
The Dimensional Trader

⚠️WARNING⚠️ There are violent scenes and other disturbing scenes in this fic. As I've already warned you, don't whine if you don't like what you read. _________________________________________ Upon waking in the Marvel Universe as Bruce Banner, Budi wanted to lead a tranquil and easy life. His aspirations are dashed when he sees the news reporting on how hated mutants are around the world. Then he understands that he needs to be strong enough to make his opponents fearful of him to enjoy a lazy life. His system is broken. How will he fix it? Hulk was also pulled back by his beloved father (TOBA). Can Budi, or what we now know as Bruce, survive there? If the world rejected his presence, all he needed to do was look for a new world. . This story will move slowly, if you are looking for an MC who can explode stars in chapter one, this is not for you. Chapters 1- 50 will be a journey to find a way to freedom, maybe you can't wait for that, so you can just skip chapter 60. One more thing! The grammar of this fic may feel bad to the point of being terrible. I think it's natural because I'm not a Westerner but an Asian person So, if anyone complains about my bad grammar, here's my excuse.  I know that my grammar is bad, that's why I try to make interesting plots and storylines as compensation to you readers. _________________________________________ P@treon? If you want to read ahead, check out my Patreon and access up to 15 chapters ahead of Web Novel and Scribble Hub: patreon.com/AboutMe01. For just five dollars, you will be able to read all chapters. ********************************

AboutMe01 · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs

Crazy Plan

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His palms were reddened like the surface of a very hot pot, and the water in the bathtub began to boil upon contact with his palms, which had a high temperature.

- Not enough, my mana will run out before the water heats evenly- 

He then uses the mana to transfer the temperature of the heat he has in his hand into the stream of water rather than heating it from a single point, which is faster if the entire water boils evenly and envelops it. In physics, there is a method similar to what Bruce uses now, the method is called convection. Specifically, the process of transferring heat through a liquid.

The once-icy water slowly boiled away.

By the time the mana is dry and completely exhausted, the water temperature has become pleasantly lukewarm. Bruce crawled up to the bathtub with difficulty and soaked in it.

The warmth enveloped him, it was very comfortable.

- No! I can't be lazy-

- My muscles were gone, I had to get them back and have a strong body to start the core mana method- when his laziness would take over, Bruce forced himself to think logically.

After soaking for a few minutes, he came out of the shower and put on sports clothes, complete with sports shoes. After getting dressed, he walked to the mirror and saw the reflection of himself, who had brown hair and a handsome face. I think.

This body is supposed to be 32 years old now, his face doesn't look like the Hulk actor from the MCU franchise but more like the actor from the 2003 Hulk movie, with some minor differences.

If the average human age is 80 years, then the rest of the lifespan may be about 20 years. In some worlds, age was a trivial matter, so he didn't panic too much about problem-reducing age. The problem he was worried about was the damage to his soul. Playing with the soul will make your nose get lost, look at Voldemort in Harry Potter if you don't believe me. 

Moreover, before losing consciousness, he had time to feel the condition of the Hulk, who also became disabled. Whether it was a severe loss or not, he would find out later, when he had a chance in the future.

Bruce walked out of his room and locked the door.

When going down the stairs, he saw a deserted atmosphere. Only a madman like himself would wake up so early in the morning.

"Yosh! The target today is 10 kilometers, do or die," he said with burning determination.

Bruce flexed his muscles to prevent any cramps that might occur, then he started running.

"It's a bit too easy to just run, isn't it?" he said while running at the speed of a marathon run.

He was thinking about what he could do while running, and suddenly a crazy idea came from inside his head.

Bruce decided to try it.

When running, he tries to control his mana, inserting most of it into the leg muscles and the rest into his internal organs. Then, by heating his body temperature using fire magic, the principle is almost the same as what he does with his bath water.

"Damn it! It fucking hurts, and it feels so hot." Bruce cried out in pain as his body was burned alive.

The plan is to strengthen the body while removing the dirt from it. In novels or comics, often the term body dirt is mentioned. In Chinese comics, MC will take drugs to purify the body, removing toxins through the pores of the skin.

In the novel Supreme Magus, Lith does not use any drugs. He simply destroys those impurities using the dark element, which has destructive properties.

In Korean comics, this is rarely mentioned except for Murim's martial arts, but he is not a fan of Murim. So his knowledge is somewhat limited to hunter and monster themes, such as Solo Leveling.

- If they can, why can't I?- that's what Bruce thinks.

Feeling that the temperature was too high, he dropped his temperature to lower. Rather than being stubborn by keeping the temperature high and roasting to death, Bruce chose to play it safe for now.

That was the plan, and his jogging sessions continued.

Bruce ran down the street with a pink face, similar to a boiled shrimp.

While breathing, hot air will come out of his mouth and nose. His body feels very hot now, like someone has a high fever. The sweat pouring down his body felt very sticky, and don't ask about the smell.

His lazy nature was eager to rest for a few hours, but Bruce closed his eyes and forced himself to keep running. Even though his knees were shaking, he kept running.

- If only a woman was jogging with me. If I may, her butt should be a little bigger so that my mana regenerates faster. The size of his chest shouldn't be small either, and...- his brain wasn't running normally anymore, all sorts of perverted thoughts flashed through his head.

That he did to distract himself from the overwhelming feeling of fatigue.

After successfully running 10 kilometers, Bruce walked home to his apartment.

When he arrived at his apartment building at about 7 a.m., his knees threatened to come off if he were forced to run further, and his breath was also fully tired, like a tired horse. He sat down at the gate of the apartment to rest, although he wanted to quickly take a shower and immediately go to bed.

"Anu... are you okay?" a woman's voice came from behind him.

Bruce sat in the middle of the road and covered the gate, definitely making it impossible for her to pass from the other side.

"Haa... haa... haaaa. Sorry, I was too tired from jogging earlier." Bruce forced himself to get up and walk up the stairs.

I was not glancing at the person who was talking in the slightest, the focus was on the stairs. For the sake of being able to bathe, he is willing to do anything, even push the limits he has. After a great struggle, he finally went into his room and collapsed. 

The last strength he had was completely exhausted, and he passed out in brownish sweat.

Meanwhile, in front of the gate of Yoshida's apartment, Ebina saw Bruce limping away towards the second floor.

"Hiiii, is it because of me?" she said it with guilt for driving the uncle away. 

He looked very tired, and because of her, the uncle was forced to leave.

"Evil. I'm... evil" Ebina cursed herself for being so careless.

-Why am I always like this - she thought sadly.

"What's wrong, Ebina-san? You look so gloomy," Umaru, who had just come down the stairs, asked.

"Wuaaa... Umaru-san, I have become a criminal. Even though the uncle was resting from exhausting activities, then... then..." Ebina said everything to her best friend.

"Is that so? Calm down, Ebina-san, Jack-san will forgive you, he is a kind person."

"Last night, he gave me and my older brother a cake." Umaru calmed Ebina's emotions.

- Although I choked when I ate it, hehe - thought Umaru when recalling the scene last night. She almost fainted from eating the cake.

Ebina looked like someone who was on the verge of crying, her eyes glazed over as tears welled up in her eyeballs.

"Will he forgive me?" ask her in a small voice, rubbing index fingers.

"It will be forgiven, I will accompany you when you apologize, agree?" Umaru said it with a cheerful smile and volunteered to help Ebina.

"All right. Thank you, Umaru-san, I can't do anything without you." Ebina sincerely thanked her friend.

"There is no need to thank me, we are friends. Hurry up, Ebina-san, or we'll be late reaching school." Umaru smiled at Ebina and ran in the direction of the school.

"Wait for me, Umaru-san!" Ebina pursued Umaru with difficulty, especially with her large breast size. 

It often makes it difficult for her to breathe.

"Hahahaha. Hurry up, Ebina-san."

The two senior high school girls run happily through the streets of Tokyo, the positive energy they radiate making those who see them smile. The teenage boys who went to school also smiled when they saw Ebina running, a certain part of it spoiled their eyes too much.

Tell me if there is any grammar that is wrong or inappropriate

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