
Sub zero in MCU

Our mc died and found God who gave him a wish. Our MC chose to have the powers and techniques of sub-zero God then sent him to Marvel. If I write a wrong event just treat it like errors in the universe and don't keep playing in my face.

patinhoDEUSVULT · Movies
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41 Chs

First Work!

Wiliam moved quickly through the dark night until he sneaked into an empty building, there 5 men were waiting for his arrival.

- Hello Agent Petrov, I see you've brought friends!

- Precautions are never too much!

Caring nothing for the guards Wiliam sat down in an armchair across from Petrov.

- So do you have any work for me?

- Straight to the point, yes, we have a job for you!

Petrov took a suitcase and started to take files from it with photos and descriptions.

- This man is one of our agents, he was captured 4 days ago and is being held in a military prison we would like you to eliminate or rescue him!

- Payment?

- 300,000, if you bring any important information we can increase the value!

Wiliam leaned his back on the couch while making an amused expression with his eyes.

- You ask me to break into a military prison for just that amount? I think a little honesty is missing here, 500,000!

- That figure is very high, 350,000!

- 450,000!

- Okay, you won, 400,000 not a penny more!

Wiliam shook Petrov's hand and closed the deal.

- Well, I'll be going, and a warning is better if you don't try to be funny at the time of payment, otherwise the American government will have a new set of heads.

Wiliam's dark blue eyes locked on the guards when he said that making them feel that the air was incredibly cold.

- Don't worry, we kept our promises alias what should I call you?

- You can call me Sub-zero!

Soon after, Wiliam jumped out of the window and disappeared into the night, when he left Petrov let out a long breath and drank a glass of vodka.

- Sir, do you think it's a good idea to trust him?

- I don't know, this mission is a test to establish our long-term cooperation!


In the military prison.

Several lights illuminated the prison's surroundings, watchtowers and guards were alert showing their discipline.

However they could not see a shadow moving across the walls, a guard who was in the tower was feeling uneasy.

> Something is not normal today!

The watchman tried to concentrate more and found a problem but found nothing.

- Is it my imagination?

However behind the guard a shadow was revealed and he extended his arms in his direction.

- Huh?

- Argh !, Coff! Coff!

Wiliam grabbed the guard's neck and started strangling him, the man struggled trying to break free or grab his gun but the effort was in vain and after a while he fell to the ground unconscious.

- It was bad man you were on the way!

Wiliam once again merged the shadows as he sneaked into the building, then he found an entrance door with two guards watching.


Pow! Pow! Pan!

Wiliam fell on top of one of the guards, hitting him on the back of the head. The other guard immediately turned to look only to get kicked in the face followed by a punch to the throat that knocked him out.

He dragged the two soldiers to a hidden place and entered the prison later, the place was poorly lit and humid coupled with the occasional screams of prisoners being tortured and the mice looked haunted.

The crossing was smooth, the sentries did not notice him and the prisoners were too tired to raise an alarm, he soon arrived at the interrogation room session and went looking from cell to cell looking for his target.

> Where is he!

He was arriving at the end of the corridor and the chances of being discovered were increasing the more time he spent there.

However it looked like his luck was good today, his target cell was at the end of the corridor.

> Let's see, reinforced steel door with an alarm system for unauthorized entry, it shouldn't be difficult to break!

He put his hands on the door and started to freeze it.

Ccccc! (This will be the freezing noise from now on.)

The door froze quickly until it was completely covered with ice. Wiliam lightly pressed his fist on the door.


The pieces of ice fell to the floor revealing a hole in the door but leaving the sides intact.

The agent who had been captured and tortured woke up to the sudden noise and turned to face Wiliam.

- Who are you?

- I'm here to collect the rent!

Before the agent could move Wiliam grabbed his neck and started to freeze his eyes wide but he couldn't move his body with his frozen nerves.


The body of the lifeless man with the pale face fell to the floor, Wiliam did not check to see if the man was dead and quickly escaped from prison, soldiers arrived at the agent's cell shortly after he left the perimeter and the alarm went off.


The next day, the medical area of ​​the prison.

The general entered a room full of doctors who were circling the dead body of the agent that they will capture a few days ago.

- Report!

- Sir!

A doctor stepped forward and took out a folder.

-The man was killed last night, we believe it was a hired killer who killed him because we found some sentries knocked out in prison!

The general put his hand on his chin and pondered as he motioned for her to continue.

- The soldiers were knocked out with precise but not lethal blows. The person who did this is a professional, he was also able to break through the steel door of the prisoner's cell. We are still trying to understand how he did it, but in general he froze the door to break it with your fist.

- Then why didn't our alarms alert us?

- He was able to leave the edges intact ensuring that the sensors were not alerted!

- It seems that we will have to improve our security, continue!

- The prisoner was apparently killed by brain death due to lack of oxygen, the blood was frozen in the region of the vertebral compartment preventing the passage of blood to the brain in addition to shutting down the nerves!

- Any clues left behind?

- None, the target cannot even move because of frozen nerves, the killer left no visible or digital footprints behind, he seems to have a very light step!

- So according to the report, a man broke into a high-level military prison, killed our prisoner without sounding any alarms and not only that, but he used unknown methods leaving no clue or information about him!

- Yes sir!

The general was no longer in the room, he left immediately and went towards his office where he took a bottle of wine and drank some.

- One more problem for me!

He was about to take another sip but noticed something strange in his drawer, he put his hand out and saw that it was a letter which he quickly opened.

(Hello sir general, if you are reading this it means that you have already been informed of the death of your prisoner but here comes the question why the man who is guilty is writing to his newest enemy. Well I will tell you as proof of friendship, i was hired by the russians to get rid of the prisoner however i want you to remember i am a mercenary if you want to hire my services leave a blue cloth in your window that an answer should arrive in a week if the answer does not come it means that I'm busy at the moment!

Signed: Sub-zero!)


The general hit the table hard, almost breaking it in the process.

> Look at the audacity of this mercenary!

He almost got up from his chair and put on the blue flag to see if he got the bastard who put that letter on, but after taking a little breath he calmed down and realized that the situation is not as bad as he expected.

- If he is good enough to get past our defenses it shouldn't be a problem for him to get past the Russians' defenses!

He leaned his back on the chair and started to ponder for a moment before having a little smile on his face.

- It was time to eliminate that stone in the shoe!

-------------------------------------------------- ------

Wiliam unaware that he got another potential contractor went to get paid.


- Yaaaa!

Petrov cried out in alarm when Wiliam fell on his side, but when he saw who he was, he calmed down.

- You scream like a girl!

- And you need to learn not to appear out of nowhere, did you know that there is something called the door!

- Door is for the weak, I prefer a grand entrance! Changing the subject where is the payment?

- Was the mission accomplished?

- The guy didn't even know how he died!

- So here's the payment!

Petrov passed a heavy suitcase to Wiliam who, to his surprise, opened the suitcase and started counting the money in front of him. Half an hour later Wiliam put the money in a backpack that he had prepared beforehand and turned to look at Petrov, who was now smoking with boredom.

- Everything here, it was a pleasure to do business with you!

- Equally!

After a handshake Wiliam left the place quickly, the day was about to dawn and his mother usually wakes up very early to prepare breakfast, if she sees that he is not at home it is likely that he will be grounded the rest of the month.


Half an hour later.

Wiliam jumped from roof to roof, he could already see the heat of the sun coming down on his back, he started taking off his ninja clothes while juggling.

When he took off his last piece of clothing and was left in his underwear, he came home and immediately jumped at his window.


Wiliam was about to shove his ninja clothes and money backpack under the bed but he felt a presence on his bed.

- So can I know where you were?

There was James sitting on his bed with his arms crossed.

- Thanks goodbye it's just you!

- As it is just me boy I have the same authority as your mother here at home!

- If you want to have the same authority as she is better to go back to work!

James was offended by Wiliam's reply but decided to take care of it later.

- And then where were you?

- Invading a military prison to kill a captured Russian agent!

- Hahaha beautiful joke, wait is it true?

James was still smiling a little but something in his heart says that his son really did something like that.

- Yes, the Russians themselves hired me, I received 400,000 for the job!

- What do you mean boy, you broke into a base and killed a man!

- Yes, that's what I did!

- My God, you can't do these things, this is the work of murderers and mercenaries!

James spoke loudly in anger, he was internally shocked by his son who simply spoke the truth right away.

- why not?

- Only bad people who don't care about other people do this kind of work! You don't realize the seriousness of the situation here, you literally killed for money!

- And soldiers don't do that?

- No boy, we fight for our country and family!

- It's just an excuse, you guys still kill and win for it in the same way in war!

- This is not true! we went there to help the needy and the people who were suffering!

- More excuses!

- This is no excuse kid, we were attacked first and we returned the blow if it weren't for that today half the world would be on fire!

- Dad, do you happen to know that the second world war started because of us?

- What do you mean ?, the Japanese who attacked us first in Pearl Harbor!

- Puff, hahaha they attacked us first because we forced them to do it, because of the Jim Crow laws that prevented the entry of any non-white people in the country the Japanese could not enter america to invest in companies and not only that because from the seizure of islands with oil as a territory after the first world war, the Japanese had nowhere to take their economy and the country entered an economic crisis forcing it to invade china in search of resources!

- And the same goes for the Germans, thanks to the debts they had to pay and the loss of territory with important resources, the country also went into crisis allowing Hitler to gain power using only beautiful words!

- We were to blame for the second world war and so far the aftereffects are still going on, war in Vietnam, Chinese civil war, Korea dividing all these things are the aftereffects!

James this time was silent, what his son says makes sense the Allies abused the victory in the first world war which ended up leading to the second war.

This time he felt really bad.

> All those lives lost in the war and what for ?, did a rich guy come and get more resources?

Several bad thoughts went through his head, he was feeling more and more bad about it.

- Dad don't worry, you and your companions still fought for your homeland and family but that doesn't change the fact that you killed and received money and honors for it, so to be honest with you just accept that fact!

Wiliam, after comforting his father in his underwear, moved and took a new pair of clothes from the drawer.

- Okay, you're right, but that's why I don't want you to follow in my footsteps!

- So what do you expect me to do with my life?

- I don't know, do you have anything that doesn't involve killing?

- Well I was planning to open a porn movie company or open an underground fighting arena for the gangs to settle their disputes!

- You don't have a better idea, do you?

- My futures are the best!

(I suppose)

James decided to give up for the time being to convince his son to switch branches,

- In one more detail your mother is pregnant, you will have a little brother!

- Nani ?!