
The Anti Hero Mage

Vishal is a hitman who takes government contracts to hunt down heinous criminals to keep innocents safe. While on a contract he gets killed by underground mafia. In the divine space he meets an entity who asks him to enter the dc universe and clean the filth with a system. He accepts easily because he is angry at the incompetence of heroes and justice system in dc. Thus begins his anti hero and a business journey.

ashwiniprasad · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Battling the Justice League (2)

Vishal grinned at the superheroes and said "Let me give you the taste of your own medicine."

Vishal flew fast and appeared in front of Superman and landed a powerful punch causing the impact to roll his body in air and go back. He appeared above him and clubbed his two hand to hit his gut.

Superman fell down into the sand while gritting the teeth. He appeared 20 meters away from Wonder Woman and said "I can see through you. Wearing blue panties. Should I steal them?"

Wonder Woman was alarmed because none of the villains ever behaved this dirtily towards her. "You perverted maniac." she came at him with the sword which he countered by hitting the two wrists together cauing a wave which pushed back Wonder Woman. Vishal took this time and stretched his hand.

He received a blue thing on his hand. He grinned like crazy. "How does it feel your panties stolen from you slut." said Vishal as he burned it.

Wonder Woman felt shame at first as the guy is playing with her like a pervert. The humiliation turned to anger and she used lasso of truth on him.

Vishal deliberately got caught by the rope. Wonder Woman smiled in triumph and came before him and landed a kick on the groin but the multilayered suit and the magical barriers there stopped the impact.

Vishal smiled pervertedly after the kick and said "Nothing. I've protected it with sensitive care."

"Who are you?" asked Wonder Woman probing for truth.

"I am the punisher of bitches." said Vishal irritating her.

He showed her that her lasso won't work on him.

"What enemity do you have for me?" asked Wonder Woman.

"I don't need to tellyou. You need to ask someone dear to you about the atrocities your kind has committed." said Vishal.

"Non sense. We Amazons are proud warriors. WE WOULDN'T EVER COMMIT SUCH ACTS." said WW.

"See. When I tell the truth you won't believe me." said Vishal.

Black Lightning sent a thunder that only scratched him.

"Time's up." said Vishal as he became intangible and got freed from the lasso.

Vishal caught the head of Wonder Woman and sent her to sleep. She collapsed onto the sand.

"Who's next?" asked Vishal.

The lady heroes were feeling reluctant to go against him due to what he had done before.

"Hahahaha. Send the women back. They won't stand a chance by the way I speak or the things I do against them to win." said Vishal.

Superman flew into air. He felt his chest hurt and felt pain.

Batman called the watchtower and opened the ZETA TUBE to carry Jonn Wonder Woman and other lady heroes also left.

"You're a villain for treating her like that." growled GL.

"If I was such a villain I could beat you all and rape all of them here." Vishal spoke the harsh truth.

"Use such words is a weapon of mine. To make them psychologically weak during battle so that they create openings." said Vishal.

The guys all frowned because none of these guys are capable enough to fight in such a dirty way.

Flash shouted "Why don't you fight me on the ground."

"Sure. This would be entertaining." said Vishal as he came down.

Flash appeared instantly but before he could punch he saw Vishal behind him pinching his ass.

"YEOUCH" shouted Flash to the pinch.

Vishal disappeared and appeared in front of him.

Vishal's eyes turned red.

"Barry Allen huh." said Vishal.

Flash was suprised . Vishal turned to Batman and pointed his finger "Bruce Wayne".

He looked at Superman "Clark Kent"

"Victor Stone"

"Hal Jordan"

He kept speaking the identities of all other guys.

"Wonderful. I have your true identities now." said Vishal.

The heroes were shell shocked on hearing it.


"Heat Vision combined with a power I have could see through you and your identities." lied Vishal.

"Here I thought this trip is only to beat you but finding your true identities is another bonus." said Vishal.

"Wait, how do you have Heat Vision?" asked Superman.

"I can't tell. You can figure it out." said Vishal as kept moving at high speeds around Flash and kept delivering powerful punches until Flash fainted without resistance.

Cyborg sent a cannon ball against him which he countered with a red cannon ball.

"Hack" said Vishal as he hacked into Victor's body frame and closed off the system and only left his vital functions running. Cyborg fainted.

"Too easy." said Vishal.

"No more." growled GL as he used a prison construct to imprison him.

"You won't be able to escape now." said GL with a triumphant look.

A sadistic smile appeared which made them shiver.

"With blood and rage of Crimson red..."

Hal heard those words and felt terror appear in his face.

"Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead..."

Hal sensing the danger added two more round and triangular prisons.

"Together with our hellish fate..."

Hal squeezed the construct tight to not let him escape.

Superman, Captain Atom, The Atom, Shazam and Atom Smasher came and held it tight.

"We'll burn you all, that is your fate. hahahaha." creepy laughter echoed as a crimson explosion occurred which caused every guy holding the construct to blast away.

Vishal's appearance showed the red light enveloping his body without uniform.

"So, this is an enhanced power of even Atrocitus's ring huh?" said Vishal.

"Yes host. It is a the level of Guardians of Oa." said the system.

"I like it." Vishal said with satisfaction.

He looked at GL and sent a red driller construct at him.

GL erected a barrier but it was so fragile that it broke in a minute. Vishal instantly transformed the construct into a road roller and made it go through Hal's body. If it isn't for the ring he would have died but the construct was enough to crush his legs.

"AAAAAAH" shouted Hal.

"When I read Injustice, leaving Superman aside this guy joined the Yellow Lanterns and did many questionable things. He deserves atleast this much." said VIshal to system.

"I've been conserving this power especially for him."

Hal did not fly as he laid down there. He sent bullets towards Vishal which was stopped by a barrier.

"HAL." came a voice and it was Batman who came back from the tower.

Shazam came at Vishal and sent his yellow electric bolts. Vishal dodged and came towards Shazam at high speed and caught his neck. "Don't bring children to play with me." said VIshal and said "Shazam".

Shazam transformed into Billy when Vishal put him to sleep and put him on the ground.

Captain Atom and Superman decided to attack together.

Vishal turned his back to them and imagined the ultimate attack of Darkseid in Injustice 2.

He put his hands back as Darkseid and first time used his skill "Omni Beam"

Omni Beam is as powerful as Omega Beam but it's functions are quite different.

"Let's use the low version." said Vishal as he sent a blue beam bending and moving towards Superman and Captain Atom.

Their faces paled and they flew away but the beams kept chasing them.

After 3 minutes the beams hit them causing them to faint.

Vishal saw The atom shrinking and trying to enter his body. He caught the tiny man and released a bug gas onto him causing him to faint from the powerful bug fart.

Vishal became the same size of Smasher and tackled him down and pinching the sensitive neck nerve he made him faint.

He arrived towards GL preparing for a powerful attack and transformed into green colour.

Hal was surprised by this and couldn't concentrated when Vshal punched his face with a big green boxing glove making him faint.

Vishal turned like a villain towards Batman. Batman touched a button and a Batjet appeared firing a missile on him.

Vishal appeared unscathed. Vishal used the Omni Beams and destroyed Bat jet.

"Anymore theatrics?" asked Vishal.

Batman frowned but didn't talk.

"Yeah. Should've guessed." said Vishal.

"Take them all and patch them. You should know that I could've killed them but only made them unconscious. This is to show that JL doesn't stand a chance against me." said Vishal.

Vishal opened a boom tube and entered it. Batman clicked the buttons to see where he went but signal disaappeared from earth.

Vishal appeared on Saturn. "Looks good. Now let's teleport from here." said Vishal as he used normal teleportation.

System had already scanned his body and destroyed any foreign bug or device.

He kept the armor back into Inventory and came back to office to work.