
The Blessed Farm Girl Has a Spatial Pocket

# BLESSING As soon as she opened her eyes, Li Fu’er had not only just been born in a farmhouse in a mountain, but all her luck that she was supposed to have had also been taken away. Her grandmother was a wild savage, and thought of Li Fu’er as an unlucky child. She would beat and scold Li Fu’er every day. Her aunt thought she was an eyesore and added oil to the fire all day long. She treated her as a servant of the family, and was tempted to skin her from time to time. Her cousin was arrogant and was the one who stole her luck away. She even planted evidence to frame Li Fu’er for her near death. Li Fu’er’s father was the only person in the family who wanted to protect her. However, he was incompetent and cowardly, allowing the older three family members to work her to the bone and bully her. A dignified and lucky girl had been treated worse than a dog in that household. *** But now that she was reborn, she would take back everything that belonged to her! With a spatial pocket in her left hand, and medical skills in her right, plus all the luck from Heaven! No one would stop her from doing what she wanted! Those who wanted to hurt her would feel the hurt on themselves! Those who wanted to scheme against her would find it turned against themselves! As for those who were good to her, she would bless them. [The peasant girl who transmigrated into a novel with a lot of luck VS the hidden royalty of the dynasty]

Lost Hustle · General
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40 Chs

Do You Want It?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Li Fu'er entered her parents' room and saw that it had not changed. It was just simpler. She asked her father.

"I didn't expect it either, Sister Fu," Second Li said. What could he do with the few taels of silver his wife had given him?

"Then father?" Li Fu'er saw it too.

Second Li had always thought that he would not separate from the family and would always stay at home with his mother and the others.

Until this time when his family insisted that Sister Fu get married and leave the house. They even locked her up and said they were doing this because of her. After hearing his mother's words, for some reason, he suddenly realized something and wanted to split the family assets.

"Father, thank you." Thank you for splitting up the family for me. Li Fu'er thought of what she had heard when she released her mental powers. Father, Eldest Grandpa, and Second Grandpa spoke to each other. Eldest Grandpa and Second Grandpa did not agree to him splitting up the family and asked him why.

Her father said that he could not live without splitting up the family. He had read books and knew what should and should not be done. It was fine as long as his grandfather and the others said that his father knew.

His grandparents were furious!

"Sister Fu, Father made you suffer so much."

Second Li regretted splitting up the family so late.

Sister Fu suffered so much and was scolded since she was a young hirl.

"Father, it's over. I'm very happy that you can split up the family like this. I was worried earlier, but I didn't expect you to bring it up yourself. I've always remembered the jewelry and silver that Mother left behind. I won't let go of what should be given to me. I'll definitely ask Grandma for it." Li Fu'er took this opportunity to go to her parents' room with her father to talk about this.

She wanted to make things clear with her father. It would be easier to find alignment if she made things clear.

Second Li knew what she meant. "It's something your mother left behind."


Li Fu'er looked at him and said, "What Mother left for me is mine. I don't know who Grandma will give it to if it's in her hands. Father, you can tell who Grandma wants to give it to, right? I'm not willing to give it to others. I hope Father knows."

"How about this? I'll ask your grandmother for it immediately. Don't worry, don't worry."

Second Li nodded.

"As for the other items from the split," Li Fu'er said softly.

"Father will ask for it too." Don't you worry. Second Li felt useless.

He had caused Sister Fu to worry.

"Do you want to live at home in the future, Father?" Li Fu'er did not intend to ask this question but still asked it in the end.

"Sister Fu, I don't have enough money. What your mother left behind isn't enough. We'll talk about it when I have more money. I won't let you be like before." Second Li slowly promised that he would let Sister Fu live a good life. He had thought about it a lot.

When Li Fu'er heard this, she said, "Father, I have silver. Together with the silver that Mother left behind, we can take a look and see if we should build our own house or not?"

"Where did you get the silver?" Second Li asked immediately.

Li Fu'er looked outside. "Father, I followed my Master to treat patients and earned some money. I'll tell Father in the future."

Second Li looked at her for a while. "Okay, you don't want to stay at home? Then I'll think about it."

Li Fu'er thought that she and her father would go back while her grandmother and the others were talking.

"Sister Fu, I'll go out first." Second Li looked out of the window.

He went to take a look and walked out.

Li Fu'er did not move.


Madam Li told Madam Wang what had happened. After explaining what happened, she was still furious and asked Madam Wang if she had done what she had instructed.

"Mother." Madam Wang said that she had done it, but she still couldn't believe it. "Mother, is Second Uncle really going to split the family? Has he really already split it? If Sister Fu really wants what Second Sister-in-law left behind, are Mother and Father going to give it to Second Uncle?"

"I'm not giving it."

Madam Li said.

She was determined to back out.

Sister Yan had also said the same.

"If Mother doesn't give it to them…" Madam Wang looked at her mother-in-law.

Lady Li snorted and twisted her face with a sharp voice. "What can they do?" As she spoke, she realized that Sister Fu and her father had disappeared. How could they have disappeared? When had they disappeared? She looked around.

Madam Wang also noticed and looked at her husband and the others.

Eldest Li and Third Li had just realized that they were gone. "Mom, Second Brother and Sister Fu have left."

"Left? When did they leave? Why didn't I notice? Where could they have gone?" Madam Li was furious. Where could they have gone? If they didn't believe them, they would definitely ask for this and that again!

"Grandma, Second Uncle and Eldest Sister just left. I didn't see them either. I just discovered them," Li Yan'er said from the side. She also didn't believe that Li Fu'er was like this.

"Oh, they went into their rooms? They thought they could just go in? Didn't they want money? Since they don't want it then forget it!" Madam Li said. She turned to her eldest daughter-in-law. "You came back too late." She was very unhappy.

"Mother, I didn't know." It was unthinkable that Sister Fu and Second Uncle would split up the family!

Madam Wang whispered.

"You didn't know?" Madam Li stared at her.

At that moment, Second Li came out. "Mother." He looked at them.

Eldest Li and Third Li were the first to see him. "Second Brother."

Madam Li was a little late and her expression was ugly. "Second Brother, you're back? You know how to come back? I thought you weren't coming out. You were still here just now, but you disappeared in an instant. Where did you go with Sister Fu? Where's Sister Fu?"

She looked behind him as she spoke.

Li Yan'er held her grandmother's arm and watched.

The Yu and Wang family members were the same.

"Mother, I have something to tell you." Second Li wanted to speak to his mother alone.

Madam Li didn't want to say anything to him. Was he trying to take her things? She asked, "About what?"

"Mother," said Second Li.

"If you have something to say, say it here. We've said all we have to say! I don't know what else is there! You said we're splitting up." Madam Li's face was grim. She felt as if he had to say it here.

Li Yan'er nodded. "Second Uncle, Grandma is very sad. What are you going to say?"

Second Li… looked at her.

Eldest Li and Third Li said that they were going to see their father.

Second Li looked at his eldest brother and third brother.

Eldest Li and Third Li left.

As soon as they were gone, Second Li told some of his nephews to go away. He watched them go. He looked at Mother.

Madam Li said impatiently, "Are you going to tell me or not?"

"Mother, can you give me what you gave me earlier? The jewelry my wife left behind," Second Li said.

"As expected, that's all you want? Did Sister Fu ask you to come? Where's Sister Fu? Why didn't she come? Didn't she say that she wanted to return our clothes to us and Sister Yan?"

Madam Li was ruthless.

"Mother, I'll pay you back. There are some things that I can't say in front of others. My wife told me something before she died." Second Li interrupted his mother and looked at her.

Madam Li's expression changed slightly. "Second Brother, you did all of this for Sister Fu."

She wasn't done. "Let's go and talk."

Second Li left.

They walked away.

Li Yan'er knew that something was wrong. What secrets did her second uncle have to share with her grandmother? She wanted to know why Second Uncle came back. She tugged at her grandmother and asked her to stay.

Madam Wang watched.

"Grandma." After Li Yan'er pulled Grandma back, she looked at Second Uncle. "Second Uncle, what do you want to say?"

"It's not your concern, Sister Yan." Second Li looked at Sister Yan. His wife had promised to give Sister Fu jewelry, but his mother wouldn't give it to him when Sister Yan followed her in and out.

He turned to his mother.

Madam Li Wang told Sister Yan not to worry and they left.

"Second Uncle sounded like…"

Being left outside, Li Yan'er wanted to say that Second Uncle seemed to have said something that made Grandma change her attitude.

Madam Yu saw it and wanted to go in.

Madam Wang said, "If we split up, Sister Fu'er and Second Uncle won't be with us anymore?"

"Sister-in-law, do you think it's a good thing?" Madam Yu turned her head and asked her sister-in-law.

Sister-in-law wants to split the family too, right?

In Madam Wang's heart, it was naturally good to split up.

Li Yan'er called her grandmother but she didn't manage to finish her sentence.

When Li Fu'er came out, she did not see her grandmother or father. There was only Li Yan'er and the others. She stopped.

"Big sister?"

Li Yan'er heard her and looked down. When she saw her, she immediately stepped forward.

Li Fu'er glanced at her and ignored her. She walked towards Third Aunt and the others and was about to leave.

Madam Yu and the others acknowledged her.

However, Li Yan'er pulled her back and whispered in her ear, "Big Sister, where are you going? You actually want the silver and jewelry in Grandma's hands. You actually brought them up and repeatedly said that."

"You want it?" Li Fu'er froze at the sound and faced her. "Does Li Yan'er know? You're the thief. The thief who wants to steal from others all day."

Li Yan'er almost shouted, "Li Fu'er!"

Li Fu'er pried her hand away and pressed her voice against her cheek. "You want to scream? Aren't you afraid of being heard? I won't let you snatch and steal my things. Even if I don't want them, I won't give them to you!"

Li Yan'er was so angry that her fingers hurt!