
The adventure in MOONO

The world is changing technology has taken over, more intelligent people have emerged and people have lost their feelings and humanity. The government and upper-class society wield enormous power over lower-class society. The rich get richer, while the poor get poorer and suffer even more. The Earth is teeming with people of various statuses and classes. Crime abounds in the middle and lower classes, but not in the upper classes. The government decided to create a simulated world on the moon in which people fight for survival; the strong and intelligent survive, while the weak perish. However, no one knows what the mission is, what the point of doing so, or why they were chosen, the answer is only known to the government.

Andrea_Desa · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
8 Chs



It's the day. The air is tense and everyone is anticipating what will happen on the battlefield. Gamma and his crew appear to be unconcerned. The preparation the team made in the previous hour is certainly worth a confidence and they appear to believe they will return safely. The crew is well-prepared, everyone has their weapon with them, some wear it around their waist some carry it in their hands and some are so unusual that you can't even tell where they keep their weapon.

"Attention.... Every team should immediately start their ship. To evade the opposing side's team, you will arrive in a different location. Don't worry, you won't need an oxygen mask because the spacecraft contains oxygen as well as the digital world Moono, and the gravitational pull of Moono is identical to that of Earth. Our engineers are so brilliant that they designed and built a system in the digital world that resembles but is not the same as Earth.

I wish you all good luck." The announcer said

When the little spacecraft started the engine, the announcer says "Additional information, Fight of the people so do the robot"

"What robot?" everyone questioned.



When we get in Moono, the place is nothing short of spectacular. The ceiling that opened as our ship passed through closed itself, and everything in here is completely different from what we know on Earth. They dubbed it digital-world, and we can see how beautiful it is. Everything is white, the soil we step on looks like it's made of ice, everything is white here, there are some white trees, a freezing lake that looks like a skiing area, a lot of shimmering white dust following our every step, a tiny flying camera similar to what I saw back on Earth capturing our every move and no houses have yet to be seen.

"No time to be amaze of this place, let's get going guys"

"let's first choose a location for our team base so that if we break off in the middle of the road, we know where to find each other." F said "All right, let's get started," M remarked.

We didn't come across any other teams or locate any keys after walking for a long, seeking for the key and a spot for our team. As of now, we have no idea what is going on or anything relating to this man-made world. Fortunately for us, we discovered a modest hut that seemed to have been someone's home in the past.

"F, you guard from here."

"I and M will go in there and examine."

"i get it" F said

"When an opponent appears, don't shoot. instead, notify us first." You may shoot if they begin to shoot."

"They won't strike first if they haven't located the key and know we don't either." don't attack first, they'll suspect us."

"note that." F

"Let's go M"

"Careful F" M


As soon as we enter the cabin, we realize that while it appears small from the outside, it is actually fairly large on the inside. When you first go in, the living room is one open space that connects to the dining area, which has only a small handcrafted table and two seats. Following the open space area, there is a kitchen and a bathroom on the left and right sides of the cabin, a basement that is used for a two-person room, and another door in the basemen that leads to I'm not sure where. The previous owner had obviously spent much too much time in this man-made digital world.

"Found anything?" M

"A perfect place for the team and a mysterious tunnel"

"Where do you think the owner of this place go?" M

"I'm not sure. This place appears to have been abandoned for some time, and it's far too dusty for anyone to live in."

"Inform F to come in, I'll inspect the tunnel."

"Alright" M



Skip to 6 months

The team have been in Moono for 6 months now, and the team has gone through their worst and worse is still to come. Days after days filled with nightmares, a robot, a deadly flying dust, war against another team and many more. It's been six months since Gamma's crew has been suffering but still attempting to survive; according to the large monitor in the sky, only two teams have successfully located the key and returned to the ISS. Gamma and his crew have instilled fear in those viewing them from behind the monitor due to the team's combat abilities.


We've looked everywhere but still haven't found the key; I'm upset I'm leading the team nowhere. I thought locating the key would be simple, but it's been six months and the key is still not found. We investigated the tunnel, and the end of the tunnel is towards the foot of the frozen lake. It's a really lengthy tunnel we got here.

"F, we might have to venture a bit further out from the base to find the other team and the key."

"I believe so as well. Even our canned food is nearly depleted." F says

"what do you think M?"

"I'm down if you are down"

"I wonder where this triangle key may be. Don't you feel suspicious? How could we have never located any?'

"But G, I suppose our base is holding something here as if it was extremely essential."

"Explain what you mean by that."

"First and foremost, we were constantly attacked by the robots whenever we guarded the base, the near side of the lake, the freezing lake, between the end of the tunnel and the freezing lake, and the y-shaped white tree. But we never saw the other team there, as if our location solely attracted the creatures of this man-made world."

I just realized it after hearing what F says. It appears that the base and the lake conceal something essential to Moono, or perhaps something underground. This is suspicious. Wait, the freezing lake appears unusual, perhaps it isn't a frozen lake at all, but rather a roof of an underground base and the reason this base and the freezing lake are built as normal as what we've always seen on earth is to fool others into not suspecting it. I realize now that this location is the core of moono. it is a rush of energy to the creatures in this world. we have been duped, the engineer and the government are quite clever.

Author pov

The team heard a gunshot and instantly hurried outside, where they witnessed two teams fighting against a large number of robots. Gamma and his squad walked outside to assist the folks fighting the robot.

Monok pov

My crew and I decided to go to the opposite side of Moono, where we kept seeing the night creature and the robot assembling. As soon as we arrive, we discover a home that appears to be normal and a frigid lake. I then instructed Seti and noon to investigate the hut but before we got there, another team attacked us.

"you got key?" the guys ask while attacking me

"why would we still here if we got the key?"

The guys seize his knife and throw it at me, but I immediately dodge his knife.

"guess you missed it" I say

The guys smirk and says "well, you are wrong"

When I turn around, I see the weapon coming towards me. I attempt to escape as quickly as possible, but the knife still hurts my left arm and I can see that it is bleeding. I then pull out my custom-made weapons which contain a transparent bullet, the sensation when the bullet hits the other party is three times terrible than with a standard or electric weapon. But before I could shoot the guy in front of me, a swarm of robots attacked us.

Nox pov

My team and I eventually arrived at the location where I felt a lot of energy rush from, and that's when I found another team there, I instantly instructed my team members Zurix and Kino to attack. I go after the person in the middle, while Zurix and Kino go after the other two.

"you got the key?" I ask while attacking

"why would we still here if we got the key?" the guy sarcastically replied

I then launched my custom-made weapon at him. sadly, he was quick enough to evade the first strike, but he couldn't avoid the second.

"guess you missed it" the guy says

"Well, you're wrong" I respond as my weapon flies towards the guy's back.

He averted major injury, but the weapon nevertheless managed to harm his left arm.

I watched the guy pull out his weapon and try to kill me, but we were interrupted by a swarm of robots attacking us. so instead of shooting me, the person shot the robot behind me which was then smashed into bits, I'm pleased the bullet didn't strike me instead.

Before we both went to face the robots, I looked at the guy and thanked him.


Gamma's pov

Seeing so many robots outside, I happily fight of all of them. The weak point of these robots is their neck, if we destroy the cable that connect the bottom part of the robot to its head, it will immediately shut them down. Because the robot only attack when they see us.

"F, do you still want to count?"

"I've already gotten 950 and I'm hoping to get 1000 today hahah." F said, laughing.

"You guys stop, you are nuts".M says annoyed

"Don't you think it's exciting?"

"exciting your brain" M replies

"Hahah, just have fun M, don't be too serious."

"We've got company fellas."

"G let's see who reach 1000 kill first, the winner will get two energy bar and tuna." F says while destroying 5 robots in rows

"NO FAIR, we should have start at the same time"

"No rules man, 955 and still counting. I will defeat you." F stated this while laughing at me.

I then draw my one-of-a-kind self-made weapon, an archer. When I shot it, there was a lot of shimmering flying dust flowing out from the inside. I then shot two more, with the flying dust from the first arrow striking out five robots, the flying dust from the second striking out three, and the flying dust from the third striking out two.

"HEY F, just got 11 more kills Total 961. I will win over you hahahh" I said while laughing

"don't put your hope up, just strike 8 more down total 963"

"You fighting skills improve bung"

"Experience makes perfect"

I draw my electric knife from my waist and fight the robot one by one. I leap up on the huge one in front of me, grasp its arm, it twists trying to escape from me. I then jump on its shoulder, sit there, and cut the cord off its neck. 'Just one more down,' I said. To avoid the giant robot's fall, I hop off and move a few meters away, Two additional little robots appear on each of my left and right sides launching an attack on me with their crab-like flying metal hands shooting me, I evade the robot hands but the few bullets that strike my chest drive me back.. I'm wearing my anti-bullet shield so the bullet won't pass through it. I fall, try to stand up to fight back off the robot, but the robot uses the chance when i fall to pierce my heart with its sharp crab-like hand.But before the robot can pierce me, a guy comes up behind the robot and cuts the robot's cords off its neck.

"thanks man" I said

"no worries"

I got up to continue fighting, I heard F say, '

"G you good? Be cautious, the robots are not as usual."

"hmm, I will be careful."

The person who helped me looked at me and says "Let's go, you distract the crab hands robot and I'll take it down. My name is Kanox and it's nice to meet you again."

"Let's get moving" I respond
