
The adventure in MOONO

The world is changing technology has taken over, more intelligent people have emerged and people have lost their feelings and humanity. The government and upper-class society wield enormous power over lower-class society. The rich get richer, while the poor get poorer and suffer even more. The Earth is teeming with people of various statuses and classes. Crime abounds in the middle and lower classes, but not in the upper classes. The government decided to create a simulated world on the moon in which people fight for survival; the strong and intelligent survive, while the weak perish. However, no one knows what the mission is, what the point of doing so, or why they were chosen, the answer is only known to the government.

Andrea_Desa · Sci-fi
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8 Chs



Thousands of people assemble in the city center to bid farewell to family members who will be leaving, while the global government stands in the auditorium with an arm force in front and behind them to guard them. The audience appears to be angry and afraid, and no one appears to be defying the global government's instruction. In the midst of the throng, Gamma stood with his buddies from the pastry shop where he works, no family members but individuals he considered family.

"Attention. Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. As you are aware, today is the day for our new candidates to begin their journey in our digital world "moono." It is a tremendous pleasure to have 252 applicants from all over the globe, and they are the finest of the best in their respective countries. I'm sure it will be another incredible journey for our applicants. There are no rules, and only the strongest and wisest can survive." declares the leader of the world government.

Following the address of the leader of the global government, it is now time for the chief of astronauts Alexander Ximenes to speak about the international space station and the digital world moono in 2038.

"Our human kind journey into space has come a long way; from years ago to now, we have done a wonderful job of developing our international space station on a larger scale than previously. The ISS which formerly could only hold 6 to 9 people can now hold more than 250 people. For this expedition, we have built a digital world on the moon which we named MOONO. I know you're perplexed and wonder why we're creating the moono and brutally forcing people to battle for survival, but we all have missions to do and now isn't the time to expose the truth. Good luck, I wish you all the best."

As the head of astronauts returns to his seat, the MC declares, "The 10th generation of the Moono adventure has arrived, please enter the space ship and put on your space suit. You will arrive at ISS as a group and the next day you will relocate to moono as a group of three people."

"Get ready, and I wish you all the best."

… ten minutes later..

"The countdown starts at 30... 29....28...." Each contender begins to say their final goodbyes to relatives and friends as the countdown begins.

"Bye guys," Gamma says.

"We'll miss you, G, and I hope you make it back to Earth. I will keep praying for you and encourage you from here." says Victor.

"Bye guys"

"good luck G, Bye" the bakery's staff bid their farewell.

Gamma's pov

After saying goodbye to my friends, I called my brother on a hidden earpiece that looked like a dot I slid into my ear.

"G, we're all set. I hope you're ready" my brother says

" you know me better than anybody else, of course I am."

"I'm quite anxious You know, everyone in the base are" Zaccone says

"why? I guarantee that I will finish our task." I inquire

"For God's sake G, it's not about the mission, it's about you. we're worried you'll be wounded. Please promise me you will be alright."

"I promise I will I return safely. Because I still want to taste the meal you prepared like a few days ago, it's bad but it tasted like mom's cooking," I chuckled.

"You just insulted me and mom's cooking skills huh? You're not getting away with that jackass."

"All right, let's get serious now. We'll shortly arrive at the International Space Station and I'll switch on the camera so you can see what I view. I'm not going to respond when you're talking because I don't want others to think I'm suspicious."

"OK, buddy."



"We'll arrive at the ISS in five minutes. Don't forget your weapon and everything."

Following the announcement, the metal window shield abruptly separated, leaving just the transparent glass windows that could be seen through. The breathtaking enormous ISS that was aesthetically built, we can see how mesmerizing the moon is, the amazing view of constellations, the eye-catching panorama of the night sky and the milky way, the majesty of the stars dominating the skies above our planet, every small particle in the view shows the amazing beauty of the universe.

I had no idea how much I loved astronomy until today, and I hope my eyes can keep witnessing this amazing panorama of space. What more is there in the cosmos that I haven't seen yet, and how does it feel? Having ability to visit and take a step in every location provide by the universe. I just wish I had the time to travel the universe in quest of beauty and life.


We eventually arrive at the International Space Station, and I can still enjoy the breathtaking scenery from here. The view gradually diminished as we walked out of the space ship towards the ISS because on our route to the auditorium where the people meet, the shield is no longer a clear glass see through, but a metal shield.

When we arrived at the auditorium, we were sorted into teams of three. I'm paired with twins, a boy and a girl on the team. They introduce themselves as Fauzi for the boy and Mauzi for the girl, and they are both indonesian. We agree to call each other by the initial letter of our names after introducing ourselves.


"This time moono adventure is distinct, you have a mission. The crew must locate this triangle-shaped key. once located, you must push the button and wait 3 minutes for the little ship to arrive to take you back to the ISS. If you have located the key and already tapped the button, but you are unable to keep the key in your team, you failed. You must locate another key. There are 84 teams and 14 keys, which implies that out of 252 individuals in 84 teams, only 42 people in 14 teams may make it. There are no rules; take them down before they take you down.

Finally, if one of your team members dies, you must rapidly recruit a member from another team to your team in order to have a complete team. If you locate the key but are missing one member of your squad, you will be eliminated by Moono. Now you may all go to the canteen on the left wing of the ISS to replenish your energy, or you can go to your team dorm to rest up for your big day the next day."

We headed to the canteen as soon as the announcement was over to refuel our energies. Following that, we headed to our room to shower and rest.


"We don't have time, wake up G. Is your weapon prepared? Fauzi inquires,

"Yeah mine is finished. how is yours?"

"I'm quite sure mine is done" he says.

"Didn't they say there are no rules? Does it imply we may bring food to Moono?" M inquires,

"I suppose it is." remarked F

'Well, let's go grab some canned food then"


When we arrive at the canteen, the tables appear to be quite full.

Sitting down, F grabs our meal to eat as well as a few canned goods that we will bring. Looking around at the folks here, I feel sorry just a few of them will be able to survive. If only I knew how to save all of them, if only I could.

"I will go to the bathroom" I said

"Alright" F and M respond

As I was walking to the bathroom, which is quite far from the canteen, I noticed some people who like to remain alone shaping their weapon, some sitting down reading their strategic book, and others doing something that appears ordinary but don't get them wrong, they are definitely one of the strongest and smartest.

The first lad with blue hair paint abstract stood by the wall in the corner scrutinizing everyone around him, he appears to be analyzing everyone's physical appearance. He must be a master of some martial art technique. When his gaze met mine, he began to scrutinize me, most likely to analyze me and discover any physical injury I may have. I also see he has physical injuries in his left arm, which he manages to conceal so well in order to appear as normal as possible.

When he noticed me looking at his left arm, he seemed surprised and quickly covered it with his long sleeve. That guy is intriguing, a genius at evaluating physical injury and unquestionably powerful.

Kanok pov

Who is he? How can he tell about my ailments merely by looking at me? No one knew about my injuries previously since I had spent years practicing how to hide my physical appearance. Whatever martial art teacher he comes from, he is unquestionably strong. But how can he be so skinny when he is a martial arts master? He has no physical injury not even a single scar.

I watch him slowly faded from my vision, as he turned right at the end of the hallway. "Interesting." I say

Back to gamma pov

The second individual I observe has dark hair had is eyes closed. I'm not sure what he does; is he sleeping? It appears to be so. But how can a person appear to be so relaxed in such type of sitting position with his back straight. eh... I'm guessing he's honing his sense of smell or hearing? Let me run some tests.

When my step is precisely 9 meters away from him, I tap my shoes twice and sure I guess it right, he is training his sense of hearing because he quickly opened his eyes, dark brown eyes looking directly into mine, as if he knew I was testing him. assumed to be another genius.

Clement pov

He is aware that I have a keen sense of hearing. First, his steps appear light as if he is a flouting leaf. But as he gets closer, his steps become heavy and hurried. On his final stride, he taps twice with his right foot to put his guess to the test. When he's just 12 steps away, he's already guessed my hearing sense? That's not even feasible!

I hope my team does not come across him on the battlefield. But I'd want to meet him there.


Gamma's pov

The third person is seated with his hand on the metal floor. What is he attempting to accomplish? Is that a vibration? It appears to be so. My mother used to place her hands on the floor when I was a kid, attempting to sense the vibrations of forces that were still far away but were about to approach. So, he knows how to do that as well, huh? It appears that he has a strong affinity for robots and artificial intelligence. Because individuals who did so will be far more susceptible to a vibration.

"vibration"? I ask

He looks at me perplexed, and responded "yes"

Nox pov

I observe a guy from a distance,as he gets closer, I place my palms on the floor to feel the vibration. Because it appears that he exerts a significant scale of vibration from himself while walking. As predicted, there must be a secret brilliance that the rest of the world is unaware of.

"vibration?" he asked

I stared at him, as if I had just heard someone reminding me of my greatest dread. How can this person possibly know about the missing Technique?

"Yes" I replied to his query.

This person is certainly dangerous and intriguing. I'd want to know more.


Back to Gama's pov

The last guy is alone with his chess board, but I don't have enough time to study his move since I need to turn right for my destination which is the bathroom.

I'm relieved to see that no one is in the restroom when I arrive. I quickly bring out one of the tools I produce, which resembles a little black button. when the micro USB is connected into a computer, the tool will scan every structure of the building or any areas such as the ISS that included a lot of metal and electronic components and transfer all the data immediately to the other tool.

Before I do that, I activate the device in my ear to communicate with my brother and the base. "Hello, one?"

"No, it's muqa. One is having a rest"

"All right, I'm now on the International Space Station, and I have work for you and the base. You attach that one gadget which resembles a little USB to a computer, and I will scan the data in the ISS including its system and export all data immediately to you. When the data is all completed, please notify me so that I may return the scanning instrument, it just takes a few moments. Then, as soon as you acquire the data make sure you guys examine and analyze it thoroughly; perhaps we can learn anything from it that will help us with our mission."

"Alright, we are ready."

"Okay start."

While I was waiting for the data to transmit entirely, I heard several individuals entering the restroom. To avoid making them suspicious, I act as if I'm taking a dump.

"Done" Muqa inform

"uhm" it's the only thing I can respond to not get caught.

I then turned off the communication device and collected my tool which I had placed on the floor, before flashing my toilet as if I had just finished taking a dump. Then exit the bathroom after washing my hands.

I return to the canteen along the same path I used when I met the four guys earlier. On the way, I saw they were still there, and the fourth person appeared to be concluding his chess game; the fourth had black hair, brown skin, and the same excellent physical proportions as the other guy. I assumed he was just a gorgeous guy who enjoyed playing chess, but as I watched closely, he was not. Each of them has the same chess piece, the white chess piece has four, but the black chess piece has three, and each of them has a prime minister, a knight, and a bishop, with the exception of the king in the white chess piece. When it comes to chess, the prime minister and bishop moves are only pleasing to the naked sight when there are no other chess pieces on the board, and the knight move is always regarded a genius move, but the king is simply there to be guarded. The reason he used three chess pieces for each white and black piece is that the three pieces symbolize a team of three individuals and the king represents the triangular keys. so, the prime minister, bishop, and knight from the black chess piece will attack, while the white chess piece will defend. He is attempting to devise his team's assault and defense strategy. What a genius, he uses the rule of chess while simultaneously not utilizing it.

While I was buried in contemplation, I didn't realize I had stopped walking right in front of the fourth person and the other three males I had examined before have their eyes on me, as does the fourth guy. They must have thought I was insane. Who wouldn't think so when they see a man rambling about like he's lost his soul while saying all the blasted thing no one knows what, and the worst part is that after all the strange things he's doing, he suddenly stops in front of someone he doesn't even know who?! Oh God, it must be strange if I just go walking as if nothing has happened. So, I decide to just tell the fourth person what I see and then go.

"strategy design?"

"HUhh? he looked at me dumbfoundedly and question

'Each of the three chess pieces can potentially betray their own team if they are missing a member. As you are aware, no rules apply."

"Does this mean that anyone can be your enemy?" he inquires


"but your adversary may also be your buddy. If you don't want your team to betray you, you should keep your entire squad. Never split apart and if you do, always be cautious if one of the members dies. He or she will most likely take you down if you are not aware." "All right, thank you. But" before he says anything further, I turn around and walk away.

I think my back has been sweating the entire time. My social anxiety kicks in when I realize I just mumbled like a weirdo before coming to a complete halt in front of that person. I'm not sure what the other people thinks of me, but I wish it wasn't as bad as I imagined it is.

Monok pov

I was so concentrated on what I was doing that I didn't notice someone standing in front of me. He had the darkest hair I've ever seen and the most stunning hazel eyes I've ever seen in my life. What an impressive appearance a man has, yet the guy appears to be lost in his thought while saying something and is unaware of what he is doing now. When he returned from his own realm to reality, he appears surprised by what he is doing. He abruptly opens his mouth and says

"Strategy design?"

"Huhh?" How did he catch that? I was so taken aback by what he said that it's the only thing I can say in response.

"Each of the three chess pieces can betray their own team if they are a member lack. As you know, there are no rules" he explain

"Does that imply everyone can be your enemy?" I asked

"Yes, but your adversary may also be your buddy. If you don't want your team to betray you, you should keep your entire squad. Never split apart, and if you do, always be cautious if one of the members dies. He or she will most likely take you down when you are not careful." He elaborated.

"Alright, thank you. But" before I could even ask him a question, he had already departed.

Man, you are too harsh on me. He observes me huh, so unexpected' I chuckle

This guy is a genius. Why haven't I heard anything about him? As I turn to see him walk away, I realize the other three guys in the corridor are also watching him. How dangerous is this man?

Author pov

After Gamma returned to his seat in the canteen and they finished their lunch, they decided to return to their room and plan their strategy for tomorrow's showdown in Moono. For the time being, he will not activate his communication devices to contact the base, but he will switch them on as well as the tiny camera he built that disguises as contact lenses allowing the base to view what he sees when they arrive at Moono.