
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Fantasy
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55 Chs

First classes part 2

Reo, I turned my attention toward a girl. She was easily distinguishable with her vibrant orange hair and glasses adorned brown eyes. Her attire was a formal black blazer jacket, paired with a white button-down shirt the standard uniform for girls.

"Are you Reo?" she enquired courteously. Before I could answer, she introduced herself as Emma and complimented my vivid blue hair, showing curiosity about my choice of hair color. I was on the verge of addressing her question when I suddenly found myself the center of attention, criticized for my tardiness on the very first day.

"Hello to all! The entire crowd was overtaken by a sudden silence before they began to retreat. To my surprise, a boy with golden hair and green eyes emerged from the crowd. His appearance caught me off guard, and as I approached him, I noticed an uncanny resemblance with Alice. Intrigued, I asked him if he was related to Alice in any way. Introducing himself as Liam, he respectfully bowed before posing an unexpected question regarding my elemental affinity. The air was heavy with suspense as I revealed that I am associated with the element of darkness. The crowd was taken aback with surprise and appreciation. Liam thoroughly examined me before abruptly departing without uttering another word."

"Why is he behaving that way?" I turned to Emma, as other students began to gather their belongings and head towards their dorms. She replied, "He belongs to the royal family, so he's somewhat pampered. He has a tendency to use any opportunity to assert his superiority. If you were selected by any other element, he would use it to boost his ego. This is due to the fact that he, alongside his sister Alice, was chosen by the light element. Alice, though, is certainly more intelligent and stronger."

Suddenly, I heard my name being called - it was Amelia from the entrance of the classroom. I bid Emma farewell and moved towards Amelia, proceeding to ask her about her dormitory experience. She responded with a cheerful expression, "It's been great so far. I have encountered an intellectual and intriguing individual."

She then raised one finger and concentrated all her energy into it, saying, "Observe closely – it's fascinating to watch. Should my finger touch any item, its aura would intensify significantly due to the amplified energy concentrated on this single finger causing a cold sensation ."

"Amelia, it's time to leave!" Aurora Grace implored, patiently waiting for Amelia. I recognized this as my cue to say goodbye to Amelia, and then proceeded to locate Michael. Once found, we embarked on the journey home.

Upon reaching home, fatigue from the walk overwhelmed me, compelling me to take a moment of respite. Just as I settled down, Michael decided to step out for a bit to fetch our sustenance. He left for a nearby shop named Miss Merry Wonders.

Meanwhile, I decided to utilize his absence as an opportunity for some much-needed meditation. After a 30-minute session, I replenished my energy and returned to the routine. I changed my attire and began a leisurely stroll down the extended hallway leading to the library. Luck was clearly on my side as the library was still open, presenting me an easy solution for my idle time dilemma.

After spending an hour engrossed in a book titled 'The Morning Goldfish,' I glanced up to find Alice seated across the library. Getting up, I approached her to engage in a friendly conversation.

"Greetings, Alice!" I started, courteously bowing. "I see you're engrossed in another book; you must really have an affinity for literature."

Responding with a gleaming face that personified my enthusiasm for reading, I added, "It's evident you share the same reading passion as your choice of book changes every time."

She responded by moving her hand away from the book she was reading, revealing a guidebook for swords. "I see. You're delving into different methods of using your weapon," I acknowledged.

Wanting to share a recommendation, I asked, "Have you ever explored a book titled 'The World'?"

She shook her head and politely declined.

Deciding to give her a glimpse into the book, I embarked on an explanation of the three sections of 'The World' that I found captivating: the elemental forms, artifacts, and elemental energy.

However, Alice promptly noted, "From your description, it seems like these books lack comprehensive information on the forms element." She probably implied that the book might fall short in offering intricate details about different elemental shapes.

"Alright, time to depart," she announced, standing up and offering a farewell for the night before taking her leave. Observing the time-7:45 PM- and the imminent library closure, I resolved to return to the dormitory.

Upon entering the room, I noticed Michael had already come back, accompanied with food, and was currently in a state of meditation. Subsequently, I took a shower, consumed the food he brought, and carried out my dental hygiene routine.

Upon exiting the bathroom, I discovered that Michael had relocated from his meditative position to his bed, where he had succumbed to sleep. Consequently, I took it upon myself to draw the curtains, extinguish the lights, ascend the ladder towards the bunk bed and made ready to sleep.