
The Dimensional Trader

⚠️WARNING⚠️ There are violent scenes and other disturbing scenes in this fic. As I've already warned you, don't whine if you don't like what you read. _________________________________________ Upon waking in the Marvel Universe as Bruce Banner, Budi wanted to lead a tranquil and easy life. His aspirations are dashed when he sees the news reporting on how hated mutants are around the world. Then he understands that he needs to be strong enough to make his opponents fearful of him to enjoy a lazy life. His system is broken. How will he fix it? Hulk was also pulled back by his beloved father (TOBA). Can Budi, or what we now know as Bruce, survive there? If the world rejected his presence, all he needed to do was look for a new world. . This story will move slowly, if you are looking for an MC who can explode stars in chapter one, this is not for you. Chapters 1- 50 will be a journey to find a way to freedom, maybe you can't wait for that, so you can just skip chapter 60. One more thing! The grammar of this fic may feel bad to the point of being terrible. I think it's natural because I'm not a Westerner but an Asian person So, if anyone complains about my bad grammar, here's my excuse.  I know that my grammar is bad, that's why I try to make interesting plots and storylines as compensation to you readers. _________________________________________ P@treon? If you want to read ahead, check out my Patreon and access up to 15 chapters ahead of Web Novel and Scribble Hub: patreon.com/AboutMe01. For just five dollars, you will be able to read all chapters. ********************************

AboutMe01 · Anime & Comics
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"Is everything set up?" Bruce said it hesitantly.

By the way, right now he was wearing the Yautja armor he had just killed. The armor he stole from this alien corpse was not as complete as the two Yautja he fought earlier. It wasn't even a full-plate fixture that covered the entire body, just a metal plate to protect certain parts. 

Maybe because of his low social rank?

Bruce glanced at his left wrist. There was a mini-computer that had a variety of extraordinary functions. After tinkering for a few minutes, he finally found the feature he was after: the invisible cloak setting. 

Besides that, the minicomputer could explode with a force equivalent to a bomb, he often saw aliens using this in his previous life. Yautja's characters in the movie blow themselves up like fireworks every chance they get.

Bruce bent his right hand.

* Srriiingg*

A double blade made of black steel shot out of the gauntlet. The length of the wrist sword was about sixteen inches, and the design was very jagged and perfectly suited for stabbing a person in the back.

He swung and cut through the air several times before saving the blade. Satisfied with his new wrist blade, Bruce picked up the shuriken hanging from his waist.

* Srriiingg* 

The shuriken had six small but very sharp blades.

The safety mechanism allows the user to retract the dangerous object, when in its usual state, the shuriken resembles a clam shell made of metal.

This object is often thrown at unwary prey.

Bruce weighed the weight of the throwing weapon using his hands, he was sure he could not hit anything if he threw his enemy. He put it in his inventory, then he looked at the next weapon.

The Yautja's long-range cannon, the plasmacaster. A weapon that managed to make him escape with his tail between his thighs.

His fingers traced the surface of the cold metal. Strange symbols were carved all over the body of the weapon.

If this world had mana, Bruce almost accused them of using magic runes or something similar to that. His eyes glanced carefully and meticulously at the plasmacaster, and he could immediately find the quality was not very good when compared to what the two Yautja had used.

Although the plasmacaster he collected was not as strong as it had been, Bruce was still grateful for what he got. In the future, he can remodel it and turn it into something stronger and more deadly. 

"I'm ready, let's visit the caveman," Bruce said while putting a mask of predators on his face.

His body flickered with an electric blue light as it activated the invisibility cloak, and he became invisible.

Bruce goes on his way to the wreckage of the spaceship. Surprisingly, the trip this time was very smooth, perhaps because of the thermal removal provided by the biomask he was wearing.

The biomask function is to help Bruce avoid some of the alien livestock that are roaming around, they are Yautja's sport slaves of other species besides the humans they captured.

It's a different story if he meets the Yautja, he will actively hunt the predators. In addition to wanting revenge, he also wanted some spare armor in case the one he was wearing got damaged during battle. So he hoped to meet one of them on his journey.

And sure enough, Miss Fortune smiled and blinked coquettishly at him.

After walking a few minutes later, he saw one Yautja perched on a tree trunk. His head glanced left and right in frustration, maybe the prey he was chasing managed to escape.

Bruce is confused about how to get up there without being caught by the aliens.

He is not yet capable of using flying or teleportation spells, so he can only use long-range spells and also reduce the mobility of the alien.

"It's time for my magic to act," he said with a small smile on his face.

- But what magic is suitable for use?- thought Bruce while looking at the difficult-to-reach geographical location of the enemy.

There are many types of magic that he has mastered, all thanks to the help of Umaru, who provides innovative ideas every time. But the problem is which magic to use at this point. Some of the magic he possesses will make noise, like a rasengan.

Yautja will be alert once a sound is heard, it will run away without glancing back.

Bruce was pretty sure of his guess. 

His hand fumbled through his inventory and took out a bottle of mineral water, his hand shining slightly with light. The pool of mana flows into a water bottle through the palm of his hand.

The water that was in the bottle flew and swirled around him. Water dew gathered and formed an arrow about 10 inches long, the eye of the arrow shining with a blue light.

"Water magic, water arrows," said Bruce while controlling the arrows with his mind.

Ordinary water arrows may not be able to deal high damage, but this one is different from most spells. The entire body of the arrow was indeed created by compacted water, but the tip of the arrowhead was formed from hard ice.

It sparkles with a dangerous white light.

"It should be enough to make him unable to run far," he said in a small voice.

* Swoosh*

The water arrow was released and flew at high speed through the air.

Yautja, who was perched on a tree trunk, heard the wind whistling from behind his back. 

His head is tilted toward the sound. 

However, he reacted too late to Bruce's spell attack. The arrow that shot immediately entered his groin to pierce the bone.

"Roarrr..." Young Yautja glanced at his thighs with a mixture of curiosity and burning anger.

The blue arrow had pierced his thigh to the bone, he intended to pull it out so that his regeneration could take place. But when he touched the arrow, his hand felt something wet.

Yautja saw that the arrow had disappeared.

But the pain in his thigh did not diminish, although his regeneration took effect. Unable to maintain his balance, he eventually limped and fell from a tree.

* Thud*

Tell me if there is any grammar that is wrong or inappropriate

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