
The Evil Female Supporting Character Was Targetted By The Evil Male Supporting Character

Jiang Tang had just cursed the God of Transmigration for forsaking her, and then she transmigrated into a novel as the venemous female supporting character. She was even a rich bimbo who insisted on causing trouble and being a b*tch. The female lead was a poor but kind straight A student in a school for nobles. After meeting the male lead, she was harshly bullied by the venemous female supporting character, but her strength to keep on pressing forward gained her the admiration of many men. The venemous female supporting character got annoyed and used every underhanded tactic in the book, but the female lead’s luck was too overwhelming that the female supporting character ended up causing her own demise! Fortunately, Jiang Tang had transmigrated to the first chapter of the book, so nothing had started yet. She stared at her gorgeous reflection in the mirror and squeezed her full breasts… She decided to be careful and avoid the male and female lead. Jiang Tang mustered her courage to enter campus, and then a strong arm suddenly hugged her shoulder. Jiang Tang was about to call this person a pervert when she saw the getup of this man and his black ear-piercing. Her pupils dilated. He was the book’s venemous male supporting character, Ou Yunde! Jiang Tang shut up. She couldn’t afford to provoke him… Ou Yunde didn’t know what she was thinking. He merely entered the school grounds with an arm around her shoulder and his eyes on her jiggling breasts. Her fair skin and deep cleavage made his mouth dry. At that moment, Ou Yunde only had one thought in mind, “These boobs are really huge!”

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40 Chs

Car Accident

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the book's world, only the male and female protagonists were the most compatible and evenly matched. The other characters were naturally more miserable. However, the balance in Jiang Tang's heart had tipped towards Ou Yunde. Her heart ached for that man, and she suddenly wanted to see him. She was even a little anxious and wanted to hug him! She was already living in this world. Even the passersby in the book were now real to her. She read about Ou Yunde's tragic childhood, which was covered in broad strokes, in the book. But this was what Ou Yunde experienced day by day. Who could understand that kind of pain? He did everything he could to find the love of his life but when he did, he was going to die, just because he wasn't the male protagonist. All his efforts turned into nothingness...

At the thought of this, Jiang Tang did not question her decision. She waited for his reply but it didn't come. She did not know what was going on with her heart. It kept palpitating. She stood up as she said, "Brother Yunde, where are you? Tang... Tang wants to see you..."

In the darkness, Ou Yunde raised his head. The smile on his lips suddenly froze. His voice was low and hoarse as he said, "We've only been apart for a short while, and you already miss me? Are you at home? Wait for me, I'll go see you."

Jiang Tang's heart was deeply touched because of Ou Yunde's words. He seemed to have always been like this. She stood where she was, waiting for him to approach her little by little. When they first met, he was also the one who walked towards her, teasing her with his first words, just like their relationship. The relationship that she had never dared to admit was also Ou Yunde approaching her step by step.

She remembered a saying: if love is a hundred steps, I am willing to walk ninety-nine steps towards you. You can take the remaining step, and this step says I love you...

"I asked you where you are. I'll come to you!" Jiang Tang gripped her phone tightly, her voice trembling.

Meanwhile, Ou Yunde was speeding along the road, and Jiang Tang's voice was in his ear. He smiled brightly and replied, "On the way to see you. I'll see you soon..."

"Bang!" The loud sound of the two cars colliding was heard.

Jiang Tang's ears were shaken, and her face turned pale. "Brother Yunde? Are you okay?"

"Hmm... Today... I don't think I'll be able to see you... My dear Tang... Don't cry... I'm okay." Ou Yunde's car flipped over, and his head was on the ground, his face covered in blood. When he was hit, he didn't put down his phone, but after saying this, he completely lost all strength. He thought he saw a figure walking towards him before he fainted...

"Hello? Brother Yunde? Ou Yunde!" Jiang Tang held her phone, pushed open her bedroom door and ran out in her pajamas.

"Little Sister?" Jiang Zexing was going downstairs for a drink of water. When he saw Jiang Tang rushing out like a crazy person, he quickly pulled her but saw his little sister's tearful and panicked face. She held his hand and sobbed, "Something happened to Brother Yunde. I heard it. He seems to have been hit and then he couldn't talk anymore. Brother, come with me, let's look for him..."

Jiang Zexing was in a mess because of Jiang Tang's crying. "Are you sure? I'll tell you that Ou Yunde is very lucky. He will be fine. Even if you want to go out to look for him, you should at least change your clothes first, right?"

"Don't waste time! If you won't go, I will!" Jiang Tang was already panicking. If she hadn't call him, he wouldn't be in trouble.

Jiang Zexing had no choice but to put a coat on Jiang Tang and ask people to go out and look for Ou Yunde. Jiang Tang sat in the passenger seat and cried all the way. Jiang Zexing had never known that she could cry so much. Since his little sister grew up, he had never seen her cry again. And now, he would be a fool if he still didn't understand. Did his little sister like Ou Yunde that much?

Suddenly, Jiang Tang pointed at the window and sobbed, "Brother, stop the car! It's Brother Yunde's car! He's really on the way to see me..."

Jiang Zexing and Jiang Tang arrived at the scene of the car accident. Blood and gasoline were everywhere. At this time, the scene was surrounded by police and the ambulance had left. There was only one car that had been knocked over. Jiang Zexing looked around and noticed that this place was a blind spot and there were no surveillance cameras. Was it an accident?

"Brother, let's go to the hospital!" Just as Jiang Zexing was thinking, his sister dragged him to the hospital hurriedly.

When Jiang Tang finally arrived at the hospital, Ou Yunde had already been transferred to the intensive care unit. There was a woman sitting beside him. His head was bandaged and his face was covered with bruises. His hands were wrapped in gauze and his legs were splinted and hung. There was nothing good about his entire body. Jiang Tang cried so hard that her eyes were blurry. She didn't realize who the woman was until she walked up and looked. It was the female protagonist, Gao Siya!

That feeling, how should she put it? Jiang Tang suddenly felt completely powerless. Was the relationship between the vicious male supporting character and the female protagonist unavoidable?