
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Friends house

Reo was occupied with his regular tasks, inclusive of floor sweeping and other such activities. Concurrently, he found himself obsessing over the diary pages he had accidentally discovered. The pages left him brimming with questions that were yet to be answered. He even attempted to scour the library for additional pages but to no avail.

Reo anticipated John's return soon and patiently bided his time. Approximately five minutes later, John arrived. The sight of him sent Amelia into a flurry of excitement, and she hurried over to welcome him. Seizing the moment, Reo made it a point to mention that he had completed reading the three books he had borrowed from the library.

"Reo, I am intrigued. How did you manage to read all three volumes in a mere span of five days?" inquired John, astonishment widening his eyes. As he embraced Amelia, he continued, "Did your reading yield any significant or captivating insights?"

"Affirmative," responded Reo cheerfully, accompanying John to his chamber while expounding on his newfound knowledge. Clicking his tongue, he spun around to add, "However, those texts overlook some key points." Eagerly, Reo queried John about the omitted details.

Nevertheless, John dismissed the inquiry, stating, "That information suits an older crowd. Perhaps when you've aged a little." He pivoted and secured the room's entrance.

I refrained from mentioning the diary to John, as its disclosure remained questionable. I intended to unravel its mysteries first and comprehend its role in global history.

Subsequently, Reo proceeded to the kitchen, using a stool to reach the dishes due to his limited height. Preparation for dinner was imminent. Upon completion of his task, Amelia made her entrance into the kitchen, indicating she intended to visit her friends and inviting Reo to accompany her—an offer she had made to him frequently. Reo had trouble comprehending how she cultivated friendships while often engaged in childish play activities, considering her near-eight years of age (given the date was September 25, 5026).

In this instance, Reo was genuinely intrigued to ascertain the existence of her friendships. Hence, he requested her to momentarily delay their departure as he hurried to his room to collect his shoes, positioned on the dresser adjacent to his bed. Following this, both individuals descended the stairs and embarked on their short journey to a destination located merely two blocks away.

Upon arrival, a young lady by the name of Nora welcomed us. She had dark brown hair, a pair of black eyes, and was donned in a short, yellow dress. Her attention quickly shifted to me, causing her to query of me from Nora, "Is this the individual you have been referring to?" Amelia affirmed that I was indeed the person in question, Reo. With haste, Nora introduced herself, expressing, "Greetings, I am Nora. I now find that what I've heard about your charming and affable character were true. Your hair too, seems rather appealing. I quite like it!" In response, I expressed my gratitude, making a reference to my hair. It was of a remarkable blue color and I had it pulled up into a ponytail, managing its growing length.

Next, she ushered me into the house, prompting, "Come in," simultaneously swinging the door open. Striking technology greeted me as I entered, providing her with the capacity to witness happenings in disparate locations. As an illustration, I saw a circus scene being portrayed- an image akin to a gleaming circle, as she enjoyed the clear view of everything transpiring at its nucleus. Adjacent to this was a sumptuous chaise, paired with a mini version. While her attention was absorbed in observing human performance, my eyes caught sight of a staircase pointed toward the upper level and a door; I found myself pausing for a brief spell, captivated by the sight.

"Simply the kitchen," she declared next, answering my gaze. Overwhelmed by curiosity, I found myself querying about the glistening circle. She clarified it was a television, a technological device enabling her to watch mostly recreational events globally. This, she said, was an innovation from the second world, renowned for their technological progress.

In the course of our viewing, she drew me aside for a conversation,

"Amelia has been endowed with an ice element," she said, "However, she is hesitant to enrol in the elemental training school because she knows no one else in possession of an element. Despite her father's best efforts, including highlighting the several advantages of an elemental school, and how it could enhance their family's status, Amelia remains unconvinced.

She further stated that while your suspicion about possessing an element was valid, if there was a probability that you do, would you pledge your presence along with Amelia at the school?" Before she could finish her sentence, Reo interjected, "Cease. You're fully aware that the likelihood of having an element is incredibly slim, right?" She, however, maintained the insistence of a possibility. Although dismissive at first, Reo acceded, albeit on the caveat that he actually comes to possess an element and given the negligible likelihood of the occurrence."

After engaging with the television for a period, the hour of departure arrived. We bid farewell to Nora, her mother being absent during that time. It was merely the two of us and she had projected her absence to be for 45 minutes, requesting us to linger for 40. Subsequently, we proceeded directly towards home.

On reaching, the fragrance of John's culinary efforts permeated the surrounding air, displaying a marked intensity. We both made a beeline for the kitchen, declaring, "We have returned!".