
The Dimensional Trader

⚠️WARNING⚠️ There are violent scenes and other disturbing scenes in this fic. As I've already warned you, don't whine if you don't like what you read. _________________________________________ Upon waking in the Marvel Universe as Bruce Banner, Budi wanted to lead a tranquil and easy life. His aspirations are dashed when he sees the news reporting on how hated mutants are around the world. Then he understands that he needs to be strong enough to make his opponents fearful of him to enjoy a lazy life. His system is broken. How will he fix it? Hulk was also pulled back by his beloved father (TOBA). Can Budi, or what we now know as Bruce, survive there? If the world rejected his presence, all he needed to do was look for a new world. . This story will move slowly, if you are looking for an MC who can explode stars in chapter one, this is not for you. Chapters 1- 50 will be a journey to find a way to freedom, maybe you can't wait for that, so you can just skip chapter 60. One more thing! The grammar of this fic may feel bad to the point of being terrible. I think it's natural because I'm not a Westerner but an Asian person So, if anyone complains about my bad grammar, here's my excuse.  I know that my grammar is bad, that's why I try to make interesting plots and storylines as compensation to you readers. _________________________________________ P@treon? If you want to read ahead, check out my Patreon and access up to 15 chapters ahead of Web Novel and Scribble Hub: patreon.com/AboutMe01. For just five dollars, you will be able to read all chapters. ********************************

AboutMe01 · Anime & Comics
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"After that, Anna suddenly came with a man named Hans," Elsa said while sitting on the floor, resting on her knees.

"I know my decision will probably stretch our relationship further and worse than it already is."

"But as an older sister, I have to stop her stupidity before it's too late." Elsa looked at her hand sadly.

"But I didn't expect Anna to snatch my gloves, it was all for the sake of a man she had only met for one day." Elsa began to sob at the thought of her sister's betrayal.

"My magic then got out of control, and the screaming and berating from the guests also further worsened my emotional state. Then I accidentally attacked them, therefore, I went here to get some peace." she wiped away her tears with her hands.

Elsa raised her head, hoping that the interlocutor was someone knowledgeable and could give a solution. But what she saw poured out her high expectations because Bruce was currently pensive.

His eyes were out of focus.

His hand automatically took the food that was on his thigh and ate it slowly. Packs of chocolates and other snacks were scattered all around, there was also a bottle of cola that was half full.

Elsa didn't know what he was eating.

But why was this man distracted when he heard her life story? 

Isn't he a gentleman?

"Bruce, I thought you were a gentleman- hhmmp."

Tears came out of her eyes. 

That pitiful appearance, coupled with an open mouth, would lecture him.

Making Bruce aware of the bad luck that awaited him, his hands moved as fast as lightning as he gagged Elsa's mouth with a spoonful of chocolate ice cream.

Elsa, who was angry, immediately cooled down when the sweet taste of ice cream entered her mouth.

Her eyes glanced at the small spoon that was inserted into her mouth, then her eyes turned to Bruce's mouth.


A mountain suddenly erupted from within her. Her face flushed, and imaginary steam was seen coming out of her head. 

This sudden moment made her dizzy.

"Don't be sad, okay, I listened to what you told me," Bruce said to her with the best reason he could say at the moment.

Elsa suddenly came to her senses and noticed the man in front of her. Her life twitches a little to smell a lie from Bruce.

Bruce pushed the ice cream he had eaten in front of Elsa. 

Elsa was curious about the sweet and cold food, she held back her embarrassment and ate the ice cream slowly. A happy expression was visible in her eyes, which narrowed now and then as she ate bribe after bribe.

After seeing her distracted, Bruce continued his speech.

"Your sister is, how do I say it? Um, well, your sister is fucking crazy."

"A woman should not marry a man she has only met a few hours ago."

"You can ask the people of the kingdom, they will tell you who is crazy here." Bruce gave his opinion with very subtle and polite words.

"I'm not without reason mentioning this, could this be a plan from your little sister to usurp the throne?"

Next, he gave her a bit of a conspiracy thought.

"It is impossible for Anna to do that!" Elsa refuses to believe in his conspiracy theories.

Bruce smiled a little, looking at her energetic behavior. His hand rubbed Elsa's lips, which still had a little leftover ice cream. 

The brave Elsa instantly shrank like a frightened cat. 

Bruce did not pay much attention to her, he took out a handkerchief and gently cleaned the stain. while Elsa can only freeze like an ice statue, letting him do his thing smoothly.

After cleaning off the remaining ice cream stains, he continued his lecture.

"Try imagining it..."

"Maybe, in secret, she has assembled an army. The accident you're referring to was probably part of her plan."

"Then, tell me, who will benefit the most once you are expelled and ostracized by others?"Bruce did not give up and continued to transfer his conspiracy theories.

"Not to mention that bastard Hans, he must be a traitor who wants to rule the throne with your little sister."

"You heard him, he says he was going to take his entire family to the royal palace, right?"

After spreading disgrace about Anna, he switched targets.

Bruce goes on to the next target, Hans the bastard. He didn't like the guy while watching the movie Frozen.

"Really?" Elsa asked hesitantly.

"She's not as cunning as that, and what the hell are these endless accusations? Do you know her as well as me?" Elsa let out a long sigh and asked him back.

"Oh, there he is. Walking here with a man, a snowman, and a deer?" Bruce shrugged and pointed towards the foot of the mountain.

Elsa stood up, and her head followed the direction Bruce was pointing with his fingers. Her eyes narrowed when she saw a human silhouette walking to the castle. Because of the limited visibility, it took her a while to ascertain whether it was her little sister, Anna.

"Oh no! It was Anna. What brought her here?" Elsa was shocked when she saw the visitors.

"Maybe she wants to kill you?"

"Making excuses that lure you into a dangerous trap?" Bruce gave his opinion without a second thought. 

"Stop! Bruce, this is no time to play games, okay? I have to get her out of here as soon as possible," Elsa snapped at Bruce in a high tone.

After screaming, she regretted her act. Elsa made a pitiful expression before going to see her little sister. 

Bruce saw it with a grin on his face, his eyes glancing at Anna's group, who had almost reached the ice castle.

He took the wrist knife and bio mask from within his inventory.

Bruce wears the equipment for a few moments, then he activates the invisibility mode that renders himself invisible and walks away.

*Step... Step... Step*

The sound of footsteps was heard. It led to the first floor. It was there that the meeting between the two sisters took place.

When Bruce was on his way to the lower floor, a meeting was taking place.

Anna walked with very slow and careful steps inside the ice castle. Her eyes glanced at every inch of the building, she couldn't help but be amazed when she saw the magnificent building. 

The castle is completely made of ice, a two-story building with a variety of decorations that spoil the eye.

"It's beautiful," she said while looking around.

"That's incredible, right?" a voice came from the stairs.

Anna raised her head, and her eyes met Elsa's gaze. 

Elsa walked down the steps gracefully, she looked even more beautiful than when she was wearing a royal dress.

"Wow, Elsa. You..."

"Look different. I mean, different is good, and look at this beautiful place." Anna was amazed to see the figure of her elder sister coming down the stairs like a goddess.

"Thank you. I never knew my magic could do that, I think I broke the limit I had." Elsa thanked her sister for the compliment.

Even Elsa, as someone who has such power, is amazed by what her ice magic is capable of. She always thought her magic brought destruction and cruelty to everyone. 

Who would have thought that her magic could also be used for this kind of thing?

"Hey Elsa, I'm sorry for what happened. I wish I knew this was the end... " Anna walked up the stairs, intending to approach Elsa.

"No! It's okay, you don't have to apologize. But you have to get out of here immediately, please." Elsa shook her head when she heard her sister's apology.

Misunderstandings and mistakes have happened, and bringing up problems that have already happened is unnecessary for both of them.

"But I just arrived, won't you entertain guests in your palace?" Anna refused to leave, and stubbornly, she approached Elsa.

Trying negotiations between sisters.

Tell me if there is any grammar that is wrong or inappropriate

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