
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Fantasy
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55 Chs


Following an exciting day with Nora, Reo made an unusual suggestion to John - a visit to a facility that conducts elemental tests on individuals. Surprisingly, John didn't object or hesitate to the unconventional idea. Reo's recent fascination with a trilogy centered on elements had piqued his interest and hence, the reaction was predictable. Once John finished his official assignments, he agreed to accompany Reo on this unusual expedition.

Despite the time inching towards their usual bedtime at 9:27 PM, they chose to stay awake instead. Their decision to open the windows and revel in the beauty of the star-spangled sky was indeed well worth it. The gentle breeze added a new element to this already captivating experience.

The conversation entered a new phase as Amelia engaged with genuine curiosity, "What was the topic of your conversation with Nora?"

Reo recalled his intended response to the posed question instantly. His retelling would mirror Nora's description of their first meeting. Nora had anticipated Amelia might ask Reo about this, so she had prepared him in advance. This notable event fell on the same day John and Sonia acquired joint ownership of a house. Under the enchanting night sky, Reo fell into a deep slumber, only to wake the next day.

Upon waking, the gentle touch of the sun greeted his face. It streamed in through the window he had left open before his unplanned sleep. He got up, visited the bathroom to freshen up, then headed to the kitchen, ready to have breakfast.

An appealing breakfast consisting of eggs, cheese on toast, bacon, and a steaming cup of tea was consumed by Reo. Once he had quelled his appetite, he directed himself to the living room, intending to immerse himself in the morning's newspaper ahead of John's appearance. The paper featured an intriguing update: Arron Silver's appointment as the new royal guard for the king.

After finishing my own meal, I noted there was still a substantial amount of time before John would surfice. Known for his tardiness due to his demanding job, I had to wait for John to drive me. Therefore, I decided to partake in some physical exercise. This included jogging around the estate several times, followed by a set of push-ups and sit-ups. Although the regimen was arduous and time-intensive, I eventually finished my workout.

Throughout my anticipation period, the mystery of Amelia's possible location piqued my interest. I soon realized that Nora's place might have been her destination. To occupy my time and keep my mind engaged, I visited the library and lost myself in a few compelling reads. This was a remarkably effective method to pass my time until John was ready to return and enable our departure to the previously agreed upon location.

We both seemed to be appropriately dressed for the occasion! My outfit consisted of black trousers and shoes, fitting perfectly with my choice of a blue button-down shirt. Given the schedule we had outlined, it was crucial to leave on time to ensure we would return before Amelia made her way back home. Thus, without wasting any further time, we instantly started our journey down the residential street.

Our gaze was drawn towards a horse-driven carriage, managed by a single driver and fitted with two strong horses. John asked nonchalantly as if he was familiar with this type of travel, "This is your first time riding a carriage, isn't it?" Following that, John beseeched the driver to take us to the Elm block, a request accompanied by an offer of eight semi-coins as payment.

This incident reiterated the importance of familiarizing myself with a range of currencies. Until that point in time, I had been saving money from various jobs, largely oblivious to its actual value.

As we arrived at our predetermined destination, we were welcomed by the impressive sight of a massive dark edifice, further emphasized by majestic gates that stood as its entrance. We allowed ourselves through these elaborate gates.

Chairs were set up on both sides of the building, divided by a walkway. As we arrived, we came across a reception desk manned by a bespectacled woman with brown hair and eyes, dressed in a black and white professional outfit. With a friendly demeanor, she asked, "How may I assist you?"

John quickly replied, "We are here for the elemental testing." Without wasting a moment, she pointed us towards a door, beyond which the testing was taking place. As we got close to the entrance, we noticed it was slightly ajar. We pushed it open and saw a young boy crying, his mother was consoling him as they left.

John hypothesized, "It's likely he's upset because the elements didn't choose him." When we stepped into the room, a large desk caught our attention. Atop the desk sat a striking red crystal, and a figure was seated next to it.

The individual introduced himself, pronouncing, "Hello, my name is Henry Williams and I am responsible for overseeing the testing sessions. Could you please indicate who will be undergoing the testing?" John pointed to Reo and replied, "This individual is Reo Vermont. He's here today to partake in the elemental evaluation."

Having comprehended the information, Henry replied in a reassuring tone, "The procedure is quite simple. All that is required of you is to place your hands on the crystal. If you feel on the verge of blacking out, this suggests that you indeed possess an element. If not, then you don't. Concurrently, upon touching the crystal, if you start radiating an aura, it also indicates the presence of an element. The aura's color will signify the color attributed to your individual element. Have the instructions been clear?"

Noticing the crystal's presence, Reo cautiously moved closer, his apprehension intensifying with every step. The fear was unyielding, producing a trickle of sweat along his forehead. Closer proximity only heightened his terror, leading to a fainting spell. A menacing black aura seeped out from his collapsed form.

Without hesitation, John sprinted to Reo, pulling his unconscious form from the room. Silently observing, Henry finally uttered, "He carries an extraordinary darkness element." The discovery that Reo not only held an elemental power but a remarkable one shocked John. Consequently, he began to ponder about Reo's heritage and background.