
Sub zero in MCU

Our mc died and found God who gave him a wish. Our MC chose to have the powers and techniques of sub-zero God then sent him to Marvel. If I write a wrong event just treat it like errors in the universe and don't keep playing in my face.

patinhoDEUSVULT · Movies
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41 Chs


Oh guys here is the author, I'm here to talk.


Like I was super excited to watch the movie, I thought there were going to be high characters dying and such and the fight between Sub-zero and Scorpion would last for about 20 minutes with both of them drawing blood and killing themselves mercilessly.

But no, the protagonist there took away the power of friendship and used it to win the tournament and not only that, but only Kung Lao died and it was silly because I could have saved him, there it comes to the final part of the fight between Scorpion and Sub-zero and they give me a fight scene well done but with horrible 3D effects and the fight was still short.

And at the end of the day Scorpion still saves the family of the protagonist who was frozen!

Exactly they were in Captain America mode and still lived!

Simply put, I'm really pissed off, expect something like Akame ga Kill with people dying everywhere blood and guts and fucking powers with an incredible script, but then Warner and put a director who has never made a film in the life of a small budget and an even shorter deadline!

Outburst made and a detail Wiliam's brother is not a reincarnate but he has a special surprise in him!

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A few days later.

After the conversation that took place James stayed a little down for a few days but he got over it and all night now he prays for the rest of both his fallen comrades and the enemies he killed.

Wiliam seeing his father praying in the bedroom gave a small smile.

> Respect for our enemies is the least we can provide!

Mentally saying these words he went to his room to put on his ninja clothes, he received two contracts one from the Russians to kill a detective who is giving him trouble and an American contract to kill a Russian agent who was going to negotiate with the local gangs to work with them.


A blue ninja passed quickly through the streets of New York at night, in the streets below several police vehicles were moving quickly towards a location.

- It looks like the plan will work!

Wiliam made an anonymous report about a man with a suspicious suitcase in an alley, according to the file he read about the detective he will always be on site to ensure that the site has been properly searched.

And he was not wrong, so a police car a little different from the rest moved quickly.

A man wearing a suit and wearing a mobster hat got out of the car, Wiliam seeing his target formed an arc of ice in his hands and slowly pulled the arrow.

- So something?

- Nothing strange, sir, I think it was false information!

- False information or do not go through everything!

- Yes sir!



The policeman who had just turned on his back heard a tinny noise behind him and turned to look.

- Sir!!!

There was the detective on his knees spitting blood with an arrow engraved in his heart.

- Doctor!

- My god, central here is the ....!

Wiliam, seeing his eliminated target, did not wait any longer and left the place for his next task.

- I have to think about what to say to Petrov when he finds the body of his frozen agent!

However one thing caught his attention as he ran quickly through the buildings, in a more distant area a building was on fire and there was a man burned in front of the door in his last breaths.

This of course would not be enough to get Wiliam's attention but his eyes were focused on something else, in front of the burned man a man in a suit appeared from the air and crouched in front of him while speaking a few words.

> It's not who I'm thinking it is, is it?

However, Wiliam's hunch came true when a contract appeared in the hands of the man in the suit and made what he was lying down to sign in blood.

- Shit, that's Mephistopheles!

Wiliam did not stay another second in the area and left the area immediately, he was not yet ready to face the Devil himself.

At that moment the man in the suit stood up and looked in the direction that Wiliam had left, he stayed like that for a while before giving a small smile that revealed his demonic mouth.

- Well, Well, It looks like a mortal saw what I was doing I think he better be eliminated!

On his back the man who was originally burned stood up, his hair was turning red and big fangs grew in his mouth and fire started to come out of his hands and body.

- Could you please eliminate it for me?

- Roarr!

The new demon gave a satisfied smile and wings started to come out of his back.

Crack! Crack! Crack!


After a few sounds of bones breaking, a pair of demonic wings emerged from his back, the demon hit them just before flying in the direction that Wiliam went.

- Let the hunt begin, Hahahaha!

The devil slowly disappeared into the air as he gave a frightening and hideous laugh.