
Reviews of The Evolution Drug


The Evolution Drug


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



Its a good book. i recommend

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Hello Everyone, thank you very much for picking up my book and giving it a chance. I know that there are thousands of other books- which, debatably, could be better than mine- that you could have chosen, but you chose mine to click. I really appreciate that as it really boosts my ego. (Just joking) Anyway, I wish you a wonderful day with any novel you choose! (I just hope it could be...mine) :)



The novel itself is great so far. The author really takes a good approach when he deals with the two characters that have the POVs. I have to say, Micheal Grey so far is my favorite because of his laid-back character. He also uses a lot of profanity, but it just adds to his character. I really laughed at some parts. The emotions in the story really did affect me. Though the first chapters are sort of slow, the tension slowly starts to build. Also, the writing style is great. And it improves after every chapter, so I can't wait to see where this is headed.


Good novel. I like it so far. I already bookmarked it and waiting for future updates. The feels in the novel are really well written it made me tear up for a second or two. I have to say, a job was well done.


The prologue section of the novel is fire. The way that 180 hits you is pretty amazing, at least for me. The worldbuilding is creative and imaginative. Although the history has some bits and taces, not a full-blown story. I think this will come later though because it's still only the 13 chapters by the time I'm reading this. There are some grammatical errors in the first few chapters, but they become practically non-existent after you read past those. And the errors aren't even that bad. You wouldn't even notice them. So, over all a pretty strong but slow start with some really good scenes.


I stumbled upon this novel when I was searching "the evolution...". It was a mere coincidence, but now that I have read some off it, it is surprising interesting. The reason I say interesting and not good is that there are still only five chapters when I have posted this. I think the author does a nice job of showing the reader the characteristics of each person in the story through their actions and emotions that rather than simply stating, which I think should be a given to all novels. I also like the subtle world design, but I would like to see some more showing and not telling on this part. Though, I did wave this off since the novel is still only in its prologue part. I am pretty sure the author is English because there isn't any (how should I say this) translation motifs in the writing style. But, over all I think it will be a pretty good work if the author improves a little in the future.


If you like some sci-fi elements infused with a bit of drama and story building, then you will love this. The novel isn't your average flashy, fight scene. It takes time to build and developed before it bursts. The first few arcs actually showcase that theme perfectly! The next few are still ongoing, but the reader is never bored while he or she waits for the next 'burst'. Comical relief is paired with outright evil, which makes a pretty good combo. Amazing! Looking forward to it.


Everything that I want to say is pretty much covered by the previous comments. Good story? Check. Pretty good characters? Check. Worldbuilding? Great. Grammar? Really good. That's about it.


I haven't used W E B N O V E L lately because I've been busy reading on other sites. But, when I came here again, I found lots of amazing, new novels. And I have to say, this one is one of them. This novel is just a masterpiece- so far- in my opinion. There's a little bit of everything. There's tragedy, apathy, familial, love, a change in the MC, and even some pretty good comical relief. I love it so far, and I am waiting for new updates!!!


I like it. You will like it. But, you won't like it if you're not into sci-fi and stuff. The characters so far seem pretty well thought out. I can see the MC slowly changing, and it's great! The story development is really well thought out because the two points of view will eventually diverge at one point. I know it, And you will know it too. But, which form it will take is something that I, personally, am waiting for.


So, far I love the story, and the interesting aspect of it being revolved around science and not magic. The science is a little light most of the time, but the theme of it will be sure to grow as the novel progresses. I hope. The world background is a little less detailed than I wanted it to be. But that doesn't include the world-building. In the few places that the MC has gone to, I could visualize the scene pretty well. The thing that is lacking is the history of how society got to where it is. But, I am sure, again, that this will be solved in the upcoming chapters.