
The Dream-verse Shop

This is a story of Genshirou Saji the Pawn of Sitri Heiress with a different background and access to a shop which is looking for a new manager. --------------------- English is not my main language, but I can guarantee(probably) proper grammar (at least you won't see he/she problems) and no spelling mistakes (if I'm not writing in my phone). This is a DxD x HP fanfic which means there will be many believable or unbelievable changes I'll be making that will all be subjected to the OP word *AU* (^-^) Update Schedule = Messy schedule with a promise of minimum 20k word a month. --------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own DxD, Harry Potter and any of the future coming already fictional worlds in this fiction. All rights belong to their respective owners. --------------------- The cover photo is just a Google edited image which I might change.

Ark_O · Book&Literature
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

Well in the last chapter, I said that I'll upload it tomorrow but wasn't able to. Now there are tens of excuses I can give but I'll be honest and tell you the actual reason for the late upload - "Procrastination"

Yeah, I kept delaying writing the chapter for the whole day and then had to go out of the city for some emergency work.

Well, I guess mentioning when the next chapter will be uploaded and not having a writing habit is kinda no-no for me so I won't be doing that from now.

Also, I had around 7.5k more words to upload this month which I won't be able to, as I've been away from my PC for 6-7 days.

I'll include it next month.

===× START ×===

Chapter 5 - First Purchase

[99% discount coupon:- A special welcome gift for a special customer. It can be used three times to get a discount of 99% with certain rules.

Rule 1 – Can only be used on unlocked items.

Rule 2 – Only one time is usable in the Combat Section of the Shop, rest two uses are only for the lifestyle section.

Rule 3 - Can only be used for the first transaction in the combat section.]

Reading the description Saji felt happy about getting the coupon.

"Okay, now you need to make the first purchase so you can become level 1." Said, Alec.

Hearing him Saji finally remembered the most important thing he had to do after signing the contract, checking the content of the shop.

Thinking about it he opened the Combat section and wondered which subcategory to choose. After a few minutes, he decided on the weapon section and he commanded the panel mentally to open it.

[Kitchen Knife (x50)– 1P]

[Fork (*50) – 1P]

[Screwdriver (*50) – 1P]




[Baretta 21 A Bobcat (*1) – 2P]

The panel had a list of around 10 things ranging from a knife to a pistol. At the end of the panel, he found a new option named [Filter].

Focusing on it a new panel opened-

[Type of Weapon]

[Purpose of Weapon]


Using his thought he filled up the areas.

[Type of Weapon - Wand]

[Purpose of Weapon – Amplify spells]

And searched.

Just after he 'pressed' on the search button a new panel opened with various wands having names he has never heard before, that amplified the spell from two times to tens of times, with the cheapest one being of just 5 Points having 1.5× amplification, to the most expensive was being sold for 1999 Points that boosted the spell by 19 times.[A/N These numbers are random so don't take em seriously]

After searching a bit he finally reached the end of the list which read [Level up to unlock more].

Just this section satisfied Saji so much that he was about to search for some coll mythical things he has read and watched about. As he went back

"As the shop has so many things that you might take eons to check them all out so there is this function called filter in all sections. It makes it easier to search for what you're looking for." Said Alec as he went back to his seat.

"I will like to accompany you more but we don't have much time. Your body is in the process of healing and evolving so you should go back or it might have some adverse effect on you if your soul is out of your body for too long. And also I have to accompany my daughter to play."

"You have a daughter?" Exclaimed Saji

"Of course kid. Or did you think I am some kind of monk? Wait never mind them as even they marry and have kids in some worlds. So as I was saying you should quickly be done with your first purchase and be going as I have some important work to do." Replied Alec as he hurried him to be quick.

"Hmm... Can you give me any suggestions? I want something that will make me powerful." Asked Saji as he went back to the Combat Category of the Shop and looked over the Subcategories provided there thinking of what to buy.

"You can get something that involves evolution. Your body's genes are being modified by the Pawn Piece. You can find many potions or serums in the Drugs Category that will be helpful in that making your modification more perfect and helpful for future progress." Suggested Alec.

Hearing him Saji went to the Drugs Sub-Category and directly opened the filter option.

[Purpose of drug]


Being already familiar with how to use the panel he searched for what he wanted and a list showed up with a plethora of options.

[To help in gene modification]

[Gender reversal Syrum (low) - 100P]

[Super Soldier Syrum (low) -500P]

[Spyder Gend Potion (low) - 500p]

[Gene optimizing Syrum (low) -500p]






[Perfect Gene Syrum (Perfect) - 5000P]

[Gene Destruction Potion (low) -4500P]

[Level up to get more options]

Seeing the list he decided to check them out and find the most perfect one.

[Gender Reversal Syrum (low) - can change the genes of the body to resemble your opposite version of gender that might be present in some part of this verse. As it is a low version of the actual Potion, instead of doing full-on change it'll only affect a few parts and characters of the body. *USE WITH CAUTION*.]

Reading the description Saji didn't know what to do so ignoring it he went for the second one without even realizing that Alec was once again standing behind him observing his actions with a frown on his face.

[Super Soldier Syrum (low) - A low version of actual Super Soldier Syrum that will enhance a person's all aspects of the body by 2 times which can go up to 8 times with training.]

Finally finding something useful in the Shop not that he has explored it for much time he took note of Super Soldier Serum in his mind and was about to check the next one but was interrupted by Alec.

"Are you really going to check each and everything listed there?"

"Yes. How else am I supposed to find the best one that will be helpful to me?"

"Sigh, I would have loved to enjoy your misery of checking all these 1069 thing's descriptions but as I said I am in hurry so let me give you a tip and chose the best one for you. Perfect Gene Syrum is the best one considering your condition. And you should always check out the expensive items first because they are worth the price."

Taking his advice Saji directly went to the bottom of the list and found the Syrum Alec suggested to him.

[Perfect Gene Syrum (Perfect) - A Syrum that helps in perfecting the genes as the name suggests. It brings the gene to the perfect possible state of the species. The precondition of using this Syrum is that the user must be in the process of Gene Modifications as using it on a normal body has a high chance of some dangerous adverse effects.]

Reading the description Saji found that this might be the perfect one for current him. There might be others on the list somewhere but he knew that the man calling himself the Manager will be mad if he wasted more time so he just thought of purchasing the Syrum.

[You're Purchasing PERFECT GENE SYRUM worth 5000 points. Since this is your first-ever purchase do you wish to use your discount coupon?]

[YES / NO]

Choosing yes another prompt showed up in the panel.

[Purchase successful - Item: Perfect Gene Syrum; Price - 5P (discounted)]

[Thank You for choosing our service. Your item is delivered to wherever you wish it to be.]

[Congratulations on your first purchase. You've leveled up. Now you're level 1. You got one free chance at Roulette with a guaranteed above-average reward.]

Reading those notifications he wondered if he can get that said Syrum directly in his hand if he wished for it to be delivered there. Thinking of trying it he stretched his hand with his palm facing upward and willed the Syrum to be delivered in his hand.

The moment he thought about it a metallic syringe appeared in his hand. The syringe was made up of glass in the middle part from which a greyish liquid could be seen. Seeing the needle Saji mechanically turned towards Alec and said, "I have to inject this in my body?"

Seeing Saji's reaction Alec realized something as an evil smirk formed on his face, "Well of course, this is the best way to use a Syrum, directly injecting it in your blood vessels. Don't tell me you're afraid of needles."

"Me? Afraid of needles? No, I'm not afraid of anything." Replied Saji in a not-so-convincing tone.

"Is that so, then let me do the hard work for you. Although this is just your soul form as you're already level one, The Shop can connect directly to your body through your soul so we can use your soul 'body' as a medium and inject it directly into your actual body." As he said that Alec took the Syringe from Saji's shaking hand.

Having no other choice Saji resigned to his fate as he gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and stretched his arm, "Alright, do it."

"Actually the best place is your bum. So you should 'remove' your pants" chuckled Alec as he waved his hand a bed appeared in the room out of nowhere.

===× END ×===

PS: this chapter was written via phone while I was on the train so there might be some mistakes. I'll be thankful if y'all can mention that in the comments. Thanks

Next chapter - 6. One is not enough. (On 1st Feb but no promises)

===× Word ×===

Target 15k words (January)

Delivered = 8.6k words(January)

Remaining = 6.5k words (Jan)

Mission Failed

Target for February = 24k words

Total Target 24k(Feb) + 6.5k(Jan) = 30.5k ~Wish me Luck

*I never count these little notes I put at in start and end of the chapter*

1578 words

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