
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Fantasy
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55 Chs

First classes

Upon resuming her narrative, she delved into historical accounts. However, instances from the journal I discovered were not mentioned. For example, she narrated the story of a particularly powerful warrior named Justine Stone, who is reputed to be Michael's relative.

Stone, also referred to as the 'The Conqueror', enjoyed a legendary reputation. He is historically acclaimed for traversing between different worlds and exerting dominance over formidable species such as dragons and titans. His role was instrumental in safeguarding our survival, thus enabling us to evolve and instigate our self-preservation.

Motivated by a desire to glean insight into the distant past, I raised my hand before postulating, "Who were the elemental gods?" She manifested a perplexed air upon my question, subsequently denying the existence of elemental gods. As per her knowledge, a deity named Valdesa is credited with crafting the world. The sun and moon signify its eyes, the river symbolizes its blood, and the ground epitomizes its skin.

"Understood," I replied, resuming my seat but feeling a sense of unease. It was common knowledge that all churches prayed to the deity Valdesa. However, the practice of expressing gratitude to Valdesa for elemental forces was unusual unless, during the era of the diary's composition, Valdesa was acknowledged as an elemental god. This deviation could possibly suggest the actual existence of the deity Valdesa, despite the disbelief of various segments of the religious community.

Multiple inquiries persist, yet what is undeniably required is to discover the subsequent diary page. This could potentially confirm whether Valdesa is indeed the elemental deity and ascertain the existence of such a supreme being.

Olivia concisely ended her session and bundled her book for departure. On glancing up, the classroom descended into utter tranquility. An imposing figure presented himself, adorned in a sartorial black & white suit, carrying a white tie, black Herring shoes, and a briefcase; his long, raven hair complimented his towering stature.

He introduced himself as Professor Tomiya, the tutor for the Elemental Studies class. Upon taking out a chalk, he began to inscribe notations, stating that we exist in a world where some individuals are privileged to be born with elemental affinities. Over the course of the lecture, he further unfolded the concepts of elemental energy, the significance of artifacts, and the various manifestations they can take form as.

In accordance with John's statement, it is clear that among the things I had previously learned, several were incorrect. One such inaccuracy lies in the sequence of skill acquisition. Contrary to earlier understanding, it is possible to acquire distinctive skills at any given time, before even mastering one of the two elemental skills.

He pivoted to address the students and initiated the discussion on the topic of "Elemental Forms". Elemental forms refer to specific states that an individual can transition into; these states avail them control over distinct abilities. While inhabiting these states, the individual remains invincible, but holds the risk of their form being destroyed after sustaining extensive damage. Hence, following a substantial damage, the individual reverts back to their normal state.

However, it is noteworthy that individuals need not fully transform into an elemental form. They also hold the option to simply borrow elements of power from these forms. Although this would result in a cessation of their complete energy, it allows them to deploy a certain fraction of their elemental form's powers. Therefore, they only give up a minimal portion of their energy during this process, rendering it a more strategic and measured mechanism of utilizing elemental forms.

The next topic to discuss concerns the implications of gaining a new form. Be aware that harnessing a new form, especially of an elemental nature, carries certain consequences and conditions. One significant repercussion is a potential loss of your humanity. If not controlled adequately, the newly acquired form can gradually overcome your mind, turning you into an entity without personal identity - perpetually transformed and causing harm to those around you. In this state of loss of control, your life can ultimately be extinguished due to energy depletion.

Another crucial point to remember when obtaining a new form is the importance of remaining detached. Communication with the form should be avoided entirely. Any whisperings or voices should be disregarded, as attempting to communicate can lead to two drastic outcomes. The form might assert absolute control over you, leading to your demise and possibly resulting in harm to others. Alternatively, your body might sustain a severe shock due to interacting with a being whose power vastly surpasses your own.

Subsequently, he began gathering his stuff as the school day came to an end. However, he paused, stating that the potent forms can lead to severe repercussions depending on the usage or the prevailing conditions. As I descended the stairs, the name 'Reo!' rang out, presumably directed at me.