
The Arrival of Naruto in the Marvel Universe

**This is a translation** ... Nick Fury: I have the Avengers. Charles Doyle: I also have an organization. Nick Fury: The Avengers are powerful. Charles Doyle: My organization is invincible! Nick Fury: We defend the Earth and show aliens that humans have the power to take revenge. Charles Doyle: In addition to defending against aliens, we also take the sacred tree to alien worlds for planting. Nick Fury: I am the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., overseeing all threatening beings on Earth. Charles Doyle: Hehe, Snake Shield Agency? ???? ????? Charles Doyle brings the Naruto mobile game to the Marvel world, causing the marvel world to go upside down. ... Support me and get early access to chapters: patreon.com/gfdsa

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Chapter 288: Is he special?

In the blink of an eye, a week had passed, and everything was progressing according to plan.


During this week, the people of the magical world were mobilized, led by Balthazar, and formed a magician army, practicing group attacks.


As for the guardians of the Magic Tower, Balthazar had recruited four old-timers. Although they were considered young compared to Balthazar, in Charles's eyes, all four had white hair and beards, resembling Dumbledore.


They appeared to be quite old.


All this information was conveyed through the Wood Release Shadow Clone. Charles had replaced the shadow clone twice in the past week, not because of Chakra depletion but to prevent the clone from acquiring too many memories.


Dissolving the shadow clone would otherwise flood his mind with memories, causing headaches. Therefore, he dissolved a shadow clone every three days and used the teleportation array to send a clone over.


During these seven days, through system check-ins, Charles obtained 200 Samsara Stones (VIP4-level users receive double rewards, Samsara Stones +200), 300 Prestige, 8 Ninjutsu Secret Scrolls, 1 Ninja Recruitment Scroll (VIP5-level users receive double rewards, Ninja Recruitment Scroll +1), 50 bowls of delicious ramen, 400 Prestige Points (VIP6-level users receive double rewards, 400 Prestige Points), and 200 Ninjutsu Beads.


Apart from the rewards from system check-ins, Charles did not enter the Ninja Shard Shop to purchase anything. This was mainly to accumulate the resources needed for additional battle positions.


In this seven-day period, Charles once again released an evil magician from the imprisonment.


After defeating the opponent, he obtained a piece of magical equipment and provided a new specimen for Tsunade's experiments. After recharging the magical equipment, he received 2000 system gold coins.


With this, Charles's gold coins reached 14,714. After spending 1400 gold coins, he once again opened a battle position, bringing Uchiha Itachi and Yamato to this world.


When Itachi first appeared, his reaction was the most intense, but after learning that his younger brother was also here, his emotions immediately stabilized.


Especially when he heard that more Uchiha clan members would come in the future, and there were no conflicts between the Uchiha clan and the village here, he seemed to let go of long-suppressed emotions.


As for Yamato, he treated Charles like a Hokage as soon as he came out, obediently following his orders.


In this way, Charles had two Anbu ninjas protecting him, providing him with a level of protection comparable to a Hokage.


It was now evening, and the day of the opening ceremony of the Stark Expo had arrived.


Charles, accompanied by Tsunade, came to participate in this event to let Tsunade examine Tony's palladium poisoning and see if it could be resolved through medical ninjutsu.


On the transport plane, Tony, wearing the latest Iron Man armor, looked at the night scene below, listening to Rhodey's voice.


"Windspeed 30 knots, altitude 15,000 feet. You can now enter the landing area."


As the transport plane's belly, the cargo door opened, and Tony, wearing his Iron Man armor, took a few steps forward before flying directly from high altitude.


At the Expo, fireworks lit up the sky, with some hitting Tony's armor. Tony continued to spin in the air, performing several flight maneuvers. Finally, he landed in the center of the stage in the standard Iron Man pose, kneeling on one knee.


As Tony felt the cheers from the crowd below, a dozen hot girls dressed in Iron Man COS outfits appeared behind him, showcasing their graceful figures and dancing provocatively.


The stage beneath Tony quickly transformed into four mechanical arms, which removed his armor.


Now in a suit, Tony stood at the front of the stage, waving to the audience below. He pointed deep into the audience, then gestured with his arm to another direction, appearing exceptionally smug and flamboyant.


The crowd below shouted, "Tony, Tony, Tony!"


As the music concluded, the girls in Iron Man COS outfits left the stage. Tony, still on the stage, looked at the excited crowd and spoke, "Hi, it's good to be back!"


"It looks like you guys missed me. How about blowing something up?"


Watching the cheering crowd below, Tony smiled and said, "Okay, I was just joking earlier."


"In this world, there's a partner of mine who saved me twice, giving me a chance for rebirth. He is my friend, a hero, and of course, the major shareholder of Stark Industries—Charles Doyle!"


With a wave of Tony's hand, the spotlight shifted to the circular platform on the left side of the stage!


The left platform was empty, and the next moment, silently and without a sound, Charles Doyle appeared on the stage wearing a Leaf Village headband and an unmarked Robe.


At the same time, a group of young women, dressed in tight-fitting Leaf Village vests with exposed navels and hot pants, arrived on the stage. They kicked up their long legs and danced to showcase their figures to the public.


Standing at the forefront of the stage, Charles Doyle waved to the audience below.


"Charles, Charles, Charles..."


The crowd below shouted Charles's name frenziedly. In the eyes of the people, Charles was the second Captain America, the second beneficiary of the Super Soldier Serum.


So, they cheered endlessly.


Watching the live broadcast on TV backstage, Tsunade couldn't help clenching her fists as she saw those cosplaying girls. "I didn't expect you, Charles, to learn bad things from Tony. It seems you'll eventually become like that perverted guy, Jiraiya."


As the music ended, the beautiful girls behind Charles left the stage.


"My good friend, Charles Doyle!"

Tony opened his arms as if to embrace, and Charles walked over, briefly sharing a hug. He took a glance at Tony's neck, finding no sign of severe palladium poisoning.


Tony pulled Charles to his side and then looked at the crowd below. He began to speak, "I was just thinking."


"I didn't say that the long-term global peace we've enjoyed in recent years is because of me!"


"I also didn't say that there's no one else in the world like me, someone who has been reborn from the ashes like a phoenix!"


"I certainly didn't say that the U.S. government can leisurely enjoy their free time because there's no one daring enough to challenge me in my peak state."


With each of Tony's three statements, the underground cheers became even more enthusiastic. Watching Tony's self-exaggeration on the backstage TV, Tsunade's expression showed disdain. "Does he really think he's that special?"


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