
The adventure in MOONO

The world is changing technology has taken over, more intelligent people have emerged and people have lost their feelings and humanity. The government and upper-class society wield enormous power over lower-class society. The rich get richer, while the poor get poorer and suffer even more. The Earth is teeming with people of various statuses and classes. Crime abounds in the middle and lower classes, but not in the upper classes. The government decided to create a simulated world on the moon in which people fight for survival; the strong and intelligent survive, while the weak perish. However, no one knows what the mission is, what the point of doing so, or why they were chosen, the answer is only known to the government.

Andrea_Desa · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


Author pov

Gamma and the team are on their way to the location when they come across a swarm of robots and tube monsters. The group, each with a slight smile on their lips, partners up with zurix and fauzi, noon and seti, kanok and gamma.

"start from one F' Gamm

"WAIT, that's not fair."

"Hahahah everyone includes''

" us too?" Zurix points to himself Gamma nods and says

"Big robot five points, little one point, monsters 50 points."

"What's your bet?'

'There's no bet, just don't get killed'.

Gamma then turns on his earpiece and speaks to his brother who is watching him

"one, you hear me?"

"yes, I'm here" zackone

"Connect it to everyone on Earth as well as everyone on ISS. We will show something that reveals how terrible the government is."

"Done" says Zaccone.

"Prepare your soldiers, it's began"

"Countdown three... two... one started."

On the base, with one word from the brothers, everyone starts to move. The army consists of the robots, the mutan, other creatures they produced are lining up. Max is leading the army to the base gate with Zaccone. Each of them is holding their weapon.

On the outside, everyone is enraged and terrified as they witness the moono's surveillance. They witness Gamma and the squad being assaulted by a swarm of robots and a ferocious-looking creature. The government and its army have also begun their move, Civilization is on its feet in protest of the world government. The military, police, and government robots are all obeying the instructions of the world government.

On the iss, the team that made it began to revolt after watching the screen. The team works together to locate the management system and launch the spacecraft to Moono to assist the other team.

Tension pervades the earth, ISS, and moono.

Returning to Gamma and his squad

They are now fighting both the beasts and the robot. the group appears confident but they are really trying to conceal their emotions.

"15 points down, (Slashhh)" Fauzi used his electric sword to tear down another robot.

"F Behind"

(SLASHH), the sword slashes another creature.


"ARROW SPARK CONTROL" Gamma shouts firing his arrow and the spark follows the arrow moving in the direction of the three monsters.

"Surround" he shouted and the spark began to circle the beast, tying it up.

"VOLCANO SPLASH BALL" Seti uses his weapon to annihilate the three monsters gamma-tied with one little volcano splash ball that transforms into a large pool of red lava.

" G watch out" Kanok warns.

"(slasshh)" Gamma slashes the creature's head with a knife.

They both nod and keep fighting.


It's been hours of combat and the crew is beginning to feel exhausted. But they ultimately arrive at the place which has been located by Monok and others.

'The other team, as well as the creatures are a few meters distant. The key is inside the cabin, and the key is inside a brown box on the left side of the cabin.

"Quickly, quickly." Monok

"Alright, copy that"

"Seti and I will go get the key, and you guys will stay here to guard."

gamma command

The others nodded then they both stepped inside

"Be careful, there are unidentified creatures" warns Mauzi.

Gamma and Seti walked carefully to the cabin's left wing while searching for signs of the monsters. When they arrive, Seti rushes to the brown box to get the key, while Gamma waits at the entrance with his knife.

"Guys, we got three" Seti exclaims over the microphone

"copy that." Others respond

Seti tucked the key inside his little bag and tucked the bag into his shirt. When they are about to leave, two monsters appear out of nowhere and attack them.

"Set, I'll handle them, you go out. "

"No, I won't leave you here because we got here together."

"Alright, if the monsters are merging you should go; you guys need to get out of this place as soon as possible."

"Alright" Seti calmly replied

Gamma slashing one of the monster arms with his small knife, then taking the brown box and beating the monster through the skull. seti is unable to utilize his volcano splash ball since it would endanger both of them.

"Seti, watch out." Gamma flung his dagger towards the creatures behind seti swiftly killing them.

'Thanks dude."


"What's all the fuss about, guys?" Kanok inquires through his earpiece

"It's the monsters!!We have an issue here."

"We just had a difficulty as well. We got company here, four people and the robot on its way"

"WHAT? No. We'll finish these creatures before joining you guys Gamma says as he slashes the monster with his hand.

"G, LEFT" shouts seti

"ARGHHH.... GEEZ" Gamma growls after a monster scrapes his shoulders, but he dodges it swiftly before its hand pierces his hearth and slashes the creature.

"Are you all right? you can still fight?"

"I can, hshh... its hurt"

"Set, give me four volcano splash balls.

''For what?" seti inquires

"Just give them to me. When I tell you to activate it, do it immediately okay?"

"All right"

"let's go assist them out."

On Earth, the battle has also gotten ferocious, with individuals from the base fighting the global government's troops. The government tries but fails to quell the turmoil. People protest their terrible deeds, but the world government has the audacity to deny their deeds. They claim that it isn't them, that they simply created Moono to train its people to be a great army, that they didn't create the monsters, and that they never intended to turn human society on Earth into some sort of monster like that.

"Bring our soldiers to the government building, zackone. We're going to force them to admit it so the world knows." xavier command

Zackone nods and replies.

"Team B, follow me."

The base team went into the building and fought the government troops, so many people had died there for the justice they sought. Everyone hopes that whoever wins the battle, will give them justice.

"Hold on G, after this is all over, we'll be a happy family again. I'll prepare your breakfast like the responsible big brother I am, and I pledge to look after you the way I should have." Zackone thought as he watched his brother fight the monster with his wounded shoulder on the big screen.


On the iss, the team that helped ultimately persuade the people in the control panel to let them take control of the ship. They are preparing to dispatch the ship to every squad who departed Moono as soon as possible.

"Look, Clement, that person is harmed." Lizie says while pointing at Gamma

"Can you send a couple of us to Moono so we can help them?" clement

"we can, but at a cost of your life. But it's too dangerous now. it's not safe there." replies the person in the control panel.

"It's okay, we've been through that" the team replied

"We know what we're going to do"

"Lizie, Mica, and others, let's go."

"Clement's I think you should stay. You're still injured from our previous battle." Mica suggested

"I can't sit here and watch everyone get hurt. That guy is my friend; I met him once and have regarded myself as his friend ever since."

"No, you stay. You monitor us from here. We won't let you leave with us no matter what"

The team then proceeded to the ship, each of them in their own spacecraft. Through the earpiece, they can hear Clement.

"You will be assigned to each team's site. Please do not land when you see a fight, just snatch them through the air "

"That's pretty easy for you to say" the control panel guy says.

The fight is getting intense as the robot and the monsters attack them from all sides. The team can't fight any longer; they can't fight like this.

"HEY fauzi, can you help me throw this piece on to that gigantic robot?"

"alright" F replied tossing the chip onto the gigantic robot, Zurix iterates with the other one

"ARM CHIP METAL CONTROLLER ACTIVATE." He shouted and clasped his hands together, the robots then rushed to each other hastily and "BOOM" It demolished

'THAT'S COOL!!' seti remarks

"Can we do that again?"

"Of course, help with the chip"

And again "BbOOOM the robot destroyed. They do it few times until zurix ran out of chip

"want my sword? I got two here. it's an electric sword" F offered

'lend me one' Fauzi then threw the sword to zurix

"thanks" he says

"G YOUR LEFT' Zurix shouted surprising everyone.

"ARGHH…NOT AGAIN" When the robot injures Gamma's other shoulders, he growls.

"Be careful, it has already scratched your shoulders twice" seti remarked

"Are you all right? Your shoulder bro." zurix asked

"He got scratched twice in the same spot." Seti responds

"Can you still move that?" zurix asked

"I can't... shh ugh it hurts."

When they feel they can't go on any longer, they see a significant number of ships come to a halt, they watch as Monok, Kino, Mauzi, and other teams disembark from the ship come to the rescue assisting them in their fight against the robot and the monsters.

"We are fortunate to have received help." nox stated

They glance at the person with a peculiar expression, he is one of four other people about whom Zurix had previously informed them referring to them as the company.

"For a short introduction, my name is Nox. I'll continue once we finish all of these."

"Are you alright with that shoulder?'

"Yeah, I'm OK."

"Alright, let's keep going fellas."

"Focus G, I'll fight alongside you. Do not injure yourself"

Awhile before the ship arrive

Monok pov

I observe how the others are surrounded by such things, and honestly, the sight of it makes me anxious. I should've been there to fight alongside them.

"Monok, an object has been detected. It's getting close to the cabin,' mauzi 'it's a ship, wait...a boatload of ship," "kino

''The management? But how did they get here and why are they here?'

"I'm not sure. Let's go check it out. "

To be honest, I'm worried; what if they're not good?And they were dispatched to get rid of us since we had broken the rules. Think of it again there are no rules in Moono, it's all about survival.

"Put your hands!"

"Who are you and why are you here?"

"Easy, we're here to help. It's been quite a ruckus in iss when the other team live streams the combat where they confront the monsters, and we also received an order from Earth to cease the operation in moono. It appears that the world has devolved into anarchy as well, we are here to take you back. But first, we must help those who are still battling."

'All right fellas, let's go. we need to help my colleagues."

"your friends?"

"I presume you're referring to my friends. They're currently surrounded by the beasts and the robot, and they desperately need our help."

"Let's get this over with quickly."


Back to the present

Gamma pov

What would you do if you felt you were a burden on everyone? I opted to sacrifice myself in order to see if everyone was okay. Since the time I discovered things within the cabin, I've realized everything is connected to my parents. The design and the monsters are very similar to those in my parents' journal; may they be the ones behind the Moono adventures? And how many orphans must suffer in order to survive after Moono's creation? There are many questions in my head, and I'm certain they all have something to do with my parents. I honestly don't know if they are dead or alive.

Sitting in the middle with broken shoulders, seeing everyone fight, seeing so many of my friends in pain and then learning that everything had to do with my parents shredded my heart. My chest is loaded with emotions that I wish I could get rid of.

Author pov

"hey" gamma Activate his microphone and speak to his crew

"Not now g, we're still battling"

"I know, but hear me out. When I issue my instruction, I want you all to remain as far away as you can."

"It's impossible, the beasts won't let that happen." Kanok stated

"I'm going to distract them and make you all flee as far as you can. If you have glasses, wear them. if you don't, close your eyes and don't let my dust hurt your eyes."

"what are you going to do?" Fauzi inquires

"there is something I should have done earlier?"

"What!? I don't understand" fauzi inquires

"Monok, please notify the teams you came with right now"

"Copy that" Monok said.

Monok then proceeded to alert one of the people that came to help them, and the girl then proceeded to relay the information to everyone she came with via her earpiece.

"Done.What's next?" monok asked

"Hear my order" Gamma says as he shoots his arrow five times into the sky releasing pixy dust.

"Now go!" Following his instruction, the group rushed as fast as they could to avoid the pixy dust gamma released.

Gamma then starts controlling the pixy dust directing them to create a big ring around the arena, a million dust arcs around it, trapping the monsters and robots inside.

"G, where are you?" asked Mauzi

"Somewhere safe. Are you guys out now?"

"Yeah, we're just outside the pixy circle. But where are you exactly?" F inquires

''hhahah (he chuckles) Does the pixy dust appear lovely from there?" questioned gamma

"Yeah...it..it does" Monok responds with a trembling voice suspecting something he wishes he was wrong.

Everyone is worried since they haven't found Gamma's location. Kanok is worried about his friend's safety.

"G, WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU!?" kanok shout through his earpiece

Gamma ignores kanok's question and proceed to talk to seti instead

"zurix you remember the volcano splash ball asked for earlier?"

"yeah. Why?"

"when I tell you to activate you should do it alright?"

"Oo..kay" seti answer with a trembling voice

"Hey, no matter what happen you all have to be tough, I will watch over you from my new place, I'm proud of everyone. Thanks for being my buddy and thanks for all the care and love." Gamma said

As if it hits their realization, everyone starts to tear up especially seti.

"G... NO, PLEASE."fauzi cried

"You said we...we'll made it together. You said you will treat me to dinner when we got home." he says, his voice breaking as he sobs.

"YOU JACKASS … DON'T YOU DARE DO IT" kanok hysterically shouted

"G, noo!" Monok's faint whisper while crouching and crying'

"Seti, don't blame yourself okay?"

"I can't, I can't do that. I..I can't Lose you too. Please no" seti faint voice begging

"please gamma we need you" Mauzi says as she sobs

"now seti"

"NO, G PLEASEEE NOO" Fauzi cried

"Let ME TO GO, LET ME BRING HIM BACK" Kanok attempting to flee the people who are holding him

"three... two... one.'Gamma throws the ball into the air.

"seti now" he commands.


The volcano splash ball combined with Gamma's pixy dust exploded generated a massive fire of pixy and 'BBOOOM' annihilated everything inside the circle.

"you… you promise me G. you promise me" F faint whisper before he blackout.