
Sub zero in MCU

Our mc died and found God who gave him a wish. Our MC chose to have the powers and techniques of sub-zero God then sent him to Marvel. If I write a wrong event just treat it like errors in the universe and don't keep playing in my face.

patinhoDEUSVULT · Movies
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41 Chs


Wiliam walked the streets of New York, he could tell that little by little the city was gaining tall buildings and becoming more modern.

- They should do more ice cream!

Wiliam was passing through a neighborhood with several Chinese-looking houses being built. He watched the place with interest until he saw a noodle stall and decided to try it out.


- Welcome!

Wiliam looked at the chubby Chinese man in front of him, he seemed to be very nice people.

- Good morning, may I know what the menu of the day is? (In Chinese)

- Oh, sure! (In Chinese)

The chubby man was surprised at Wiliam speaking Chinese, most of the time the only ones he finds speaking Chinese here are Chinese or salespeople.

- How's business going? He sat at the table in front of the counter and discussed things with the store owner.

- It is still a little slow but I believe it will improve in the future, moreover, pleasure to meet you, I am Quon! Saying those words, he held out his hand to greet Wiliam.

- I'm Wiliam!

The two shook hands, Quon was a little surprised by the boy's strong handshake in front of him and then smiled.

> Men with weak handshakes are not to be trusted!

Soon after Wiliam ordered a portion of noodles and chatted with the tent owner while waiting to be ready, the two got to know each other well and Wiliam discovered that Quon came to America with his family consisting of his wife, 8-year-old daughter and 2 cousins .

- You are a very smart boy for your age, tell me do you have any Chinese family member?

- No, I learned Chinese out of curiosity in my spare time!

- Wow This is amazing, your countries must be very proud to have a genius like you!

- You flatter me too much, I'm just an ordinary boy!

- Hahaha, if you are ordinary then half the world is an idiot!

The two played for a while until Wiliam finished eating and left, Quon told him to come back whenever he was hungry which he replied with a maybe.

- The food at this restaurant was very good, I should explore this place better later!

- Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!

- Uhn?

Hearing a joke Wiliam turned his head and saw an ugly pigeon chick with a huge beak and crying for its mother on the floor.

He looked around for a nest but did not find it, so he approached the chick and picked it up.

- Well since nobody would take care of you I will take you home, maybe one day you will become a big pigeon!

Wiliam put him in his shirt and came home, at first his father and mother rejected the idea and said that the puppy had diseases and other things besides his mother being afraid of him because he was extremely ugly.

- Son, why don't we buy a dog or a cat? I think it's better than a pigeon!

- That's right, they will keep you company in addition to watching the house!

- I prefer the pigeon!

His parents were only able to give up after a while and accepted the baby pigeon, which now chirped happily when he received bread crumbs.


A few days later.

- Bicudo come here to eat!

- Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!

A bald, ugly bird ran quickly to a plate full of crumbs, Wiliam laughed at that scene and played with the pigeon a little before leaving the house.

- It's time to start working!

Wiliam checked his suitcase, there was a blue ninja suit that he sewed and taking off the demonic mask, everything looked just like Lin kuei clothes.

> Now that the cold war is starting, both Americans and Russians are planting spies in their cities.

He went into an alley and put on his clothes, then climbed the walls and started stealthily heading for a certain building under construction.

> This is the best time to profit as a murderer and informant!

Wiliam was planning to make a name for himself in the criminal underworld, but without contacts it is difficult to get started in this business but now that the spies from both countries are acting he can find several potential negotiators.


He jumped in the direction of the building under construction and dived into an open window on the second floor.

Wiliam observed the surroundings before moving stealthily through the building, there were some armed guards disguised as workers at the site but were unable to notice it.

20 minutes later he managed to enter a hidden trapdoor where he had to knock out a guard and drag him into an empty room.

- Let's see, that Russian spy must be somewhere down here!

Wiliam continued walking around, there were heavy-armed guards down there and they were properly equipped, but that was not a problem for Wiliam.



He found a room with several people and radios passing on information, there were dozens of encrypted messages on the tables, he watched the place for a while until he found the spy he discovered a few days ago.

Seeing that his target was occupied he moved away from the room and went to another room.

- That was the information I got!

- great agent Petrov, keep gathering information by hanging up!

Putting the phone back on the table, Agent Petrov left the command room and headed for his room at the base, he greeted some guards on the way until he reached his office and entered.


He went in and closed the door and then turned on the light, but a figure was sitting in his chair.

- Hello Agent Petrov!

The agent tried to draw his gun but before he could get his hand on it ice shurikens hit his clothes and nailed him to the door.

- Calm down and don't shout, I'm here to negotiate!

Wiliam slowly approached Petrov, who was now sweating, thinking of ways to escape without dying.

- If you would like to negotiate why you did not come through the front door, it is not very polite to enter without warning at the house of others!

- I did it as proof of my skills, but changing the subject sit down!

Ting! Ting! Ting!

The ice shurikens fell to the floor, releasing the doorman who sat on the other chair in the room, in his mind even though the small man in front of him was an enemy, it was still worth being sure.

- So what would you like to negotiate?

- Well, I'm a mercenary and my specialties are murder, gathering and information and theft!

- Oh, why did you come to me for what reason?

- I wanted to see if you had any work for me!

- Eh?

Petrov was surprised, he did not think that the small man in front of him was bothering to invade this place just to look for a job.

- Besides, you better reinforce your security. I invaded this place in less than an hour!

- I see, quite frankly I have some jobs for you but I need my superior's authorization!

- Oh, in that case put a blue cloth on the top floor of the building when you want to talk to me!

Wiliam got up and went out the door shortly thereafter, the moment the door closed Petrov left the room and looked out for Wiliam but did not find him and went towards the command room to talk to his superior about him and the weak security.


3 days later.

Wiliam looked at the building where the Russian base of operations was, at a glance he could see that they would sneak the base's location and leave that place behind only as bait.

Focusing on the top floor of the building, he saw that a blue cloth was tied there and smiled a little.

- Great, it's time for my first job!