
The adventure in MOONO

The world is changing technology has taken over, more intelligent people have emerged and people have lost their feelings and humanity. The government and upper-class society wield enormous power over lower-class society. The rich get richer, while the poor get poorer and suffer even more. The Earth is teeming with people of various statuses and classes. Crime abounds in the middle and lower classes, but not in the upper classes. The government decided to create a simulated world on the moon in which people fight for survival; the strong and intelligent survive, while the weak perish. However, no one knows what the mission is, what the point of doing so, or why they were chosen, the answer is only known to the government.

Andrea_Desa · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
8 Chs



My name is Zaccone, and I have younger brother 5 years younger than me. When my parents died, I understood immediately that something was off, it was definitely someone's plan. That's when I realized my parents were leaving us messages and hints about what was going on.

When I was 17, I started looking for the truth I noticed a little flying camera following me all the time and I knew someone was monitoring my every move, so I decided to vanish in order to move freely. I know that If I follow out my plan, I'll have to leave my brother alone to keep him out of the perilous predicament I'm in. he's still too young to comprehend.

I was meant to bring my younger brother with me when I was booted out of the orphanage since I'm an adult and of legal age to take care of him, but I don't because I had to move alone. I know I'll lose his trust by doing so, but he'll survive with or without me by his side. He's my brother and I know him better than anyone else; he's tough, brilliant, and adaptable.

I rushed into the lower-class street late at night since it was so crowded, that area is notorious for crime, I know it's hazardous but I don't have a choice because I don't want anyone tracking my every move. I rushed fast and blended in with the crowds however, I spotted two people in suits following me so I went down an alley and immediately hid behind a rubbish can. I remained still until they left. As I sat down, the door behind me swung open revealing two tall figures with dark hair each with a little electric weapon. I was astonished I hadn't spotted the door earlier because it was so drab and didn't appear like any other door; it looked like a hidden door of a base. Well, luck isn't on my side for real my assumption was true, it is definitely an entrance of a hidden base when the other man speaks into his earpiece and says

"Boss, we have an intruder."

"Whither a man or a woman?" the boss inquired

"It's a boy around 16 or 17 years old"

"Bring him in" the boss said.

I was about to flee when I was apprehended by a guy that I didn't notice was already behind me.

"LET ME GO" I shouted attempting to escape from them

"I'm not an intruder I was only trying to hide from some people who were following me," I said as I was dragged to their base. The guy who had been talking into his earpiece earlier looked at me for a moment before saying "Explain it to the Boss." Hearing his indifferent toned I just remained silent and followed knowing that if I tried to fight and flee, I would've cause a ruckus irritating them even more, and I will certainly be apprehended by those who were watching me.

"Calm down, Zaccone, everything will be fine" I convince myself.

When I looked up, I realized how dark and empty the inside was. It appears to be an abandoned chamber or a merchant's abandoned storage. I didn't know how amazing the place was until the other person attempted to move the empty ruined wardrobe and someone uncovered another secret door from the inside. The place appears to be both an office and a large home, with all of the artificial intelligence creations robots, tiny walking trees, flying shimmering dust, and a significant number of people, both men and women wearing black suits and children wearing white suits with an I-pad in their hands drawing robot models.

"Wow, this place is amazing." I exclaimed.

The two men abruptly came to a halt in front of a glass door and opened it. As we entered, I spotted four people: three men in black suits and one man in a white suit, two men in black suits standing behind the man in white suit, and a man in black suits sitting on the sofa in front of the man in white suit. The man in the white suit looks to be in his late forties, while the three men in the black suits appear to be in their early twenties.

The guys behind me pull me toward the people in the room, I lifted my head and looked at them.

'This is the boy we caught in front of our base entrance" says the guy next to me.

"Alright Xavier, nice work"

"Now boy, what's your name?" Asked the boss

"My Name is Zaccone"

"Tell me who are you and what occur to you that makes my subordinate caught you"

I start telling them everything about my family, from when my parents died to when I abandoned my younger brother and what happened to me before and after I left, because I know they won't let me go just like that when I accidentally discover their people and their base, I mean when their people discover me in front of their base. I am convinced that I have arrived to the right place and it is safe to reveal my secret, seeing how they conceal themselves from the outside world with those individuals and artificial intelligence creations I observed.

when I'm done telling my story the boss and the other guys smile

"You've come to the right place. We are all on your side, some of them even have the same situation as you. We have one mission, find out what their motive is and if it's bad we'll destroy them. Too many people suffered as a result of their action, they better have a good reason for doing so"

"welcome Zaccone"

"My name is Dr. Antonio, but you can call me Toni or boss like the other."

"Alright boss!"

"Now boys, introduce yourself to our new member and show him around" the boss said

"Alright boss!" they respond


As we exited the boss's office, they started introducing themselves. "Hi little bro, my name is Allen," the person who sat with the boss earlier says.

"I'm Arnold, and this is my brother Ronald," the guy who stood behind the boss earlier adds, introducing the other guy who stood beside the boss.

"My name is Muqa"

"And I'm Cid," the two guys who found me said.

Muqa is the one with the solemn expression who is speaking to the boss through his earpiece and cid is the one behind me.


"While residing at the base, I was assigned to the business team. The purpose of our group is to infiltrate the corporate sector and seek to manipulate the market. I'm presently the CEO of KBIIT entertainment, an entertainment firm. It's been 5 years since I changed my name to Jacob Luz and entered upper-class society, but for the time being I can only reach the 4th place of upper-class society and I haven't discovered anything related to the capital government and the first place of upper-class society's secret regarding the digital world Moono. I was able to postpone my enlistment in Moono from the age of 17 to the age of 19, and those who used to track and record my every step are no longer able to find me." I say

"If we can't figure out their secret while we're in here, let me seek for it while I'm there. Now it's my turn to contribute, you've done an outstanding job." gamma says.

"Return to the base and notify your boss and coworkers. I've devised a strategy. it estimates that the name of the Moono candidate will be revealed within the next two days, with my name included. So, hurry up, we need a plan! Please tell me the location where we should meet with your base members and boss.?" Gamma inquires

I had goosebumps when listening to him. He is indeed a genius and the evil guy in our family.

"This is a device that will guide you to our base. When you arrive, the two men will request your password. If they say knock, you should answer TWICE. You must go there tomorrow night since there is a festival and the street will be exceptionally busy. Avoid being spotted by those people in suits and the small flying cameras." "Alright" he replied



Gamma begins to prepare himself at 9:00 in the evening. He's dressed in long black jeans and a black hoodie. He appears to be someone who will go to a nearby convenience store as he usually did. However, inside his hoodie are some tools he has created to be used as a weapon.

Gamma walks slowly to the busy street of the lower-class society aware that the two guys and the flying camera have been following him since he left his place. Immediately, Gamma blends into the crowd. fortunately, today is a festival so the normally crowded street is overflowing with people and attractions.

When he quickly blends into the crowd, he pulls out the device his brother gave him earlier and begins to follow the sign to the direction indicated by the device. Soon after, he noticed an alley that resembled the one described by his brother and went there, lowering his head.

As he approaches, he notices two men with dark hair and suits waiting beside the trash can.

"Knock, knock?" The man inquired

'Twice" he replied.

Gamma's pov

Following the password exchange, the man who had asked me earlier spoke with someone through his ear monitor.

"Open" he declares.

The door then opens from the inside revealing another two men waiting.

"Did they think I was that dangerous that they needed four people to lead me?" I questioned

"Well, we were just aware of anything unexpected, as zaccone said You are not ordinary" he said

"Oh, I actually question my thought out loud." I thought to myself feeling embarrass.

"All right" I keep my response brief so as not to lose my cool.


I was exposed to their base after entering the second door. Exactly as my brother describes. It's hypnotic!

Soon after, I was led to an office, which I assumed was the boss's office. When I walk into the office I notice there are a lot of people there, and it appears that they are all the most important members of the base.

"Hello Gamma, Your brother has told me a lot of wonderful things about you." says the man in the white suit. He must be Dr. Antonio, the boss.

Among them, I notice my brother who is grinning like a fool.

'Thank you very much, I appreciate it."

"I expect more from you because you already know the base mission and everything about the base from your brother." Says the boss

"Feel free to say anything about yourself so that we can understand you better" The man next to the boss says. He must be muqa, base on his features and facial expression, I can tell right away.

"All right, I don't have much time, so let's get to the point." I say

As everyone grows more tense, the air becomes thicker, and each of them raises their I-pad, most likely to take notes.

"My name will be released for the digital world Moono new enlistment in the next two days, and I'm sure the authorities will install additional flying cameras or spies to watch my every step. I made a reasonable assumption. That's why, today, I've brought everything that will help you." I stated as I pulled out my hoodie, and there it is, I exhibit my creation as well as a number of other equipment I've taken with me.

"The plan is, while I'm in Moono I'll check for anything odd and send the information to you via this program I created. We should be able to discover some info because we live in a digital age. Make sure you're all examining and studying the data to uncover what we're looking for while I'm battling for my life."

"You should also prepare for the special agent, backup aid, army, and ensure that the system of the artificial intelligence creation I observed in the corridor is updated."

"For the chief, you should begin by planting a spy in the capital government's headquarters as well as the main upper-class society locations." I say while holding one of the instruments I built.

"This, this is the weapon I develop for the chief and the members to use, but it is not suggested for the robot since they will get theirs after they are updated with the technology I provide earlier." I explain as I handle out my creation.

"Finally, this tab covers the strategic plan I created as well as details regarding my invention such as the model, the microchip I used inside and where I got everything I need to manufacture. In addition, none of these have ever been seen by anyone. As a result, no one can trace down the system and interfere with it. You should triple the amount of the tool I made and distribute it to each member of the base with what they specialize in. It used old technology, but with a little modern technology mixed in. While I'm there make sure you finish the preparations. Also, until I return don't do anything stupid."

"If we finally find their motive through the data I'll pass you and it's a deleterious one, then the front lines of the base should prepare to launch an attack on the government; it'll be a war for justice. If we finally find their motive, but it's a beneficial one, then we should take a step back for a while and figure out another way to stop what they're doing without starting a war" I explain.

"I'm finished with my explanation."

They begin to analyze the tool and read the file that I handed them within the tab after I complete explaining everything and handing them each tool that I made. They aren't playing around and follow my instructions precisely.

A young boy in a white suit suddenly approaches me, his concentration fixed on the contents of his tab and he asks,

"for the weapon, I'm certain that what you've constructed there is already flawless."

"Can I, however, change it by adding something specific to my weapon?" He inquires

"certainly, If adding anything helps you feel more at ease, then go ahead and do it."

"Alright, thanks"

"it's time for me to leave. I wish you all good luck"

'Take care brother' Zaccone replied

"Mn, I will"
