
The adventure in MOONO

The world is changing technology has taken over, more intelligent people have emerged and people have lost their feelings and humanity. The government and upper-class society wield enormous power over lower-class society. The rich get richer, while the poor get poorer and suffer even more. The Earth is teeming with people of various statuses and classes. Crime abounds in the middle and lower classes, but not in the upper classes. The government decided to create a simulated world on the moon in which people fight for survival; the strong and intelligent survive, while the weak perish. However, no one knows what the mission is, what the point of doing so, or why they were chosen, the answer is only known to the government.

Andrea_Desa · Sci-fi
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8 Chs


Author Pov

During the combat, the teams demolished a total of 400 robots, and everyone was severely injured. After the team's struggle with all of the robots, they headed into the cabin.

Gamma's pov

Everyone is wounded, but two of them are severely injured. I didn't realize the robot we're battling wasn't the same one we used to face; it appears to have been upgraded.

'I felt it would be best if you all stayed here till you recovered.'

'Yeah, the robot never approached the cabin they only stayed around the frigid lake, so don't worry we'll be fine here,' F says.

'M, please assist them in disinfecting their injuries,' says F.

'Alright' M's response

After ensuring that everyone was okay, I went to the kitchen and got some water for them. "What brought you guys here? We've never seen another crew in or around this region. If you're searching for the key, it wasn't here, "I said

" We originally thought of coming here to seek the key, but what has brought us here isn't because of the key. There is something wrong with this region and we have seen so many robots drawn to it as well as how the little flying camera from our location suddenly went in this direction, so my team and I decided to come here to check out what has been bothering us for the last several months. I had no idea anyone else would be here. I'm monok by the way, these two are my team mate seti and noon." Monok said

"All right, my name is Gamma and those two are my teammates, Fauzi and Mauzi." I said

"My name is Kanok. I came here with my teammates Zurix and Kino because I detect a peculiar amount of energy rush from this location. I'd want to apologize to your squad for attacking you and your team." Kanok and his crew respectfully bow and apologize to Monok's team.

"To be honest, we get an odd feeling about this place, but we have searched every inch of it and discovered nothing. We did locate an empty tunnel that led to the far end of the frigid lake, and it's unusual that the little flying camera never once approached it, as if it has something that draws them away from it. Let's find out what it's hiding. "

"G, give them a break. After everyone has recovered, we will continue the conversation and make our move. We need to rest right now" M remarks

"Alright, thanks for reminding me," I replied.

"M, could you please direct them to the basement room? For the time being three of us will stay in this dining area. "

"Okay. Oh, you were shot a couple of times a while back, and even though you were wearing a shield, the bullet must have left you with scars. " M said

"I understand. I'll look into it later. "

"You guys should follow M, she'll bring you to the resting place. I and F will remain here to guard. "

They nod and follow M. I observe Kanox and Monok who appear to be apprehensive, but they eventually follow M. I know they wanted to assist us in securing the area, but they were severely hurt.


It's been a few days, and I've had some peculiar thoughts regarding the tunnel. Did I miss something? I wish that weren't so.

On his way there, he encountered Kanok and Monok in the kitchen and since they were all curious the three of them went there.

"I have the impression that the tunnel conceals something, as if it has a purpose other than being a worthless tunnel." kanok

"To be honest, I have the same notion, "Monok remarked.

"why would someone build such a large lodge with a tunnel if they aren't planning to remain for long? ' Also, it's definitely not Moono's participants because we had every single time trying ro fight off the robot so we won't be this free to build anything.' Monok said

"They could be right. This region was not built by a participant, and it is crucial to Moono's monster so it's the engineer." It obviously has something down there, and the tunnel must be the entrance to that spot.

"Kanok, did you feel anything?" i asked

"Yeah, we've got some really powerful energy here, but it's strange. " Kanok said

"What? "

"Well, it appears that the strongest energy is coming from the entrance, so let's go look there. " He stated

"It's strange that the energy is coming from below; how can energy emerge from below? It is supposed to have enough room for the amount of energy to flow through it."

"When compared to the centre of the tunnel, it demonstrates that there is no comparable quantity of energy around the location, implying that there is no gap and no hole" Kanok explains

I checked on the spot where Kanok pointed, and there I sensed energy. It appears to be a route in.

"Let's see if we can find a way in."

"wait, there is the line between the entrance and that part of the tunnel. Let's crack it open"

"Wait, do you expect a world like this will apply that method? It was designed by an engineer, and if everything on this planet is filled with man-made technology, then the entrance must be futuristic as well."

"So, before we use force to unlock the door, we should consider another option. There must be wires and a passcode, but where is it? " monok said.

"How did the cabin have a light?"

When Monok said that, it hit us how foolish we were for not seeing it sooner. We just have to demolish the wall and observe where the cables connect to obtain our solution.


"found it" shouts monok

"It's a link to the lines we observed previously, the lines formed a triangular shape. When you open it, you'll find a passcode inside"

" Now we must decipher the passcode.'" monok reply cynically

"Uh, guess it is" Kanok, with his ridiculous laugh laughed at me as the silly me answered embarrassingly. I'm glad I didn't destroy the location by force since it may have destroyed the cables.

"Let's leave it there for a time and come back to solve it once we find the answer. I know everyone is a genius, but it would be inconceivable if we suddenly came up with an answer out of nowhere. And I believe we should inform our team about this finding. They are already perplexed as to why we are destroying part of the wall." i said

"I concur." monok remarked


Everyone is presently in the kitchen, and the others have long been aware of the finding. They are now debating their next course of action in light of the newly discovered secret. The tiny flying camera is still suspiciously following their every move, but thankfully it won't be able to hear what they're saying and will only capture their footage for a short time.

'What might the passcode be?" Mauzi said

" There's nothing like a number or letters like we can see here. It's just a basic green monitor that reacts when we touch it. Might it be a hand print?" monok

"So, the only person who can go through is the one who constructed this place." Noon said

"I initially assumed the same thing, but given that nothing goes wrong when Sean puts his hand on it and it forms lines when Mauzi draws on it, I guess it's not the hand print. Could that be a symbol? Draw a symbol or maybe a line " Seti said

"Let's try it. We should draw lines to indicate any symbol that could be the passcode. A symbol associated with this place" said Monok

"Attempt a circle. Isn't Moono a circle?" Monok suggested

" I'll do it" said Mauzi. She then went in to try

When Mauzi returned, she sighed and said, "Incorrect."

"Try infinite," Kanok suggested.

They then went back and forth trying everything but still failed.

"maybe it's not a symbol, maybe it's something else" seti said

Gamma had been passively observing them, without making a single motion or attempting any symbols; his mind had gone somewhere else.

Gamma's pov

Moono appears to be a partially used place, as it only takes a quarter of the moon. The ship was distributed in various locations, and our ship was in the center, with both teams coming from the left and right sides. Based on where all the robots and cameras came from, there must be teams in front and behind us. Could it be


"Anyone, try diagonal"

"hmn, I'll go" says Monok

"let me do it myself"

My heart is pounding abnormally fast on my way to the tunnel, and the anxiety I feel is unfathomable.' What if it's incorrect and what if it's not a symbol like?' There are several questions with uncertainties.

Author pov

As soon as Gamma arrived, he promptly made the diagonal shape, but he still failed.

'huhhh, not again' gamma sigh in disappointment.

' If it isn't diagonal, it should be a triangle, and it must be a triangle. ' The key shape, geez, why didn't I think of that?'

The door opened when Gamma drew the sign, but he dares not to enter it alone, so he returned to where everyone was and say

"It's open."

"Wait, what did you say?" Kanok inquires

"It's now been opened."

"Arghh (he growls) at last!" kanok ecstatically cried

"a genius indeed! When we return home, I'll treat you to a complete fancy meal. "

"I'm glad you exist; you could help me with something else in the future. heheh"

Gamma simply laughed it all off, observing how his colleagues was pleased and blabbering all those things.

Gamma said with a chuckle "You are overreacting." he sighs in relief. At least he finally got it right.

"let's go guys. The faster we move the better"

The crew walked inside and discovered everything that had all the geniuses going crazy. Gamma led the crew in, and everyone prepared with their weapons in case something horrible happened there. Gamma lets his white flying dust out to feel the threat, he then activates the lenses so the base can watch them. The left side is filled with so many tubes of experiments; there are a lot of little creatures in the tubes that aren't large enough to be let out. The holographic blue cables in the tubes connect to the energy in the center, which provides the surge of energy for the robots in Moono.

Gamma's pov

This is insane, everything inside is incredible. They use a human-like brain chip in these creatures; it will be dangerous once it grows.

"G, have a look at this." Fauzi led me to a room full of monitor

"Wow, it used to be a place where they watched our every move back then. Look, that's the other team. Look at that, guys, it's the whereabouts of every key. I'm aware that there's something enormous behind all of this, why would the government do all of these experiments? It's unusual; did they plan on doing something?" gamma

"Why do they let us humans battle to the death in this strange place to see who is stronger while on the other hand, generating all these animals with our human brain-like chip? Can you believe that? " Monok says, giving me an indifferent look. That's when I realized, "Could it be that this isn't the only spot where they do these experiments?"

"That means there is other. Moono is a triangular form and each corner of it must have a place like this. This rush of energy is used by the creatures in the tube; as they expand, the tube will break, releasing them into every corner of this place. According to what is mentioned here, they employ a human brain chip but the creature is cold-blooded. " Gamma stated.

"If there is other cabin, these creatures will undoubtedly be present. What I'm most concerned about is when it grows. " Monok added

"We are not safe here. we must leave as soon as possible. It is no longer necessary to combat others in order to locate the key. We must discover the key before the creatures do to us." Gamma says

"Some will go collect the keys for the three teams, while others will stay behind this monitor and guard it.We already know where the key is, we just need to get it. Fauzi, seti, kanok, noon, zurix, and I are leaving, while monok, mauzi, and kino remain." Gamma instructed

"All right, I have these wireless speakers and microphones for you all to utilize. We'll converse with this equipment," monok says handing them the tools.

"Three keys is a few kilometers ahead of us, and five keys behind us. There is one cabin in front of us and two behind us. The left and right sides from where some of us are coming from each have one, therefore we should go for the key in front of us." zurix explained

"The monitor reveals that the team in front has fewer members, more robots, and unidentified monsters. Wait, it's the thing from the tube better get going, guys," adds Mauzi

"Put this on your shoes; it has a set of wheels. We'll be able to move quicker as a result of it." kanok said

"Oh, there's another door that leads outside." Instead, you should use that door. 'Kino

"OK, move.. move.. quickly.'

When the crew left for the quest, everyone felt a great amount of dread rise up inside their hearts. They are certain that they will discover the key, but their intuition tells them that they will lose something.