
The Anti Hero Mage

Vishal is a hitman who takes government contracts to hunt down heinous criminals to keep innocents safe. While on a contract he gets killed by underground mafia. In the divine space he meets an entity who asks him to enter the dc universe and clean the filth with a system. He accepts easily because he is angry at the incompetence of heroes and justice system in dc. Thus begins his anti hero and a business journey.

ashwiniprasad · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Sinister clouds gather on the horizon

After 1 year...

The things in Gotham have gone back to normal. The Mystic Punisher did not make an appearance again. The city has changed a lot over the year with newly laid roads and electromagnetic trains produced by Amarnath Rail Coproration moving through the sub way with high speed.

This allowed for smoother relay across the city making transportation cheaper. Gordon was reinstated after Amarnath group of Industries paid 30 million dollars for damages in exchange that Gordon be reinstated as commissioner.

The heads of GCPD accepted it and Gordon was reinstated and left alone. Gordon thanked Ravindra and Vishal in person and said that he would do his best to stop crime unlike before the problem persists for long time.

Vishal and Ravindra worked hard and entered into retail division and opened both small departmental stores and supermarkets all across the city. Along with it they entered the Jewelry business which topped their profits to heights.

Wayne Enterprises might have been affected a year ago but they slowly adapted to the changes happening in Gotham and expanded their divisions across different sectors.

Batman along with Bat family still patrols at night. During the first six months everyone insulted him wherever he and the family went but over the time they started ignoring them and only cared about keeping their family financially fit and also protect them from any crime elements. Batman only faced problems when Arkham breakouts happen.

Though due to the Amarnath Security Corps efforts the breakouts were put down ruthlessly with little efforts. The contract to protect the city due to the short handed GCPD is coming to an end for the corps. The mayor of Gotham is replaced by one of the candidates of the party but he is not so good at his job.

CADMUS was formed by the government after the failure of heroes to stop the "Mystical Punisher" and Amanda Waller was made incharge of it.

Many drugs which the crime lords distributed were banned but many youth became mad after the sudden disappearance of drugs and three people lost their lives.

Wayne Enterprises took it upon themselves to build a powerful rehabilitation centre for drug addicts with advanced technology and qualified doctors but it still did not solve the problem.

At that time a scientist named Klein Marcus developed a drug called "Venus" which would give high but won't make them addicted. The doctors used this drug as medium and slowly made the consumers decrease the intake day by day.

Due to the fear that "Mystical Punisher" might appear again the sellers of the drugs limited it only to guys above 17 years.

The Justice Leaague kept an eye on the changes in Gotham and were somewhat perplexed. The financial crisis was gone after the people worked hard for the city and mostly due to efforts of Amarnath Group Of Industries.

AGI has become a brand for all underdogs in cities over the nation because they rose up from the bottom of the society and changed things.

Leaving Superman, Green Lantern aside the other members did not care about the methods "Mystical Punisher" used to change Gotham city. The league( only Superman and Green Lantern) and government made a deal and put "Mystical Punishers" profile as the most dangerous threat and placed bounties on him.

They are not the only ones unhappy with what "Mystical Punisher" has done.

In Iceberg lounge...

The penguin is seated on the sofa with two beauties on his sides.

He asked the subordinates to make a video call.

The other party picked up the call and the image appeared.

"What do you want, Cobblepot?" asked a guy wearing a helmet with only one eye visible.

"I am offering you a contract of 10 million dollars. I need you to find the true identity of "Mystical Punisher" and bring him to me dead or alive." said Penguin.

"Are you joking? He has powers that could rival the league. How do you expect me to fight him?" asked Deathstroke.

"Yeah" came a female voice and a figure emrged beside deathstroke.

It is none other than "Ravager" daugther of Deathstroke.

"You're not alone in this. You will be temporarily working with Bane and Sinestro." said Penguin.

Two figures: one who is big and gigantic with tubes connected to his body with green substance in it and other guy wearing a yellow lantern corps appeared in front of the screen.

"Very well. I'll try to search for him as I have contacts in Gotham harbor." said Deathstroke cutting the call.

Penguin has been losing business during last one year due to the fear of the "Mystical Punisher" and his Iceberg lounge is in deep financial trouble nowadays.

"How were you able to convince Sinestro to join you, Penguin?" asked Bane.

"Well I have promised him that he can bring order in Gotham in a way he wants and I will be his supporter." replied Penguin with his signature evil smile.

Bane looked at Sinestro when other party replied "Sinestro Corp has been facing problems from Green Lanterns since a year the changes in Gotham began."

Due to Vishal bringing changes in fate, some events have changed as Green Lanterns were aided by Justice League 10 months ago to aid in their fight against Sinestro and his plans.

Sinestro did not know what he is up against because he was ignorant that he is against a guy who has the power of Red Lantern.

In Metropolis....

In LexCorp...

"Superpowered threats need to be taken out before they become a menance just like superman." said a guy wearing a black suit and bald head.

""Mystical Punisher" huh. Quite a handy guy though he hasn't appeared in a year." thought Luther gazing through the office window showing entire metropolis.

"We need to lure him out and neutralize the threat before it becomes an issue." said Luther looking a guy wearing a red suit and helmet with a big sniper rifle hanging on his back.

"40 million dollars. 15 million in advance and the remaining after the work is done." said Luther opening a casket and took out a gun shaped object. He used the object on a ball emitting electricity and the ball lost its power.

It is a power disruptor which he prepared against superheroes but now he is going to use it against Mystical Punisher.

"Deal." said Deadshot and left from there.

In the Arkham asylum...

In a highly secured cell...

The Joker keeps saying weird words to himself while also laughing heavily.

"Mystical Punisher" eh. No one steals my spotlight and live to tell the tale. Hahaha.

"I am also coming for you Bats. Let's play our game once again but this time I'll win. hahaha." Joker kept laughing.

In the space few light years away....

A skull ship is destroying the people on the planet and absorbed the knowledge on it.

A guy who is green with metalling suit with purple embeddings on it finished getting knowledge when he received data about earth a place filled with vast knowledge.

"The knowledge will be mine. One more civilization to destroy." said Brainiac.