
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Fantasy
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55 Chs

preparation for invitation part 2

Radiating apprehension due to his newfound comprehension of the coachman's identity, Reo began to perspire profusely as Micheal continued to sit calmly, awaiting their arrival at the desired destination. Upon their arrival, Reo was the first to disembark from the carriage, followed closely by Aaron.

Aaron approached Reo with a simple request, "Would you allow me a moment of your time? I assure you, this isn't anything detrimental."

With an escape plan percolating in his mind, Reo reluctantly moved towards Aaron. Meanwhile, Micheal remained stationary by the carriage, silently observing the interaction.

Addressing the apprehensive boy, Aaron stated, "I'm aware that you were the individual present at Luna's shop on the day of her disappearance. You were also present on the day I eliminated the monstrous entity lurking in the muffin shop. Although your ethereal form prevented me from visually confirming your presence, I was able to sense you're energy."

"In a shaky, low-toned voice, Reo questioned, 'So, are you planning to eliminate me because I am aware of things I shouldn't be?'

Aaron, responding with a broad smirk that accelerated Reo's heart rate due to fear, confidently retorted, 'Exactly.' After a brief pause, he added, 'Just kidding, kid. Can't you take a joke?'

Relief washed over Reo's face, understanding that Aaron was jesting. However, he was once again questioned by Aaron, 'What prohibited knowledge do you possess, Reo?'

Concerned for his life, Reo promptly replied, 'I am aware that the king is intricately linked to the obliteration of the three towns.'

Interrupting him, Aaron commanded, 'Hold, don't disclose any more details. Your knowledge seems to be too significant to the king's affairs. If you proceed, I may be compelled to dispose of you.'"

"I wished to speak with you to impart an important message. Significant shifts are on the horizon, and they will adversely affect you due to a certain element in your possession. I'm uncertain if your unique ability, which seems to enable you to become ghost like, will be sufficient protection. If i were any other member of the royal guard, you and your relations would already be in grave danger. Therefore, I caution you strongly to refrain from pursuing knowledge that could be detrimental to you. Aligning yourself against the king would not be in your best interest. I will now take my leave and kindly request my payment of 30 semi-coins. Reflect on my advice," with that Reo gave him the agreed upon sum of 30 semi-coins. Arron bid farewell, climbed onto his cart, and departed.

"So, what was his message to you?" inquired Michael, as he observed Reo, whose gaze was absorbed by the celestial expanse spread across the sky, brimming with stars and an elusive moon that seemed visible only to him.

Regaining his focus, startled by Michael's prodding, Reo replied, "It was a warning. He cautioned me against delving into the likes of deadly mysteries that veil the mere mention of Luna's death and the vanishing act of the stone family."

Upon hearing Reo's response, a visibly perplexed Michael then posed another question, "But how did he arrive at that conclusion?"

Without any definitive answer to Michael's question, Reo simply replied, "I'm uncertain. However, taking his advice to heart is crucial. We need to exercise greater caution in our future actions; else, we could expose not just ourselves, but also those we deeply care about to immeasurable danger."

"Let's go," Reo stated, initiating their journey down the silent street. His mind was alive, reflecting on the week's events where his life had been threatened twice - first by a serpent and now by Aaron. Reo found himself wrestling with a plethora of questions stemming from his recent encounter; primarily, what was meant by 'many changes' and why would owning an element result in such impact. Nevertheless, he chose not to dwell on these contemplations and dismissed them as they approached their destination - a store by the name 'Formal Alter.'

"Alright, let's purchase what we need and then take our leave," Reo suggested. Meanwhile, Michael began to explore the store, taking in the vast array of neatly arranged and folded clothing.

I found myself preoccupied with Arron's words as I wandered aimlessly, my mind in a haze. Suddenly, a woman with dark hair and bright blue eyes approached the bewildered Reo. Politely declining her offer of assistance, he thanked her before continuing on his quest for a suit that would fit his budget.

Eventually, his attention was drawn to a black and blue suit. Blue herring shoes accompanied the ensemble, adorned with a golden chain. Feeling hopeful, he thought to himself, "This could be the perfect fit." However, his optimism quickly evaporated upon seeing the price. The enormous sum of two gold coins rendered him speechless. Astonished, he wondered who would have the audacity to purchase such an extravagantly priced item.

He redirected his search and discovered a blue and black tuxedo priced at twenty five semi coins. Off to the side, Micheal had stumbled upon a red and black suit with a price tag of 34 semi coins.

"Although you exceeded the budget, it was acceptable as it was only 4 semi coins more. Thank you," Micheal said as they approached the store owner to pay for the suit. Intrigued, Reo asked, "I hope you don't mind my curiosity as to why that blue and black suit cost two gold coins."

She briefly explained that the price includes a complete set - the suit, its corresponding herring shoes, and matching accessories.

After the purchase, Reo and Micheal left the shop and headed over to another store specializing in vegetables and various food items. There, they bought numerous ingredients before exiting the store and waited for a carriage. Eventually, the carriage arrived and transported them to the street where their dormitory was located.

Upon alighting from the carriage, Reo paused at the threshold of the muffin shop. Eyebrow arched, he queried Michael, "Considering the royal guard's cautionary words, do you still wish to venture inside?" Michael stood firm, with two sacks filled with food ingredients slung over his shoulder. Reo meanwhile, carried a single bag containing their change of clothes.

Michael's response was unwavering, "Indeed, I do." Displaying deftness of skill, he consolidated both loads into one hand, igniting the other with a soft yet luminous flame. As Reo delicately pushed the door ajar, it revealed naught but a shroud of darkness. With tentative steps, they proceeded into the seemingly deserted shop.

While journeying through the store, their path led them around the front desk. It was here they expected to see Luna's lifeless form; it was nowhere in sight. As they pivoted to the exit, Reo noticed a piece of paper discreetly hidden under the desk. He picked it up, reading the ominous warning etched in what seemed to be blood: "Elemental users are now in danger."

"What could this possibly imply?" Michael voiced aloud, just as an unnerving creaking noise filled the shop. His eyes darted upwards, realization struck him – the store was about to implode. Together they dashed towards the exit, the store's ceiling tumbling down behind them. With a final burst of energy, they leaped through the doorway, turning back only to see the complete ruination of the shop. All that remained was elements of the wooden structure scattered on the ground.

With a sigh, Micheal suggested, "Let's just head back home." And so they began their silent journey homewards.