
The Arrival of Naruto in the Marvel Universe

**This is a translation** ... Nick Fury: I have the Avengers. Charles Doyle: I also have an organization. Nick Fury: The Avengers are powerful. Charles Doyle: My organization is invincible! Nick Fury: We defend the Earth and show aliens that humans have the power to take revenge. Charles Doyle: In addition to defending against aliens, we also take the sacred tree to alien worlds for planting. Nick Fury: I am the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., overseeing all threatening beings on Earth. Charles Doyle: Hehe, Snake Shield Agency? ???? ????? Charles Doyle brings the Naruto mobile game to the Marvel world, causing the marvel world to go upside down. ... Support me and get early access to chapters: patreon.com/gfdsa

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Chapter 289: No Hope, Await Death, Farewell!

"Because all of this is not just about me, but also about the presence of my good friend, Charles Doyle!"


As Tony uttered these words, the audience once again cheered for Charles and Tony!


Listening to the cheers, whistles, and declarations of love from the crowd below, Tony made a quiet gesture and then crossed his hands behind his back.


"Of course, we are not important, and neither are you."


"We are all unimportant. What matters is the legacy and what we should leave for future generations."


"So, starting tomorrow, for the first time since 1974, the most outstanding talents from different countries and companies around the world will provide their resources, share their common vision, and create a better future. So, we are not important."


"Therefore, what I want to say is, welcome back to the Stark Industries Expo."


"A special guest will return from the past to explain everything to you."


"Please welcome my father, Howard!"


As Tony spoke, Howard's image appeared on the large screen behind him.


Tony walked to the side of the stage, approaching Charles Doyle.


"Thank you for coming to today's press conference and sharing the limelight with me."


Hearing Tony's words, Charles smiled and didn't say anything.


Tony took a detector from his pocket, pressed his thumb, and quickly obtained data on the instrument—19% blood toxicity.


Tony didn't hide this from Charles, and so the scene also fell into Charles's eyes.


After the video finished playing, Tony and Charles left the stage, leaving the host to explain.


In the backstage area, Tony didn't leave immediately but looked at Charles.


At this moment, Charles also looked at Tony and said to Tsunade, "Could you check if you can remove the toxins from his blood?"


Based on the principle of maximizing benefits, Charles didn't plan to directly tell Tony how to find the new element.


Hearing Charles speaking to someone, Tony couldn't help but incredulously say, "What? Can this blonde chick remove toxins from my body? Impossible."


"Charles, you should understand..."


Before Tony could finish speaking, Tsunade pressed him against the wall and quickly examined him. Then she said, "It can be removed, but a detailed examination needs to be conducted back at the office."


As Tsunade let go, Tony twisted his sore shoulder and looked at Charles. "Is she really a doctor?"


In fact, Tony had called Charles today to inquire whether there were elements in the extraordinary world that he didn't know about. If such elements existed, Tony planned to experiment with them.


"Tsunade is not only a medical ninja but also the strongest medical ninja in our village."


"As long as she says it's okay, then you still have hope."


Hearing Charles's words, Tony looked at Tsunade with amazement.


Tsunade, however, was nonchalantly using her thumbnail to scrape her other nails and casually said, "No hope, await death, farewell!"


Seemingly displeased with the arrogant Tony, Tsunade expressed her disdain and she deliberately said these words.


At this moment, Tony's face turned red and white alternately.


Thinking about his own physical condition, he decided to set aside his pride and bowed his noble head. He apologized, "I'm sorry, I didn't know what a medical ninja is. I apologize for my behavior."


As Tony spoke, he slightly bent over to Tsunade and gave a bow.


Seeing Tony like this, Charles gave Tsunade a signal. Tsunade, seeing Charles's eyes, softened her attitude and calmly said, "I accept your apology."


Charles grabbed Tony's shoulder, pulled him up, and said, "Come on, let's go to the Agency. Let Tsunade check you and see how to solve your poisoning problem."


"OK, I hope for a good result."


Then, Tony pushed open the door of the backstage room and said to the bodyguard, Happy, outside the door, "Let's go, we should leave here."


Under Happy's guidance, the three of them, after dealing with numerous enthusiastic fans and signing requests from children who had come to see them, finally arrived at the parking lot outside.


At this moment, there was a beautiful woman standing in front of Tony's sports car. Seeing her, Tony teased, "Is this girl a complimentary gift with the car? I hope so!"


Tony walked up to greet her, "Hey, who are you?"


"Law Enforcement Officer."


"Irish girl, I like it."


Facing Tony's teasing, the Law Enforcement Officer did not show any angry expression but greeted, "Nice to meet you, Tony."


Seeing that Tony was still planning to make a joke, Charles directly said, "Tony, we still have things to deal with."


Tony sat in the passenger seat of the car and said with some regret, "It seems that we have no fate. I have to leave."


"Tony, here's a subpoena for you."


"Of course, there's one for Mr. Charles Doyle too."


"You are ordered to attend the Senate Armed Services Committee at exactly nine o'clock tomorrow morning."


Tony didn't take the subpoena from the other party but frowned. Seeing this, Happy quickly took it, then explained, "Tony never takes things from others."


Tony looked at the Law Enforcement Officer and said, "This is my quirk, I can't help it."


The Law Enforcement Officer looked at the other subpoena in her hand and said to Charles, who was watching, "Mr. Charles, do you have such a quirk too?"


Charles, seeing this, waved his hand lightly, and the next moment the subpoena in the Law Enforcement Officer's hand flew directly into Charles's hand.


"Heavens, what is this, magic?"


The female Law Enforcement Officer exclaimed, looking at Charles Doyle with some disbelief.


Tony, sitting in the car, said to the Law Enforcement Officer, "Can I see your badge?"


Hearing Tony's words, the Law Enforcement Officer took out her badge and showed it to Tony.


Charles, paying no attention to the other party, walked to the Rolls-Royce on the side with Tsunade. Seated in the driver's seat was none other than John Wick.


"Let's go, back to the Agency!"


As Charles finished speaking, John Wick started the Rolls-Royce and drove into the distance.


At this moment, Tony also paid no attention to the Law Enforcement Officer. He spoke to Happy, "Let's go, to the Charles Agency!"


Happy started the car and followed the Rolls-Royce, heading towards Forest Hills, 71st Avenue, leaving the Law Enforcement Officer standing alone in place.


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