investigation. However, we have to bear in mind this might be our only opportunity. The shop is potentially facing demolition and reconstruction or may be purchased by a new owner."

After he had his meal, Reo retired to the bedroom. Settling comfortably on the bed, he waited for Micheal. After a brief pause, Micheal emerged from the bathroom, clad in a stylish black and blue tuxedo.

"Wow, I am uncertain of the necessity to procure a new outfit for you." Commented Reo, as he observed Micheal stroll from the small corridor into the bedroom.

"Micheal pronounced, "Alright, time to go." Together, they exited the room, taking care to lock the door behind them before making their way towards the dormitory's front desk.

Upon encountering Miss Charlotte, who was absorbed in a book, Reo greeted her with a bow, uttering a respectful "Good morning."

Micheal emulated Reo's greeting gesture, hoping to improve the strained relationship between him and Charlotte. He voiced a "Good morning," just like Reo.

The reply from Charlotte was a lighthearted jest, "Good morning, troublemaker." A statement made as both Micheal and Reo departed through the front door.

As Reo and Michael strolled down the street, they paused to hail a carriage. Shortly, one pulled up and the driver inquired of their destination, marking the fare at 30 semi coins. Reo confirmed, then requested the driver take them to Salver Street, located about 20 minutes east of their current location in the city.

Simultaneously, both Reo and Micheal realized they had neglected to stop at their intended destination. "We were supposed to stop at the muffin shop," they articulated in unison.

Upon hearing this, the carriage driver asked if they were referring to the Luna Muffin Shop. Upon Reo's acknowledgment, it became evident that everyone was unaware of the reason she had ceased operations.

The driver then rotated to face his passengers, removing his hat, and introduced himself as Aaron Silver. Reo and Michael were left stunned as they recognized the man behind the face.

Reo thought , "Aaron Silver, the man who slayed the serpent!" Michael then asked , "Why are you here instead of serving as the royal guard of the king?" with evident surprise in his voice.

"Your assertion is not incorrect. However, an individual witnessed an event they were not intended to witness, and I am present to converse with them. These statements incited trepidation within Reo, leading him to speculate that perhaps Aaron was the culprit behind the demise and vanishing of the Stone family and Luna. 'We can disembark here,' announced Reo to which Aaron responded, 'I labor diligently for my earnings, hence I will convey you to your predestined location.'"