
The Anti Hero Mage

Vishal is a hitman who takes government contracts to hunt down heinous criminals to keep innocents safe. While on a contract he gets killed by underground mafia. In the divine space he meets an entity who asks him to enter the dc universe and clean the filth with a system. He accepts easily because he is angry at the incompetence of heroes and justice system in dc. Thus begins his anti hero and a business journey.

ashwiniprasad · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Hitman vs Bounty Hunter (1)

After 10 days...

The day of Lobo's arrival came within a flash. Vishal decided to face the guy like a hitman rather than a Nephalem because he needed to show Lobo that earth is not Czarnia where he can do as he pleases. He is going to make sure to put so much fear into that bounty hunter that whenever the name "Earth" arises he will pee in his pants.

Since Lobo likes to murder people for fun, Vishal also decided to play the guy for fun this time.

Vishal waited as Vigilante in the satellite and waited for our guy to appear. After 20 minutes he saw the space bike with evil front and the jet boosters on the back and on the bike a red eyed guy with cigar and big moustach.

"Let him approach the orbit. Teleport him without his bike to the moon." said Vishal.

"Got it host." replied the system.

Lobo came with a triumphant smile in his face as he thought Vishal is a pipsqueak who can be handled easily and brought to Oa. He grossly underestimated the guy based on the information from the guardians.

Hal who saw the biker making way towards the earth shouted "What the heck? Why did the Guardians send such a crazy lunatic to apprehend Vigilante?"

"What's happening?" asked Cyborg.

"The Guardians have sent Lobo, the crazy bounty hunter to catch Vigilante. If both of them collide cities will be destroyed. Superman is still recovering from the Kryptonian poisoning and WW is away in Thermyscira and Batman's back is broken. We gotta do something." said Hal irritated with the guardians.

"I don't think that's needed." said MM as he pointed towards the biker disappearing.

They were all stunned seeing Lobo disappear without his bike.

"What's this?" asked Flash.

"Looks like Vigilante is aware that Guardians have sent someone after him so he must have laid a trap to stop the guy." said MM.

"Can we trace out where Lobo is now?" asked GL.

Cyborg went to the computer and began working using his technology.

After 5 minutes he responded "Lobo's teleported to the moon based on the signature I was able to track down."

GL sighed in relief but inside he was angry at the Guardians for making a deal with that trashy bounty hunter.

"It's a good thing Vigilante teleported him away. Otherwise I can't even imagine what sort of hell that bounty hunter would have caused." said Flash.

On the moon...

Lobo who has just landed on the moon said "Someone's got some guts eh? This time I am not the main man."

"Whoever you are , you are liven up the joint." said Lobo smiling.

"Show me your face so I can stomp it. haha."

A sniper bullet came and hit Lobo's head. His head bent back but when he bent forward there is a hole but it healed.

"You playin' games eh? This is fun. How about a peeka-bo? It would be more fun catchin' you." said Lobo trying to find where our guy is.

He kept moving and tried to find any traces of the guy but it's no use. As he flew towards the dark side of the moon, Another bullet hit the right buttock of Lobo.

"AARG. Shit bitch. You're pissing me off." shouted Lobo but another bullet came from other direction and got lodged into another buttock.

Vigilante kept himself invisible and kept moving to different sides of the planet and launched bullets.

"Bastich. If I find you Guardians will only receive your meat." growled Lobo.

"You know it's good to create vaccum defying bullets against this bounty hunter. It's fun playing with the guy." Vishal said to system.

"Show yourself if you ain't a p*ssy, otherwise I will blast this moon." said Lobo.

"Moron." thought Vishal as he already knows Lobo's equipment are in his bike and he was transported here without it.

"You hear me. I count to 5 before I blast it." said Lobo.







The surface under Lobo became active and Lobo's legs were caved into ground up to his knee.

"Grr. I am gonna put your insides on the outside when I get scot free of this." said Lobo.

As soon as he said that suddenly he felt energy flowing all over the moon. The moon's surface began to quake. It felt like a moon quake and the surface cracked open and gigantic golems came out from all sides of the moon.

"What' you doing, you shit?" said Lobo alarmed.

Moon Golems and Sun Golems appeared from all sides of the moon and even the dark attribute golems appeared from the dark sides of the moon.

"Everybody is terrified of an unknown enemy. What I am giving to Lobo is a horror movie in real without showing my face." said Vishal with a crazed look.

The Moon, Sun and Dark Golems were 13 ft in tall with regeneration added to it.

"As soon as the fight with Lobo is done, system merge my skills with metahuman powers with 1 million dollars." said Vishal.

"Okay host. I will ffind suitable combinations and merge them properly." said the system.

Lobo with his Superhuman strength hit one of the moon golems and kept on hitting it until it was moon dust. But a green light appeared and the golem's body regenerated.

"How does it feel to use the same trick against you, Lobo?" came an invisible voice from the sky.

"Ahaha. Bastich. You talk big but this ain't nothing to me." said Lobo as he flew and kept on hitting the Moon and Sun golems.

A dark energy enveloped the surroundings of Lobo and he when he opened his eyes he saw himself in his home planet Czarnia.

"What the f*ck? You playin' games with my mind. This ain't gonna work.." mocked Lobo.

The surroundings changed to the scene where there is nothing but death and destruction of Czarnia caused by Lobo.

"It's fun seeing those guys dying by my hands. If given a chance again I would do it another way." said Lobo rubbing his chin.

A hand fell on him and saw a Czarnian like him smiling at him and said "Is it that fun to kill us? How about we repay it in the form of a return gift?"

The Czarnian's smile turned into evil and a devilish face replaced it and the guy hit Lobo sending Lobo flying.

When Lobo stood up in fury he was hit on the back of his head and his head got pummeled into the ground.

Many demonic faces in millions started appearing and they had only one target and that is Lobo.

"You shit case use illusions to fight me." said Lobo as his mental fortitude dropped at bit.

The demon looking Czarnians poured on him in droves. But it is in fact the golems that are hitting him in real.

"I'll kill you all." said Lobo and stormed towards approaching people.

He kept punching and even used moon's surface rocks to throw at the approaching Czarnians. But the Czarnians who are hit kept regenerating and came at him even after that.

"Ahahaha." the laughed echoed throughout the moon and Lobo is feeling the heat hearing the laugh.

One of the dark golems stomped and stick Lobo on the ground. In his invisible form, Vishal appeared and put a hand on the grounded Lobo and said "Power Copy".

The power copied the Czarniana physiology and other powers of Lobo. "This looks fun." thought Vishal.

"He looks like a grounded moustache chicken host." said the system.

"It's not over yet." said Vishal moving to the sky.

The golems legs cracked as Lobo used his immense strength to cut off and lift the golem to hit on the ground.

"I am gettin' sick of this." said Lobo as he concentrated and forming a connection with his bike he whistled.

The league who was bringing the bike was startled as the bike automatically left their grasp and made way to the moon. It appeared on the moon and Lobo took out a powerful rocket launcher from the bike.

"I give you an ultimatum whoever you are pipsqueak. Fight me or there won't be moon for your earth residents." said Lobo.

The atmosphere on the moon changed as Lobo saw gigantic red eyes covering the sky of the moon and a mouth which had a evil smile mocking him at his state.

"Very well. Let's see if you the bounty hunter or me, a hitman will win." said the mouth as the eyes and mouth disappeared and Vigilante's figure with helmet on appeared after a flash with a Axe and Hammer in each of his hands.