
Tale of Wolverson#1: Prolonging the Agony

Author: nesscarullo
Ongoing · 16.8K Views
  • 9 Chs
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What is Tale of Wolverson#1: Prolonging the Agony

Read Tale of Wolverson#1: Prolonging the Agony novel written by the author nesscarullo on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Teen stories, ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


Born from a wealthy family, Laureign Sollace grew up in a liberated country. She's contented on what she have and couldn't ask for more. Having a supportive family and a comfortable life. But not until the tragedy happen that changes her life. Would she choose to forgive herself and accept that she's fully healed? Or she's just distracted and just prolonging the agony?

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