
The adventure in MOONO

The world is changing technology has taken over, more intelligent people have emerged and people have lost their feelings and humanity. The government and upper-class society wield enormous power over lower-class society. The rich get richer, while the poor get poorer and suffer even more. The Earth is teeming with people of various statuses and classes. Crime abounds in the middle and lower classes, but not in the upper classes. The government decided to create a simulated world on the moon in which people fight for survival; the strong and intelligent survive, while the weak perish. However, no one knows what the mission is, what the point of doing so, or why they were chosen, the answer is only known to the government.

Andrea_Desa · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: Aftermath

It's been a while. It's been a while since I last talk to my favorite people in the universe, those closest one. Have you ever been stranded alone in space wanting to scream "I AM HERE" but you can't? All you want is to go home but you can't because of situation you can't help. All you need to do is to wait, wait until you are perfectly healed and then you can go back to your family, friends, place you call Home.

Stuck in this place for who knows how many days. I didn't think I will survive the explosion, but I didn't think I will be all alone here at all. I felt like dying alone that time will be better than being alive now with a body like this. The big scars on the shoulder, half burn face, arms hanging like it got no bones, tiny thin body with no muscles, I look like a walking zombie.

Flashback a few months ago, I woke up from a coma and realizing I'm in one of the tube supporting my almost lifeless body. The tube wasn't connected with the power source before, its different, this one is smaller and the power wasn't as strong as the other one. I see a 3 feet tiny creatures kind of resemblance the tube monster but its not , this one smaller, cuter and smarter.

Gamma opened his eyes and look around. He can't see clearly where he is at, he felt he wasn't breathing but his heart still pumping. He then realize he got something connected to his chest and lungs helping him breathing and receiving the energy from the small power source.

" owh, hello sir. You are awake" the small creature talk

" let me introduce myself. I am tube 0011. My especial ability it to dig faster than any creature, my favorite route is underground. A few times ago , I don't know what exact time, I was having my adventure as always digging through the ground and travel to places, I notice there is a big explosion near by and I dig to the center of it and find you lying there unconscious but I notice you are still breathing so I help bringing you out through underground route I made. I also got a few burn from bringing you out, but I am okay now. But you still look terrible. Even when I share you my tube" the creature explained

" oh yeah you can get out of the tube for now can you? You might be awake but you are still so low on energy. Its better if you stay there for a few more days" the creature said

I nod for a second and then my consciousness drifted away of tiredness.

I have this dream, of how the unfinished business I left to my brother and the base to fix the world. Because of trying to save everyone, I left one important task undone. The practice of moono is still there, the rules and law of this era is still applying. Is anything changed now? Hope so. So there will be no more child losing their happiness.

Its been a week since I'm unconscious. I was now out of the tube, even if my energy and my body is not at its finest, I'm still good to go. The moment I woke up, I ask anything related to this place to the creatures. Its said moono had been abandoned for 21.900 hours which mean two and a half year. I have been in a coma for a year and six months. The creature said, after the explosion and for a few months a group of people keep coming searching for something, more like someone. But they find everything ashes so they leave with despair. I suppose they are the people from earth and those I'm closed to trying to find any sign of me.

" so, 0011. What are you? And why haven't I seen you before?" I asked

" Well I'm the failed experiment they said, because I have not desire of fighting and living just for fun. Everyday I always go on a hunting to find anything new. The moon is my home, I know everything about it.The part with manmade gravitational system and the part that aren't. Anything." The creatures

"So we can said that your creator abandoned you. How did you get the power source?"

"Well actually I left them. So I can have a little adventure of my own. I stole small amount of energy ball from them and created mine" the creature explained

"So you made them?" I asked

"Technically speaking, I design this one. just being inspired by them" he said

"Well, 0011 wasn't suitable for a name . Do you mind if name you Eppi instead?"I suggest

"OWH WOW, I HAVE A NAME. I am eppi now , eppi is happy" eppi says

"Thank you sir"

"No worries. I should be the one who thank you for helping me out. So thankyou very much"

" you are welcome"