
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

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Book 3 and a diary page

On Thursday, Reo achieved a considerable milestone, completing the third book. This was the most pivotal of the three because it had a central focus on artifacts. Artifacts, in essence, were remarkable weapons used in combat and for protection purposes. Intriguingly, these artifacts were not limited to individuals with superior abilities; anyone could wield them.

A variety of artifacts possessed different powers—some could harness the elements while others had the capacity to perform extraordinary feats such as manipulating time, controlling minds, or transforming individuals into stone.

The book spoke about Excalibur, a renowned artifact, which was a sword endowed with colossal power. A wielder of Excalibur turned invincible, with the ability to generate thousands of swords that would descend upon adversaries. While Excalibur had more associated abilities, the book exclusively highlighted these notable features of the sword.

Reo further discovered valuable insights within the book pertaining to various artifacts. The book illuminates the existence of a particular crystal, denoted as "sorrow blue." This crystal poses considerable dangers for those who possess elemental abilities. The potency of the crystal is such, that it effectively saps their strength, precipitating a loss of their elemental powers over time. Any elemental users that comes into contact with the "sorrow blue" may temporarily lose their element unless they have sufficient strength to withstand its effects. Yet, prolonged exposure to the crystal could potentially result in fatal consequences.

Interestingly, the hazards of this crystal extend beyond individuals with elemental powers. It poses dire risks to other species such as dragons and giants. Reportedly, it could instigate an aggressive frenzy in them, making them want to slaughter indiscriminately, including their own species!

This revelation is indeed worthy of further scrutiny given the formidable powers of this crystal.

Regrettably, there was no remedy available. The lone course of action mentioned is to neutralize the impending danger before it inflicted additional damage, endangering civilians as a result.

Upon concluding the third book, an unbound sheet slipped from between its pages. It was not part of the book in my hands as its dimensions were petite and bore the mark of age. The page contained just a single sentence, evidently an entry in Professor Burns' diary. Intrigue encouraged me to turn the aged sheet over, where I found a date inscribed: December 17, 2030.

This entry shattered our previous conviction of solitary existence in this domain, divulging the fact that other entities resided here too. That lone sentence held a high historical value, relating to an overlooked segment of our history.

Despite his immense excitement over the remarkable finding, he was beset by a myriad of queries. Questions such as the true identity of Professor Burns and the nature of his discourse entered his mind. The foremost curiosity, however, was what he had witnessed. Abundant inquisitiveness clouded his thoughts, leading him to contemplate them for a short span. However, he made the final decision to address them at a future date. The journal's sheet was discreetly stowed in the drawer, nestling next to the finances he had been assiduously accumulating.