
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Fantasy
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55 Chs

First class

On Monday, September 19, 5062, I arose from my slumber and made my descent from the ladder that leads from the loft bed. Notwithstanding the invigorating rush that accompanies the first day of school, I found Michael yet to deliver my uniform. After attempts to rouse him from his sleep, it became clear that the inauguration of the academic year was potentially jeopardized.

Eventually, he roused and gestured towards my drawer, signaling that he had previously situated three pairs of uniforms there. I retrieved them and proceeded to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. Post-showering, I donned my uniform, comprising a bright blue bottom-up shirt and black casual pants, and returned to the room. I found Michael awake and fully dressed. I inquired if he had showered, to which he responded with a trembling voice, betraying his lack of complete awakening. He had awakened early, showered, but inadvertently fell back asleep. He expressed his gratitude for I woke him, or he would still be in slumber.

I proceeded to the dresser, freshening my clothes with deodorant before moisturising my skin and lacing up my black-lettered boots. Concurrently, Michael had gone to the bathroom for his morning oral hygiene routine. Post this, I headed towards the kitchen to prepare a breakfast of eggs, pancakes and mint tea.

Whilst journeying back to our room, Michael noticed the table set for breakfast. He expressed his surprise at my culinary skills, to which I responded that I had simply utilised the available ingredients and learned from mere observation.

Michael then seated himself at the table, expressing his gratitude before commencing his meal. After concluding, he observed the time on his wristwatch, placed during his morning preparedness. The time was 6:30 a.m., leaving us ten minutes to reach our class by 6:40 a.m.

We were struck by a sudden realization - we were going to be late. Swiftly, we cleared the table and placed the dishes in the sink, preparing to leave. Without a second's delay, we hastily made our exit from the building, running in the direction of the front desk.

Given my unfamiliarity with the layout, I trailed behind him. Outside, we headed down the street until we reached an intersection, making a prompt left turn to find another large building looming ahead. Its gates were on the verge of closing, an unmistakable testament to our tardiness.

Nonetheless, we mustered the last ounces of our strength and fortitude, and sprinted through the gates seconds before they sealed shut. Charging through the wide hallway, we took a brief respite upon reaching the door — our final destination.

You are mandated to lead the way through the door, as due to your newfound status, any lateness would be looked upon leniently, unlike for myself. Proceeding on this premise, I gingerly turned the knob and gradually swung the door open. On immediate inspection, a large desk coupled with a whiteboard – presumably the teacher's teaching space - flanked one side. Directly opposing this setup were large, multitier steps adorned with a long desk lined by chairs, a typical academic arrangement. I noticed the classroom held approximately 14 students. Upon my progression towards the tutor, I respectfully offered a bow and amiable morning greeting.

The lady in question was Olivia, characterized by her elongated brown hair, brown eyes, and distinctive green earrings. Accentuating her presence was a yellow and green striped dress she wore, completed with a pair of yellow high heels, each adorned with a flower on the very front. Her greeting, an inquiry on my tardiness on my first day, hinted at her annoyance at my lack of punctuality. A glance towards the clock hanging above the windows- positioned on the opposite side of the room revealed the severity of my delay. The time display read 6:47, indicating I was almost ten minutes late. Sensing her annoyance, someone blamed themselves, stating it was their fault for neglecting to communicate the starting time of the class.

Michael Stones, she exclaimed, with an undertone of surprise. She graciously informed me that I was excused for this occasion. However, she put forth a warning: a late arrival will not be taken lightly. Michael, on the other hand, was dealt with more sternly and had been assigned additional homework.

As I proceeded up the stairs, I took notice of the classroom layout: desks organized neatly on either side. A periphery glance revealed some of my peers laughing at my tardiness. Notwithstanding the mockery, I made my way to the back. There, Amelia had already settled in, punctual as always, and flashed a wave of greeting in my direction.

And swiftly, Miss Olivia resumed her lecture, dismissing the slight interruption my late arrival caused.