
The adventure in MOONO

The world is changing technology has taken over, more intelligent people have emerged and people have lost their feelings and humanity. The government and upper-class society wield enormous power over lower-class society. The rich get richer, while the poor get poorer and suffer even more. The Earth is teeming with people of various statuses and classes. Crime abounds in the middle and lower classes, but not in the upper classes. The government decided to create a simulated world on the moon in which people fight for survival; the strong and intelligent survive, while the weak perish. However, no one knows what the mission is, what the point of doing so, or why they were chosen, the answer is only known to the government.

Andrea_Desa · Sci-fi
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8 Chs


It's been two years since everyone went back to earth. After the anhilation of the creature in moono, the program stop and moono until now is left unattended.

The moono candidate and the base member who fight against the world government were awarded with honor and prestige. The govern of the world went back to normal, and the old organization of the world government are wiped out as well. but the new organization were created in the form of battle against all the unjustice called The lost warriors, which is the symbol of Gamma. it is now an elite organization that is ruled by zaccone and other main member of the base as well as the Fighters of the adventure in moono.

"Moono was something cruel and inhumane, but it creates a lot of strong men that is now took part in changing the world into a better place for us and for the next generation" –EARTH times media.

Zaccone pov

Sitting in my balcony staring up at the moon, reminiscing all the little memories I had with little brother while listening to reflection" a pieces of classical melody by toshifumi hinata, tears started to rolled down my eyes.

" Hi little brother, how are you today? I hope you are just fine, cause I'm not. I promised you things will be fine right? I… I promised you that I will cook your favorite dish everyday while listening to you whining about your stupid addiction of A.I. I…I. promised we will be a happy family again but I failed! I failed to fulfill my promised, I'm sorry I can't prortect you, forgive me for everything I have done to you… hsk.. what type of man am i? cry like a child. HAHAH

… if you are here, you must have thought of me as silly , isn't it? I miss you . Rest in peace Gamma, your One will continue your dreams. Making things better"


Author pov

The members of the lost warrior are all busy taking down violence act these days, even today, 23rd of june, a special day in which everyone get together no matter how busy they are. Gather in the small one room apartment of their favorite person that is now apart from them. Until now mourning their lost, with sadness still fill the air but no tears left to fall and only a heavy sigh feel with pain.

They have lost all the hope of finding the lost warrior, they had accepted their lost. But no one want to move on.

Flashback after the explosion


GIVE HIM BACK TO ME.. please GOD don't make me lost someone dear again, Please God… DO YOU HEAR ME??? I SAID GIVE HIM BACK!!! Why ….WHY?? WHY CAN'T YOU HEAR ME??" F was screaming in pain of his lost

" F STOP IT!! WE ARE GOING TO FIND HIM , NO MATTER WHAT HAPPEN, EVEN..Even if …if its only a piece of him" M shouted replying and broke down on her last sentence

Everyone was histeris especially the closed one. the ISS people, the base members, the people on earth, and the bakery worker. Their world are shaddered into pieces. How the closed one think life is so unfair for them . at first they wish they could still find him, and then it went darker when they can't even find a piece of him, is like the explosion are cruel enough consume all those inside without bothering to leave a bit of memories.

Flashback end

F pov

Everyone is here on g's place, no one dare to start a conversation as if they are afraid it will triggered everyone emotionally. i still can't handle my emotion everytime it was about G. I want to think about him always, I try to have a convo with the moon during the night, my neighbors all think I'm crazy, But so what? I just wanted to always interact with him even if he is not listening or replying.


" no matter how many time passed I will still have you in my heart and mind. I miss our fighting, our convo, the funny story sometimes you told to ease the serious tension during the meeting in ISS. I.. my heart still cannot let you go. I wish you happy now G" F

"It shouldn't have matter whether you are gone or not. I shouldn't have shed a tear on you, we just met. I don't know how you do it, for just a short time you complete the hollow in my heart when you considered me family. the way you take care of us and the way you fought by our side. When you left, it comes back. The hollow you once filled is now even wide."M

"The first time I met you, I know it exactly that I have to be your friend. Up until now I feels like you didn't considered me you friend yet, just a mere acquaintance. It probably because of how little the time I have to get to know you.Thank you for this short amount of time God gave me, thank you for the one in a million chance I got to be a part of your journey, and thank you for trusting me to be your team member. Be happy there G, we miss you" monok

"You, how are you? Are you happy now? I know your dream of making the world a better place, I know you longed for family loved, I know you are sad inside like most of us and I also know you are tougher than the rest of us. I probably will end up cry myself to sleep being reminded by all the memories we got up there buddy. I haven't experience a real friendship before, how come someone tough fight beside you without even thinking of ending you, how come someone you just met decided to sacrifice their life for you? You are simply amazing. From the moment I lie my eyes on you, I know what a kind, tough and amazing human you are. I disappoint of how little the time I have to get to know you, but I'm thankful of being given these precious times. We miss you G" Kanok

"Shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have help you activate the explosion. I blame myself for that G,I can't look at everyone in the eyes anymore, I don't have the courage to be near anything that remind me of you G. You..you should have let me die with you. If only I was in the circle that time, I definitely will accompany you in the other side. I can't take life as beautiful as normal as it used to be anymore when you are not here G. I'm sorry and I miss you" seti


Author pov

Up in the sky on the moon, where a part of it once filled with peoples and actions, but now it just silent with no movement. The place look abandoned like it never been visited. But the oxygen and manmade gravitational system is still working. One can see there used to a battle in here, before a massive explosion destroyed a part of this place. No more human on earth dare to come, afraid of just looking at it and afraid of being reminded by an event that took away their lost warrior.

But a distance far from the location the terrible event took place, there we see a small creature coming out from the underground base.

…PUNG… the sound of a steel door being shut by the creature.

The creatures have a little bit of similiarity with the tube monster but this creature, have small body and look smarter. 3'6 feet tall with round head, small nose but not too small a pair of wide eyes and a pair of big ear. Funny how this unique creature use glasses, with a big shirt on and it looks like it used ear monitor.

The creature look around first and then it heads to the location of the explosion.

" Hello, Eppi is here but eppi don't like it. I preferred used the underground. Eppi hate here. What are you asking eppi to look for again?" the creature says, talking to the other through its ear monitor

"Help me find a triangle shape key like the broken one I once showed you. Also there is this one small object similar to your ear monitor. If you can find it, its better" the voce from the creature ear monitor responded

"Noted. But what for again?" the creature asked

" If I can have the triangle key shape, I will be able to start this ship that I have been trying to fix these past years. And if I have the ear monitor, which I hope it can still working, then I will be able to contact one of my people for help" the man said

"But sir, if I can help you find it will you bring me with you to where you came from?" the creature asked

" Yes Eppi. I will" the man said

"its not fair that you always call me by name, but I never once called you by your name. what's you name sir? And what are you ?"

" I am a human. A species from earth and my name is GAMMA"


To be continued..