
The Evil Female Supporting Character Was Targetted By The Evil Male Supporting Character

Jiang Tang had just cursed the God of Transmigration for forsaking her, and then she transmigrated into a novel as the venemous female supporting character. She was even a rich bimbo who insisted on causing trouble and being a b*tch. The female lead was a poor but kind straight A student in a school for nobles. After meeting the male lead, she was harshly bullied by the venemous female supporting character, but her strength to keep on pressing forward gained her the admiration of many men. The venemous female supporting character got annoyed and used every underhanded tactic in the book, but the female lead’s luck was too overwhelming that the female supporting character ended up causing her own demise! Fortunately, Jiang Tang had transmigrated to the first chapter of the book, so nothing had started yet. She stared at her gorgeous reflection in the mirror and squeezed her full breasts… She decided to be careful and avoid the male and female lead. Jiang Tang mustered her courage to enter campus, and then a strong arm suddenly hugged her shoulder. Jiang Tang was about to call this person a pervert when she saw the getup of this man and his black ear-piercing. Her pupils dilated. He was the book’s venemous male supporting character, Ou Yunde! Jiang Tang shut up. She couldn’t afford to provoke him… Ou Yunde didn’t know what she was thinking. He merely entered the school grounds with an arm around her shoulder and his eyes on her jiggling breasts. Her fair skin and deep cleavage made his mouth dry. At that moment, Ou Yunde only had one thought in mind, “These boobs are really huge!”

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40 Chs

Urgent Call

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Ou Qiyuan's face froze when he heard this. His turbid eyes were like hyenas that only knew how to attack in the dark. He grabbed the young man who was giving him a blow job and looked at him. Indeed, they looked alike. Only biological children would bear such resemblance. Just like him, who looked like his sister. However, because of the resemblance, Ou Qiyuan was furious. "How dare she betray me and give birth to a b*stard? This is the consequence. You are the same, Ou Yunde, I called you here to let you see. Do you think that I won't be able to find him just because you helped him escape? Never underestimate your enemy! You want to know where your mother is being held and don't want her to die? You'll have to take good care of me. If I die, she will die too!" After saying that, he pried open the young man's buttocks and entered him again.

Ou Qiyuan suddenly thought of something and said, "Don't forget that piece of land. I want to build Bai a palace..."

Fear flashed through the eyes of the young man whose body was moving up and down when he heard this. However, it disappeared soon. It was just a palace. Why should he be afraid? It was just another place where he'd be tortured. He only regretted letting Ou Yunde down. He had spent so much effort to help him escape, but he was found and brought back. They could only blame themselves for underestimating Ou Qiyuan...

Ou Yunde did not answer. Ou Qiyuan was not afraid either, because he had Quan Yueyang's life in his hands! After all, her son was still her son. He was still a b*astard child that haven't quite grown up. Ou Qiyuan then touched Xu Bai's face and said nostalgically, "Tell me, how did she have a child with another man right under my nose? I actually thought that you were my son and gave you everything..."

Ou Qiyuan's expression turned ferocious as he spoke. The feeling of being betrayed by the person he loved and having an incestuous relationship with his own sister had changed him beyond recognition. He picked up the whip beside him and whipped it repeatedly. The woman beside him trembled and dared not speak as she looked at Xu Bai being pushed to the ground, convulsing uncontrollably and whimpering weakly. He had completely lost hope. He couldn't imagine himself leaving this hell...

Ou Yunde clenched his fists until his hands bled. His eyes were red, and there was a devil-like smile at the corner of his mouth. There was only one thought in his mind: kill this beast! He took out the dagger at his waist. He would bring the dagger with him every time he came here. It was prepared for Ou Qiyuan. He did not hesitate to stab Ou Qiyuan. Ou Yunde was confident that he could kill him with a single stab.

Meanwhile, Ou Qiyuan was beating Xu Bai. He did not realize that death was approaching. His eyes widened when he saw a cold light flashed in Xu Bai's eyes. "How dare you?"

Xu Bai also wanted to reach out to stop Ou Yunde. He shook his head desperately at Ou Yunde. He could not let Quan Yueyang be dragged in because of him again...

"After you die, I will find my mother even if I have to exhume graves!" Just as Ou Yunde's dagger was near Ou Qiyuan's glabella, Jiang Tang's exclusive ringtone sounded in his pocket and brought him back to rational thinking.

Meanwhile, the bodyguards also rushed into the room. There were surveillance cameras everywhere in the room. Ou Qiyuan did not care about being watched so the bodyguards knew what was happening in the room at all times.

Ou Yunde was interrupted by his ringing phone and missed the opportunity to kill Ou Qiyuan. "Xu Bai is incurable. He doesn't have much time left." After Ou Yunde said this, he put his coat on Xu Bai's body, kept the dagger and turned to leave. For whatever reason, Ou Qiyuan cared about Xu Bai's face the most. If he knew that Xu Bai was dying, he would also restrain himself.

The bodyguards did not dare to stop him. No one could touch the father and son of the Ou family. They could only ensure that Ou Qiyuan was not stabbed to death.

After leaving the Ou residence, Ou Yunde took a deep breath and took out his phone that was still ringing. He closed his eyes to hide his anger and picked up the call. Jiang Tang's soft and pure voice sounded worried as she said, "Brother Yunde? What happened to you? Why did you take so long to answer the call?"

Jiang Tang lay on her bed and felt a little strange. This was the first time she had taken the initiative to call Ou Yunde. Her heart ached for this man as she recalled the conversation with her brother earlier today. She didn't forget that she traversed a book and there were many illogical things in this world. The characters in the books existed for the sake of the male and female protagonists. Correspondingly, their experiences were there to make the male and female protagonists stand out.

Just like her original character Jiang Tang, who was the vicious female supporting character. Everything she did was to highlight the female protagonist Gao Siya's strength, beauty, and generosity... As for Ou Yunde, the vicious male supporting character, his life had been reduced to a quagmire to highlight that in this world, only the male protagonist was worthy of the female protagonist...