
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Invocation part 3

Upon reaching the top of the stairs, located at the entrance to the shrine, both of them paused. Their eyes trained on the statue positioned in an eternal prayer. As they absorbed the sight, Michael spoke to Aurora. He informed her that the place had a reputation for granted good fortune and problem-solving abilities to those who visited. The shrine particularly catered to, individuals lacking the determination to face their own issues.

"Over the years, my mother and I would regularly visit here." He explained further, "We asked for divine intervention to help us overcome life's challenges and be strong in the paths we chose."

Awe-stricken, Aurora glanced at the statue, revealing her sheltered past. "I've never had a chance to visit places like this. My parents kept me confined to the castle. They pressed the urgency of me getting married to expand their influence."

Recognizing Aurora's situation, Michael conveyed his understanding. He then remembered that Aurora was born into the Grace family. A noble lineage known for its considerable sway over global matters, the Grace family held significant privileges as council members serving under the king.

"Yes, growing up, I didn't have the opportunity to experience various things. While many wish to be born into wealth, I would chose a different path. I would rather be born poor and unbound, than wealthy with heavy restrictions as though my life was predetermined from the outset," she shared, turning her gaze to the clear sky. "I resonate with that feeling. One of my forebears, a prominent figure known to many as 'the Conqueror,' casts a profound shadow over my family. Bearing the venerated Stone surname embedded in me a multitude of expectations since my early childhood.

Despite feeling a sense of longing for my family, I do not miss the incessant scrutiny and the looming expectation that I, too, will be the next 'Conqueror.' Aurora turned her gaze to Micheal, whose eyes reflected the beautiful azure sky. Inch by inch, she closed the gap between them, gently taking his hand before enquiring about their next destination."

In the midst of contemplating the name 'Crystella,' Reo awakened to discover himself isolated in obscurity. As he blinked twice, he came to the realization that he was positioned in a dense woods, shrouded in darkness, with enormous trees that obscured their crown in the night. His unfamiliarity with the situation spurred a rising panic within him, as his surroundings bore an eerie resemblance to a forest from a frightening tale.

With no sense of direction to guide him, he sought guidance from the skies. On locating the moon, he resolved to follow its path. As he proceeded, awareness of his precarious situation advanced. His visibility continued to decline with each step, with the terrain appearing increasingly obscured. As his surrounding darkness intensified - so did his fear, which gradually turned his walk into a hurried run.

Upon the echoing splash his step had made, a sharp realization dawned on him: he was now standing in water. As he gazed ahead, his once fragmented vision started to sharpen. In the distance, he sighted an expansive lake, its water a bracing shade of black.

"Hello, is anybody out there?" he summoned up the courage to yell into the desolate silence. What he got in response was a chilling sight - a hand emerging from the inky darkness of the water.

As shock blanketed his mind, the hand started signaling him to advance closer. Overwhelmed by confusion and fear, he found himself drawn to the mystery, cautiously making his way towards it. The more he trudged on, the higher the water rose, stopping only as it kissed his shoulders.

He halted, the reality of his predicament sinking in. Not sure what else to do, he called out again, "I can't swim! Is it possible for you to come closer?"

The hand receded back into the water, triggering his heart to pound with intense fear. After some time, Reo began to retreat from the murky water. He halted, stunned by a peculiar sight. A puddle of water appeared to be evaporating, and after blinking he noticed a woman seated on a wooden chair floating on the water. She wore a dress that mirrored the night sky with visible stars. A knotted black veil covered a black top hat she donned.

"Who are you?" Reo queried. She retorted, "you sought me out, yet you do not recognize me. Or, perchance, have you trespassed onto my terrain?" "How did you gain entry into this location?" she inquired. "I employed an invocation," Reo responded. "Indeed. So, you are the one who discovered that human's diary; the one he believed so passionately would be discovered - a fascinating revelation."

Reo subsequently advanced towards the gloomy water and proceeded to question the enigmatic lady about her identity. She responded, "I am referred to by numerous titles such as 'woman of the night', 'the chosen envoy of the darkness elemental god', 'the envoy of destiny' and an array of others. However, you can refer to me by the name humans use, Crystella."

Subsequent to spending some time at the shrine, both Michael and Aurora exited and headed towards an aquarium. There, they observed an assortment of marine creatures including fish and sea lions. Finishing their tour of the aquarium, they concluded it was the appropriate time to dine at a restaurant. As such, they exited the aquarium premises, awaited a carriage which would transport them directly to the Lantern Restaurant.