
The Blessed Farm Girl Has a Spatial Pocket

# BLESSING As soon as she opened her eyes, Li Fu’er had not only just been born in a farmhouse in a mountain, but all her luck that she was supposed to have had also been taken away. Her grandmother was a wild savage, and thought of Li Fu’er as an unlucky child. She would beat and scold Li Fu’er every day. Her aunt thought she was an eyesore and added oil to the fire all day long. She treated her as a servant of the family, and was tempted to skin her from time to time. Her cousin was arrogant and was the one who stole her luck away. She even planted evidence to frame Li Fu’er for her near death. Li Fu’er’s father was the only person in the family who wanted to protect her. However, he was incompetent and cowardly, allowing the older three family members to work her to the bone and bully her. A dignified and lucky girl had been treated worse than a dog in that household. *** But now that she was reborn, she would take back everything that belonged to her! With a spatial pocket in her left hand, and medical skills in her right, plus all the luck from Heaven! No one would stop her from doing what she wanted! Those who wanted to hurt her would feel the hurt on themselves! Those who wanted to scheme against her would find it turned against themselves! As for those who were good to her, she would bless them. [The peasant girl who transmigrated into a novel with a lot of luck VS the hidden royalty of the dynasty]

Lost Hustle · General
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40 Chs

Splitting Up The Family

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Give it to her and second brother since they want it!"

He said again.

"What did you say, old man? What right do you have to ask me to give her anything? What should I give to them?! Could it be that this brat in front of me grew up for nothing?" Madam Li was immediately unhappy and unwilling to budge.

Li Fu'er emphasized, "Grandma."

"Mother." Second Li followed.

"Why should I give it to you? Why should I give it to her when I've worked so hard and suffered so much just to raise this wretched girl?"

Madam Li talked about her efforts and how much she had done to raise Sister Fu.

Anyway, she had already eaten all the silver.

"If you want to calculate with me, it's impossible."

How dare Li Fu'er say that!

She looked like she grew up at home, but how had she grown up? How had her family raised her? How many times had she grown up on the brink of starvation?

How many times had she almost starved to death?

When she was about to starve to death, the family could not wait for her to die. In the end, she was the one who survived. She even said that she had finished all the silver and jewelry that her mother had left for her.

It was better to say that it was the entire family that finished the silver!

"Mother, how can you be like this?"

Second Li also remembered how Sister Fu grew up. "Mother, leave some of the jewelry that my wife left behind. Just give those to Sister Fu," he said again.

"I already said it."

Madam Li opened her mouth and spoke loudly.

"Grandma, whoever knows what Mother left behind will say that it belongs to me. That's what Mother said. Should I tell someone about this? Let's see what everyone thinks. Besides, Eldest Cousin is a scholar. What if Eldest Brother finds out?"

Li Fu'er didn't want to say more. It wasn't a threat.

"Are you threatening me?" Madam Li immediately felt that she was threatening her. This smelly thing actually dared to threaten her. She scolded her angrily and was about to scold her again.

"Sister Fu'er."

Old Master Li could tell as well. He stared at Sister Fu. "Don't you dare mention it again."

"I'm just saying."

Li Fu'er spoke.

"Sister Fu," Second Li called out to his daughter, telling her not to say anything.

Li Fu'er stopped talking.

"Sister Fu, don't you dare say it again!" Madam Li also threatened.

Li Fu'er…

"Sister Fu, Third Brother and Third Brother's wife," Eldest Grandpa and Second Grandpa said.

Li Fu'er looked over. Talking about her was just like talking about Eldest Grandpa and Second Grandpa.

"That's another thing," Madam Li said immediately.

Li Fu'er looked at her.

Madam Li said nothing.

"Big Sister, how dare you threaten Grandma like that."

Li Yan'er said softly, "How can you do this?"

"Who did I threaten?" Li Fu'er asked her and everyone else. Li Yan'er cut in again and again. She scanned the crowd.

Eldest Grandpa and Second Grandpa said seriously, "We'll do whatever we can to settle this matter."

They stared at her grandparents.

They stared at everyone.

After that, her grandparents were speechless. Her grandmother was still dissatisfied, and his family did not look too good.

Li Fu'er listened as they continued to discuss how to split the family assets. A quarter of the family's silver was given to her father.

Only a small portion of the silver that her mother had left behind was given to her and her father and most of it was used. What her mother had left behind would be hers. She and her father would live in the house. The room her father lived in and the room beside it would be given to them for the time being.

They could be separated if they wanted to.

She felt no different than if they hadn't split up.

Her father said he'd talk about it later.

There was only a little food for them. There was not much of anything else. There were not many pots and pans.

There were only two ordinary fields.

Her father had no objection.

Li Fu'er looked at her father and had no objections. It was good that they could split up. She would discuss where to live with her father later.

After that, it was Eldest Grandpa and Second Grandpa's turn to witness their separation.

However, before they officially split up, Eldest Grandpa and Second Grandpa looked over and said again,

"Have you decided, Sister Fu?" they asked her and her father.

Her father said nothing.

Neither did she!

Everyone in the family looked at them together.

When she met the gazes of her family, Li Fu'er looked away.

"If that's the case, then so be it. I wondered if you'd change your mind. But once you've made up your mind, live well."

She and her father nodded again.

After that, Li Fu'er watched as her father, grandparents, second grandfather, and the others set up the separation documents. Everything ended quickly.

She was afraid that Eldest Grandpa and the others would leave before she received her mother's silver.

"Jewelry," she said to her grandmother.

"If I say I'll give it to you, I'll give it to you." Madam Li looked at her.

Li Fu'er looked at her father.

"Your grandmother will give it to you," Second Li said, taking his time.

Li Fu'er stopped talking.

After a while.

"Okay, that's it. From now on, we're going to split up but you're still family."

Eldest Grandpa and Second Grandpa said.

No one said anything.

Eldest Grandpa and Second Grandpa left.


Li Fu'er spoke.

Second Li put away the documents he had signed and looked at his parents. "Father, mother, the separation is over. Your son and Sister Fu…" What was he going to say?

"What else is there to say?"

Madam Li did not allow him to say anything. It depended on what he wanted to say.


Second Li said.

Li Fu'er said, "Grandma."

"What are you shouting for? Why are you calling me? We've already split up. Hmph." Madam Li snorted with an ugly expression and glared at Li Fu'er.

Li Fu'er… shut up.

"Mom, when is the right time to distribute the things to your son?"

Second Li asked slowly.

"You want it now? Are you in such a hurry?"

Madam Li would do it right away.

"Grandma, Mother's jewelry."

Li Fu'er said.

"You stupid girl. All you want is this. You're in such a hurry. You too, Second Brother. Just like this stupid girl. She also talked about it just now."

Madam Li glared at Second Brother.

"Yes, Second Brother and Sister Fu. Listen to Uncle. You shouldn't always interrupt when the elders are talking."

Eldest Li also spoke.

Li Fu'er looked at Li Yan'er's smug gaze. "Second Sister is the same as me!"

"Mother, we've split up the family," Second Li said.


Madam Li called him.

Old Master Li said hatefully, "Give him what he wants. You don't have to give him anything ekse in the future. If he says anything else, you don't have to do it either. You no longer have to care about them."

He shook the hookah and was about to leave.

"That's all you can say, old man."

Madam Li cursed.

Li Fu'er waited with her father.

Madam Li finished cursing and said to wait while she went to get the silver.

Li Yan'er called her and followed her.

Madam Yu wanted to speak but did not go over.

Eldest Li, Third Li and the rest remained silent.

Li Yan'er followed Grandma inside and watched as Grandma went to get the jewelry and silver. She whispered, "Grandma, are you really going to give it to them? Why did you let Second Uncle and Eldest Sister split up the family?"

"I also didn't want it."

Madam Li turned and looked at her with hatred.

"Grandma, don't give it to them. Can't you go back on your word?" Li Yan'er said softly.

"No, your second uncle is determined to split up the family. He's an unfilial son who only has his daughter in his heart. I'll just take it that I raised him for nothing. If he wants it, I'll give it to him. If I don't give it to him and Sister Fu talks nonsense, your eldest and second grandfathers are nosy people," said Madam Li.

"Why don't you give her some money first? Gve her the jewelry in a few days. Say that you want to tidy things up." If things changed in a few days, she may not have to give her anything, Li Yan'er thought.

Madam Li wanted this.

Li Yan'er saw the jewelry box beside her grandmother's hand. It was hers. "That's it, Grandma."



After half a day, Madam Li only threw some money to Second Brother and Sister Fu.

"Only this." She said that she would tidy things up and give them the jewelry in a few days.

Li Fu'er looked at Li Yan'er.

Second Li looked at his mother.

"Mother, what?"

At this moment, Madam Wang walked back from outside and looked around.

Madam Li said coldly, "We split up the family. What's wrong? You just came back?"

"Mother, what happened?"

Madam Wang wanted to ask.

Madam Li started talking.

Li Fu'er said to go to her father's room.

Second Li looked at her.

The father and daughter left.

"Father, I didn't think you'd split up the family so soon."