
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Fantasy
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55 Chs


"On their way home, Micheal and Reo maintained silence until they arrived at their dormitory. Micheal settled onto his bed before finally voicing the observation that had been plaguing him, "I am not oblivious to what transpired during the battle, Reo. Would you enlighten me?"

Reo, subtly shifting towards the hallway that connected their room, the bathroom, and the kitchen, responded cryptically, "I am bemused by your reference, Micheal."

Countering his evasion, Micheal pointed out, "You are well versed with the incident I am referring to, Reo. I noticed the transformation in the color of your eyes during the fight, your voice modulation, and the mental anguish you seemed to endure."

Attempting to explain the unexplainable, Reo suggested, "Perhaps, I was merely putting up a facade to catch Liam off-guard."

However, his plea was swiftly cut off by Micheal, who firmly pointed out the gaps in his justification, "That assertion doesn't account for the shift in the color of your eyes or the change in your voice, Reo."

In a state of uncertainty, Reo cast a glance at Micheal, his gaze lowered, as he ambled into the kitchen with a plan to prepare dinner. Making use of the ingredients he could find, he cooked a meal for both of them. As they ate, an awareness of the approaching royal event entered their conversation. The day of the king's grand party was near. They mutually agreed on a venture into the city to seek a suitable store from which to purchase formal attire.

Upon finishing their meal, Micheal retreated to his bed. He then shared his concerns with Reo. "I'm unsure as to what's happening with you, or what your motives are. Nevertheless, remember that you have friends who stand ready to assist you in any circumstance," said Micheal.

"I understand your concern, but rest assured, everything is ok," Reo responded, demonstrating his calm as he switched off the lamp. He bid Micheal a good night as he ascended the ladder to his bunk. He also conveyed his gratitude for Micheal's support.

Reo carefully laid back in his bunk and glanced down, discovering that Michael had drifted off to sleep. He heard a rustling of paper beneath his pillow and upon inspection, he found a page filled with numerous destinations. "Ah, this is the map I requested from Crystella," mused Reo, as he studied the page more closely.

Realizing that Rivergate was the only nearby location containing a page from Professor Burns' diary, he promptly began his meditation.

After emerging from his ghostly state, he calmly floated towards the muffin shop, noting the unusual calmness due to the absence of the mysterious man. "He must have been present solely to eliminate the serpent," reasoned Reo.

He ended his spectral state and fell onto his back, only to be suddenly reminded of a lost memory - a memory of himself tumbling down a dark pit. A surprised sensation of falling into darkness caused him to swiftly open his eyes, his heart pounding in response.