
The Evil Female Supporting Character Was Targetted By The Evil Male Supporting Character

Jiang Tang had just cursed the God of Transmigration for forsaking her, and then she transmigrated into a novel as the venemous female supporting character. She was even a rich bimbo who insisted on causing trouble and being a b*tch. The female lead was a poor but kind straight A student in a school for nobles. After meeting the male lead, she was harshly bullied by the venemous female supporting character, but her strength to keep on pressing forward gained her the admiration of many men. The venemous female supporting character got annoyed and used every underhanded tactic in the book, but the female lead’s luck was too overwhelming that the female supporting character ended up causing her own demise! Fortunately, Jiang Tang had transmigrated to the first chapter of the book, so nothing had started yet. She stared at her gorgeous reflection in the mirror and squeezed her full breasts… She decided to be careful and avoid the male and female lead. Jiang Tang mustered her courage to enter campus, and then a strong arm suddenly hugged her shoulder. Jiang Tang was about to call this person a pervert when she saw the getup of this man and his black ear-piercing. Her pupils dilated. He was the book’s venemous male supporting character, Ou Yunde! Jiang Tang shut up. She couldn’t afford to provoke him… Ou Yunde didn’t know what she was thinking. He merely entered the school grounds with an arm around her shoulder and his eyes on her jiggling breasts. Her fair skin and deep cleavage made his mouth dry. At that moment, Ou Yunde only had one thought in mind, “These boobs are really huge!”

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40 Chs

Her Only Bloodline

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Jiang Zexing nodded. "You weren't only cold when you met him in the past. Your eyes... It was as if he had offended you somehow." He thought that she was just being a moody little girl. After all, his little sister wasn't that close to him in the past as well and she was quite ruthless. They had become much closer in the recent months. He was very happy about that and wished that it would continue.

Jiang Tang fell into deep thought upon hearing this. She felt that something was wrong. Maybe her original character only cared about Yan Jiaming and had no feelings for anyone else. But she could not figure out the reason and gave up. She thought about asking Ou Yunde if he had any ideas. Back in the private room, when she said that she came to the bar because she did not like Jiang Mingkai being close to her brother, Ou Yunde said he would think of a way...

After Ou Yunde dropped off the Jiang siblings, he was supposed to go back to his villa but he received a phone call and his face turned gloomy.

At the Ou residence...

Why was Ou Qiyuan still alive? Of course, he could not die. Besides, Ou Yunde did not want Ou Qiyuan to have an easy death.

"Oh yeah... Slut! Squeeze it tighter!" The old man roared with heavy breathing.

"Crack, crack!" The sound of whip hitting flesh could be heard.

"Ah... Master, that hurts... Be gentle!"

"Slap!" A slap sounded, followed by the old man's angry roar, "Slut, have you forgotten what I taught you?"

"Ah ah... Puppy is in so much pain, please be gentle master," the woman cried.

Then, there was another wave of happy cries, mixed with the forbearance of the young man's voice.

Ou Yunde watched coldly. Two men and a woman were connected together. His good father was whipping and penetrating a woman while a young man was banging him from behind at the same time. When Ou Yunde saw the young man, his expression changed as he clenched his fists. This old man Ou Qiyuan will f*ck anyone, man or woman.

Ou Qiyuan was enjoying himself. His front and back were both satisfied, causing his eyes to become unfocused. But he still saw his son very quickly. This was a wolf. If he was careless and allowed him to grow, and didn't have anything to threaten him with, he would attack! But he had already started...

"Do you want to join? This woman has already been trained very well. She is of the highest quality. Go ahead and try her out!" Ou Qiyuan casually removed his blackened penis from the woman's vagina and kicked her away. He then pulled the man from behind him and with fierce eyes, entered him while squeezing his butt. The young man's expression showed pain, but he dared not shout. He could only give in, and moans followed. Because the more he shouted, the more he would be treated ruthlessly.

When the woman saw Young Master Ou, she dragged her body and crawled over. Naturally it was better to serve the young master compared to the old man. However, Young Master Ou retreated in disgust. His face turned green, and he did not even look at her as he said to Ou Qiyuan, "Why did you ask me to come here? Are you going to give me the address?"

Ou Yunde didn't stop him because he knew it was useless. This disgusting old man wished he could stick his dick in men and women 24 hours a day.

As for the marriage with the Jiang family, Ou Yunde didn't want to tell him at all. He disdained to use Ou Qiyuan's Ou family to marry Jiang Tang. He would marry her with something that he had built on his own, and it had nothing to do with anyone.

"Ah... that feels so good, this man's butthole is so tight... Little bitch, go and take a dildo and use it to f*ck yourself. Come over and do it here. My son is wasting God's gift, I can't let your little pussy be lonely..." Ou Qiyuan didn't answer Ou Yunde as he continued to enjoy himself.

"Bang!" Ou Yunde kicked the sofa next to him, eyes murderous. "What do you want?"

Ou Qiyuan was also furious. He suddenly kicked the man down and pulled his hair as he sat on the sofa. "Are you happy to see my son? You squeezed me very tightly just now. Now, suck me!" The young man did as he was told expressionlessly.

Ou Qiyuan leaned against the sofa and said slowly, "I was going to give it to you but how dare you touch my man? You didn't expect that, did you? You sent him away, and I found him again! It was not easy to find someone so similar, how dare you? Oh right, I'm also very angry about this... I heard that you bought a piece of land. Give it to me."

"Do you think you can keep threatening me like this?" Ou Yunde had a slight smile but his aura was murderous. He suddenly mocked, "Sometimes I'm really afraid that you'll die, not because I want to know the address, but because I'm afraid that you won't be able to see my aunt after you die... Look at what you've done, sending people who look like her to be prostitutes. You don't even let men go... What about this one? He's my aunt's biological son. How could you have the heart to harm her only bloodline?"